
Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No P-300 At Eme Zone At Kalimpong Mil Stn Under Ge 867 Ews, kalimpong-West Bengal

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No P-300 At Eme Zone At Kalimpong Mil Stn Under Ge 867 Ews. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-10-2024. Building Work Tenders in kalimpong West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No P-300 At Eme Zone At Kalimpong Mil Stn Under Ge 867 Ews
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Special Repairs To Bldg No P-300 At Eme Zone At Kalimpong Mil Stn Under Ge 867 Ews- 1 Dismantling of plain or corrugated steel sheeting, any gauge and thickness including Nainital or similar pattern roof coverings complete all as specified and directed. 2 S&F Pre- painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based steel sheet of approved profile of corrugation, 0.50 mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/ cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 3 S&F Pre- painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based plain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering, eaves board, ridges, hips,valley gutters, drip and straight flashing cladding to wall etc, fixed with self tapping screws all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 4 Dismantling wall and ceiling boards (fiber, pulp, insulation etc) or insulation boards/slabs/blankets, any thickness including cover fillet complete all as specified and directed. 5 Dismantling timber scantlings 40 Sqcm and over in section, in any position (framed work) all as specified and directed. 6 S&F false ceiling with powder coated exposed GI grid suspension system (E-Grid T-2430 or equvalent load carrying capacity with mid span deflection not exc. 1/360 span with hanger spacing of 1200mm c/c) consisting of main runner 3600mm long, cross Tee 1200mm/600mm long and wall angle. The main runners to be placed @ 1200mm, the cross Tee 1200mm will be inserted in the pre cut slots of main runner at a regular interval of 600mm to form a modular grid of 1200mmX600mm. Additional cross Tees of 600mm shall be placed perpendicular to the cross tee 1200mm long to finally form a grid of 600mmX600mm. Suspensorsystem (Grid) madeout of GI sheet main Tee of size 23.5mmx38.50mmX0.36mm and cross Tee of size 23.5mmX23.5mmX0.36mm and angle size 19mmx19mmX0.36 mm. Grid of modular size 600mmX600mm shall be supported by 4 mm dia G.I. wire from purlins/soffit with and including 4mm thick high pressure steam cured non asbestos fiber cement designer ceiling board (Density>1200Kg/Cum) of size 595mmX595mm, confirming IS 14862 & Type B Category III of ISO 8336, tested as per AS 1530 part 3 & BS-476 Part 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, complete all as per manufacturers instruction. (Make : Everest or equvalent as approved by GE) 7 Dismantling wrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided all as specified and directed. 8 S&F of joist, channel, angle, or tee sections, fixed independently, without connecting plates, etc confirming to Fe 410-W (gde 250 quailty A) complete all as specified and directed. 9 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding but not backing, removing rubbish off the complete all as specified and directed. 10 M&L for non skid ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thick premium quality conforming to relevant IS (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.06 sqm but not exceeding 0.11 sqm in floors etc set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the surfaces of tile over and including 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. 11 M&L Glazed ceramic coloured tiles size 350x 250x 7 mm / 450X 350X 7mm thick setas in vertical surface such as risers of steps, skirting, dado etc, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the surface of tile over and including 15 mm thick rendering in CM (1:4) finished even and rough complete all as specified and directed. 12 Demolition of cement concrete (unreinforced)of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for complete all as specified and directed. 13 M&L for 75 mm thick cementconcrete(1:3:6) type C-2 (using40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in plinth protection/path laid to slope of 1 in 12 and finishingcement concrete surface even and smooth without using extra cement with and including all necessaryform work to divide the area in panels, finishingexposededges fair or rounding or chamfering of exposed edgescomplete all as specified and directed. 14 M/L for 10 mm thick rendering inCM (1:3) on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces of internal walls in sunken slab finished even and fair with WPC.(WPC measured separately). 15 M&L for first layer of slurry of cement at the rate of 0.488Kg/Sqm mixed with acrylic based polymer modified cementitous composite compound at the rate of 0.253kg/Sqm this layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours,second layer of slurry of cement at the rate 0.242 kg/Sqm mixed with acrylic based polymer modified cementitous composite compound at the rate of 0.126 kg/Sqm.this layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed with water curing for 48 hours including 200 micron thick polythene film pasted with the help of adhesives shall be provided over above treatment.NOTE:The rate includes preparation of surface,treatment and sealing of all joints,corners,junctions of pipes and masonary within polymer mixed slurry.This treatment shall be provided after provision of pipes and masonary within polymer mixed slurry.This treatment shall be provided afterprovision of cement plaster mixed with WPC and synthetic fibers while concrete is still green complete all as specified and directed by Eng-In-Charge.Make: STP/Dr Fixit sunken treatment/psdilite eqavalent. 16 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in surface channels, drains including all necessary form work complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30 cm inner girth in cement concrete, using extra cement, including forms, moulds, mitred/ stopped ends etc complete all as specified and directed. 18 Taking down cementplaster on brickor stone masonrysurfaces of walls etc includingrakingout joints, hackingfor key, scrubbingdown with wateretc complete all as specified and directed. 19 M&L for 15 mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar (1:6 ) (finished even and fair) , complete complete all as specified and directed. 20 M&L 15 mm thick rendering on fair faces of brick work or concrete surface in cement mortar (1:4) on external wall finished even and fair mixed with integral water proofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement or in the manner specified by the manufacturer and in the proportions indicated all as specified and as directed. Note:-WPC will be measured and paid separately as supply only. 21 Supplyonly integral water proofing compond all as specified and as directed. 22 M&L for 5 mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:3) on concrete surfaces as on ceiling /chajja and RCCsurfaces,finished fair and even without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 23 M&L for two coats of oil bound distemper over acoat of priming coat on newly prepared wall surfaces,including 1 mm thick layer of wall care putty (Birla white or equivalent)all as specified and directed.. 24 M&L scrapping of existing treatment and applying two coats of 1mm thick (each layer) of wall care putty (Birla white or equivalent) and then applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of priming coat after preparation of wall surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 25 M&L preparation of new plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls and applying three coats of white wash on walls complete all as specified and directed. 26 M&L for preparation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of wall and applying one coat of white wash as in wall complete all as specified and directed. 27 M&L for preparation of new plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceiling and applying three coats of white wash as in ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 28 M&L for preparation of old plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceiling and applying one coat of white wash as in ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 29 M&L for preparation on newly plastered / previously untreated surfaces of wall and applying two coats of cement base paing complete all as specified and directed. 30 M&L preparation of old decorated surfaces of walls, chajjas andapplying two coats of cement base paint complete all as specified and directed. 31 Demolition of brick work or stone/boulder masonary, built in lime mortar including all quions, arches, pillars etc, but excluding ashler facings, dressed stone work and precast concrete articles. 32 M&L forbrick work withsub classB bricks , usingold sizebricks, straight or curvedon plan exc 6 m meanradius built in cement mortar(1:6) complete all as specified and directed. 33 Taking down shutters of any description exc 1 sqm and n exc 2 sqm each and refixing in same opening after Resecuring or easing & adjusting complete all as specified. 34 Taking down chowkhatsor frame not exc 1.50 sqm each with shutter (without taking off shutters from the frame) complete all as specified and directed. 35 Taking down chowkhatsor frame exc 1.50 andnot exc 4 sqm each with shutter (without taking off shutters from the frame) complete all as specified and directed. 36 S&F 2nd class hard woodplain, solid, straightchowkats and frames, wrought, framed rebated on the solid, rounded or chamfered , put together with glue, pinned at joints complete all as specified and directed. 37 S&Fpressed steel frame of size 125 x 60mm for door with one or more rebates including necessary fixing, lugs, hinges,lock ,strike plate, etc complete all as specified. 38 S&Fpressed steel frame of size 105 x 60mm for door with one or more rebates including necessary fixing, lugs, hinges,lock ,strike plate, etc complete all as specified. 39 S&F 35 mm thick second class hard wood, plain, framedpanelled shutters (any number of panels), with panels of 12 mm thick timber flat on both sides(feather edged), or of 12mm thick veneered particle board medium density wood particle board with commercial face veneers complete all as specified and directed. (Note :- The dimension of the various components or parts of shutters shall be as specified in clause 8.24 (a) of MES SSR 2009 Part I) 40 S&F35 mm thick second class hard wood,glazed and Skelton shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauge, etc , divided into squares, with plain chamfered or rounded, mitred and rebated sash bars, edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded with cut mitred beds for securing glass etc, supplied and fitted to chowkhats completeall as specified and directed. (Note :- The dimension of the various components or parts of shutters shall be as specified in clause 8.24 (a) of MES SSR 2009 Part I) 41 S&F of solid PVC door frame of size 50 mm x 47 mm made out of 5 mm thick plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube as per specification and drawingcomplete all as specified and directed. 42 S&F for factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails. M.S. frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail; Panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading, and joined together with solvent cement, suppling & fixing in the frame at site as per specification & drawingcomplete all as specified and directed. 43 S&Fsteel window with side hung shutter, including box type hinges with steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete with glazing bars, dovetailed or welded complete all as specified. 44 S&Fsteel window with side hung shutter, including box type hinges with steel handle, and steel peg stay, complete without glazing bars, dovetailed or welded complete all as specified. 45 S&F steel ventilator with top hung shutter including hinges, steel peg stay, complete completeall as specified and directed. 46 S&F steel window or ventilator fixed type with glazing bar complete completeall as specified and directed. 47 S&F mild steel framed work such as grills, grating etc with end of bars shouldered and/ or riveted or forged into spikes, framed guard bars,barred iron doors, ladders, framed balusters, walk ways, railings and similar work confirming to Fe-410-0 or Fe 310-0 complete all as specified and directed. 48 M&L for 18/19 mm thick Block boards, grade 2 quality, interior grade, decorative type with decorative face veneer on one face, all as specified and directed. 49 M&L for external teak wood lipping, 6mm thick fixed with nails for 19 mm thick Prelaminated particle board faces all as specified and directed. 50 M&L for 12 block boards, grade 2 quality, interior grade, commercial type, fixed with screws to timber frame-work complete all as specified and directed. 51 M&L external teak wood lipping, 6 mm thick on exposed surface for 12 mm thick prelaminated particle board fixed with nails complete all as specified and directed. 52 S&F in repair of small fittings such as brackets of any type latch and hinge block, shaped door window stops and the like in second class hard wood article not exc 200 cu, cm each complete all as specified and directed. 53 S&F in repair 50 mm sizebutt hinges, medium weight , coldrolled, mild steel complete all as specified and directed. 54 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 (using20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, steps; seismic and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, lacing courses, parapets and railings upto 60 cm in height, copings, hold fast, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, kerbs not provided for in Item 04028, water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating, as directed as required complete all as specified and directed. 55 S&F 100 mm sizebutt hinges, medium weight ,stainlesssteel complete all as specified and directed. 56 S&F 100 mm sizebutt hinges, medium weight , coldrolled, mild steel and fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed. 57 S&F of continuous (piano) hinges mild steel bright finish or electro galvanised 30 mm width of flaps complete all as specified and directed. 58 S&F of 150 mm long aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolt, of extruded section and fixed all as specified and directed. 59 S&F of 150 mm long aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolt, of extruded section and fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed. 60 S&F of 200 mm long aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolt, of extruded section and fixed all as specified and directed. 61 S&F of 200 mm long aluminium, anodised, barrel tower bolt, of extruded section and fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed. 62 S&F 125 mm size Aluminium handles, cast type, anodisedandall as specified and directed. 63 S&F 150 mm size Aluminium handles, cast type, anodisedand all as specified and directed. 64 S&F 150 mm size Aluminium handles, cast type, anodisedand fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed. 65 S&F of 250 mm long aluminium alloy, anodised slidingdoor bolts with haps staple(bolt type), and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruted sections and fixing bolt and sliding bolts of extruted sections or cast aluminium alloy and fixed completeall as specified and directed. 66 S&F of 300 mm long aluminium alloy, anodised slidingdoor bolts with haps staple(bolt type), and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruted sections and fixing bolt and sliding bolts of extruted sections or cast aluminium alloy and fixed in repair completeall as specified and directed. 67 S&F of 100 mm size haps and staple, safety type, aluminium anodised with mild steel hinge pin including bolt to hinge plate and fixed with screw complete all as specified and directed. 68 S&F Stainless steel wire cloth 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40 mm and fixed with tinned tacks or galvanised wire staples complete all as specified and directed. 69 S&F in repair Stainless steel wire cloth 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40 mm and fixed with tinned tacks or galvanised wire staplescomplete all as specified and directed. 70 S&F Harrison rails, mild steel, chromium plated with fixing brackets, stops, Knobs and rollers etc. complete all as specified and directed. 71 Hacking out old broken glass (any thickness, size, qualityor description) from metal frame including punching or drilling out old glazing pins/spring clips and providing and fixing new ones complete all as specified and directed. 72 S&F 3 mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality and glazing with oil puttyin square not exc 0.50 sqm in each pane complete all as specified and directed. 73 S&F 4 mm thick figured glass, pin head type and glazing with oil puttyin square not exc 0.50 sqm in each pane complete all as specified and directed. 74 M&L preparation of new wooden surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 75 M&L preparation of old wood or wood based surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth not otherwise described and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 76 M&L preparation of new steel surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth not otherwise described and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide complete all as specified and directed. 77 M&L preparation of old steel surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth not otherwise described and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F in repairPVClow level flushing cistern 10 Ltr capacity, valveless syphonic action type complete with inlet, ball valve, float valve, bends brackets, rawl plug, brass screws handle etc complete having BIS description mark with IS-2731 with and including suitable size of MS brackets, plug, screw all as required incl taking down existing high level/low level flushing cistern any type disconnecting pipes and jointing with new one etc, and making good the floors/walls as per existing floor finish/wall finish including 32 mm bore PVC flush pipe and jointing with water closet of any type all as specified and directed. 79 S&F in repairs water closet (squatt pattern) of vitreous china squatting pan of pattern ORRISA pattern size 580 x 440 mm white with integral foot rests (excluding flushing cistern and flush pipe) including connection to trap and flushing pipe anti syphonic pipe etc complete including P or S trap set in and including necessary lean cement concrete complete all as specified and directed. 80 S&F in repairs vitreous china wash basin white of any pattern,flat back of size 450X300 mm (excluding taps), waste, chain and plug including waste pipe ,suitable size of brackets and making good the damaged walls as per existing wall finish complete all as specified and directed. 81 S & F in repair pillar tapFancy Type cast copper alloy 15mm bore with capstan head, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure, with or with out lettered Hot or Cold with long screw shank and fly nuts, screwed for iron pipes. 82 S&F in repairs of 1mm thick stainless steel sink with drainage board kitchen or laboratory type with waste pipe, plugs, washers and wastes, including bedding in cement mortar to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe over all size of sink 915mm x 460mm and bowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm complete all as specified and directed. 83 S&F 40mm waste coupling of CP (half or full threaded) . (Minimum weight 60 gms) complete all as specified and directed. 84 Demolition of Stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc. laid bedded and pointed in any mortar all as specified and directed. 85 M & L Granite (of any type) work 20 mm thick (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed by Engr - in - Charge. 86 S&F in repairs 600X450 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, of any size mounting on 6 mm thick AC building board or commercial ply wood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers, with and including aluminium edging around of mirror complete all as specified and directed. 87 S&F in repair Brass chromium plated shower rose with or without swivel joints 125 mm size , including fixing to steel pipe or unioncomplete all as specified and directed. 88 S&F in repair 15 mm bore PVC connection 450 mm long with two brass chromium plated brass nuts and PVC washers complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F in repairs angle, stop valve 15 mm bore, chromium plated, fancy type, with wall flange, screwed down, high pressure with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 90 Taking up or down 15 mm bore old steel tubing and connections, including disconnection of fittings from tubing including cleaning for re-fixing or removal from site complete all as specified and directed. 91 S&F of 15 mm bore tubes medium grade galvanised with and incl all GI fitting (such as bends, elbows, Tees, connectors, short pieces,back nuts, unions, caps and plug etc ) and fixed complete to wall and ceilingor laid in/on floor complete all as specified and directed, 92 M&L for cutting chases, pinning in. making good to facings where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ends or edges of landings, steps, cills, sunshades, shelves, lintels, etc.; and cutting chases for concealed water tubing or concealed conduit wiring, etc., and making good, cutting not exc 10 cm girth on stone walls complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&F in repair 15 mm bore chromium plated bib tap fancy type with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 94 S&F in repairs grating doom 100 mm dia of PTMT (Minimum weight 25 gms) complete all as specified and directed. 95 S&F kitchen plate rack made out of stainless steel 0.50 mm thick sheet with partitions and size of rack 800 x 250 x900 mm with shape and pattern as per sample kept in Sample room of GE Officecomplete all as specified and directed. 96 S&Fbrass chromium plated tubular towel rail of 20 mm dia D type 60cm long between flanges complete all as specified and directed. 97 S&F in repairs 75 mm size PVC (SWR) floor trap plain with grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 98 S & F in repair SWG gully trap size 150 x 150 mm square or round mounted type ‘S’, setting and jointed with solvent cement complete all as specified. 99 S&F sheet glass shelf assembly consisting of 5.5 mm thick sheet glass shelf 12cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and railing 60cm long complete all as specified and directed. 100 S&FSoap dish, CP, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws complete all as specified and directed. 101 Demolition and breaking up old broken , PVC (SWR) , Cast Iron, AC, SWG soil waste and vent pipe of 75/100/110 mm bore including accessories set in cement mortar and removing rubbish from site as directed by Engineer-in-Charge complete all as specified and directed. 102 S&F in repair110 mm PVC (SWR) drain pipe single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F in repair75 mm PVC (SWR) drain pipe single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed. 104 S&F of 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) bend any radius complete all as specified and directed. 105 S&F of 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) bend any radius with access door complete all as specified and directed. 106 S&F of 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) bend any radius complete all as specified and directed. 107 S&F of 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) bend any radius with access door complete all as specified and directed. 108 S&F of 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) junction single (Single T) equal or unequal with access door jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 109 S&F of 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) junction single (Single T) equal or unequal with access door jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 110 S&F of 110 X 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) reducer including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 111 S&F of 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) vent cowlincluding jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 112 Taking up or down 20 mm bore old steel tubing and connections, including disconnection of fittings from tubing including cleaning for re-fixing or removal from site complete all as specified and directed. 113 S&F of 20 mm bore tubes medium grade galvanised with and incl all GI fitting (such as bends, elbows, Tees, connectors, short pieces,back nuts, unions, caps and plug etc ) and fixed complete to wall and ceilingor laid in/on floor complete all as specified and directed, 114 M&L for coloured & polished Chequered cement concrete tiles 30cm x 30cm x 25mm thick,set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry over 20mmscreed bed or bedding layer in Cement Mortar (1 : 6 ) complete all as specified and directed by Engr - in - Charge. 115 Taking down unserviceable copper/aluminium point wiring of any description including all fittings (switch , socket, switch socket combination, lamp holder, ceiling rose, regulator etc.) and making good disturbed surfaces of wall, floor etc. to match with existing finishes complete all as specified and as directed. 116 Dismantling and taking down unserviceable main switches, DBs including sub main wiring etc. any type / size and making good disturbed surfaces to match with the existing finishes complete all as specified and as directed. 117 Material and labour for point wiring with 1.5 Sqmm (nominal area) PVC insulated un - sheathed single core multi stranded copper conductor FRLS cable 1100 volts grade (conforming to IS) drawn through and includingrigidnonmetallic PVC conduit not less than 20mm dia, medium grade with all necessary fittings, Concealed wiring , for light /Bell point controlled by one switch including 1.5 Sq mm PVC insulated copper stranded conductor for earth continuity conductor and connected to earth dolly and to be terminated in 1.6 mm thick pressed steel terminal boxes/ on PVC Boxes (concealed type in permanent bldg and surface in temporary bldg or as directed )for mounting fittings like switch, socket, fan regulator etc. with 3 mm thick laminatedbakelite sheet cover ,for housing switches, socket outlet, regulator etc. complete all as specified or directed including testing on completion. 118 All as per item No.117 here-in-before but One bell point controlled by one switch. 119 All as per item No.117 here-in-before but One 3 pin socket outlet 5/6 Amps on the same board with other switchs with cables 1.5 Sqmm size. 120 All as peritem No.117 here – in – before but for one 3 / 5 -pin switch socket outlet 5/6 amps on independent board. 121 All as per item No.117 here – in – before but for one switch socket outlet 15/16 Amps on independent board with 2.5Sqmm multi stranded and 2.5 Sq mm stranded (for earth) PVC insulated un-sheathed copper cable. 122 Supply and fix Bell push button5 Amp, flush type complete all as specified. 123 Supply and fix Bell, Ding Dong electric AC 230 Volts single pole complete all as specified and as directed. 124 Supply and fix switch piano flush button, single pole, 5/6amps, one way all as specified and as directed. 125 Supply and fixing lamp/angle holder insulated body with back plate for batten fitting all as specified and as directed. 126 S & F inLED retro fit lamp B-22holder base with poly carbonate body and aluminium heat shrink of9Wcomplete CAT Part No : LHLDDBEBBI8R009 of havells or Equivalent of Crompton/Philips. 127 Supply and fix switch socket combination 2 – in – one, 3 Pin / 5 Pin, 5/6amps flush type all as specified and as directed. 128 Supply and fixing switch socket combination 2 – in – one 6 Pin , 6 / 16 amps flush type universal all as specified and as directed. 129 Supply & Fixing ceiling rose surface bakelite 65 X 50 mm three terminal all as specified and as directed. 130 Supply and fixing LEDtube lights fitting, 4 feet long 1x 18W, 220V, AC decorative box type with holder including Removable poly cabonate LED tube light with inbuilt driver connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete. 131 Supply and fixing Decorative, wall mounting, made up of Polycarbonate body suitable for 10 W LED lamp (B-2 base), Cat part No LHDL06160099 Model CITY - 3 Make-Havells or equivalent model of Philips/Bajaj /Crompton. 132 Supply and fixing LED building security light fitting 35 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete with IP 65/66 protection complete all as specified and as directed. 133 S & F LED light fitting 1x9W/1X10W IP66 & IK09 integral LED Bulkhead luminaires including LED light driver holder connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable sizeincluding taking down old unserviceable fitting complete all as specified and as directed. 134 S&F metal plug socket single pole and neutral encloser with two pin earth plug with 01 No MCB SP 20 Amp, C series complete all as specified and as directed. 135 S&FTPN DB with suitable for TPN MCBincomer, double door (IP-54), 4 Ways, built- in 200 Ampsbusbar for neutral linkcomplete suitable for 415 Volts, AC, 50 Hz, concealed in wall complete all as specified and as directed. 136 Supply and fixing Sheet metal enclouser Double door for MCB DB,s Phosphatised Powder Painted with bus bar 200 Amps rated Single pole and neutral linkof 8 way 240 Volts AC, concealed in wall complete all as specified and as directed. 137 Supply and fixing 415V 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of TPN 40 To 100 AMP in the DB complete with connection testing and commissioning all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 138 Supply and fixing amp rating 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of SPN 40 to 63 AMP and current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete with connection testing and commissioning complete all as specified and as directed. 139 Supply and fixing amp rating 240V, 10KA C curve miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of SP 5 To 32 AMP and current carrying capacity in the MCB DB complete with connection testing and commissioning complete all as specified and as directed. 140 M&L in repairs for sub main wiring along with earth wire of size two run of4 sq mm + one run of 4 Sq mm earth wire single core PVC insulatedcable with stranded copper conductor FRLS includingdrawinginto 25 mm rigid non-metalic PVC conduit concealed in wall/roof .(Note Three run of 4 Sqmm including one run of25 mm rigid non-metalic PVC conduit shall be measured as one unit length including taking down of old servicible sub main wiring. 141 M&L in repairs for sub main wiring along with earth wire of size two run of6 sq mm + one run of 6 Sq mm earth wire single core PVC insulatedcable with stranded copper conductor FRLS includingdrawinginto 25 mm rigid non-metalic PVC conduit concealed in wall/roof .(Note Three run of 6 Sqmm including one run of25 mm rigid non-metalic PVC conduitshall be measured as one unit length including taking down of old servicible sub main wiring. 142 Supply and Fixing exhaust fan, steel body AC single Phase. 230V of size 300mm sweep with, blades, and frame and louvers complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 143 Supply and fix electric water heater, storage type steel body with copper inner tank and heating element upto 2 KW capacity 25 litre, BEE 5 Star rated complete with all accessories such as safety valve, thermostate, NRV, connection piece etcincluding taking down old u/s Geaser & deposit to MES Store complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 144 Taking down Electric KWH meterand keep in safe custody and refixing the sameas including necessary electric connection from main to KWH meter and KWH meter to out going distribution board. 145 Earthing completewith galvanizedsteelearthplateelectrode600 x 600 x 6 mmburieddirectlyinground( earthpitnotlessthan2.25 mdeepbellowgroundlevel )withtopedgeoftheplatenotlessthan1.5 m bellownormalgroundlevel, connectedtogalvanizedearthlead wire 4 mmdia.bymeansof galvanizedironorsteelbolts , nuts , check nuts andwashers, andconnectedto equipmentsasdirected,includingfunnelwithGI med grade wateringpipe20 mmbore , wiremesh ,charcoalorcokeandcommonsaltinalternatelayersof15 cmcompactedthicknessallaroundtheearthelectrode ,withconcretepitinPCC1 :3:6type C-1 , 50 mmthickprecastRCC1 : 2 : 4typeB-1 coverslabreinforcedwith8 mmdiadeformedbar15 cm C/Candsuitablehandleof 10 mmdia roundbar,GI medium grade pipe for earth lead protectionincludingnecessaryexcavationearthworkinsoft/loosesoilanddisposalofspoiltoadistancen.exc.50 mandnecessarytestingcompleteallasshownonelectricalplateNo. 5ofMESSSRPart-I and as directed. 146 Excavation in trenches/ foundation in soft/ loose soil not exc. 1.5 metre wide and nexc. 1.50m deep for LT under ground cable/pole foundationand getting out including forming bottom surface to required level or slope, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in- Charge 147 Returning, filling in, including spreading , leveling , watering and well ramming in layer not exceeding 25cm each layer all as specified. 148 Removing excavated material not exceeding 50M and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 metre above the starting pointcomplete all as specified. 149 Sand cushioning to underground cables provided with a layer of sand 8cm thick before laying the cable in trenches and 15cm thick after laying the cable in trenches complete all as specified. 150 M&L Sub class ‘B’bricks for covering to cable laid dry flat ,with width equal to the length of brick. 151 Material and labour for cable XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armored, electric power cables (heavy duty 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 25Sqmm 4 Core, including glands, lugs, nut, bolts, washers as required at site, testing complete all as specified and directed. 152 S & F Steel pipe glavanized lightgrade of 40 mm dia laid in trenches or under ground/floor or road of fixed with pole for protection of cable/ Earth sstrip including clams with bolts nuts and wasers complete ass as specifed. 153 Cutting through existing bituminous road /PCC/floor/approx size width 50cm X 60cmdepth along cross section of the road for laying of GI tubing/RCC pipe for encasing of cable and repairing the road to match with the original finish, M&L complete all as specified. 154 Note: In case doubling/duplicancy of BOQ items , the lowest quoted rate shall be applicable for payment.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 11-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 76500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 38.25 Lakhs /-
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