Tender For Breakdown Major Repair And Replacement With Comprehensive Maintenance For 12 Months Through Year Of All Units At Goithaha Mps And Narokhar Ips Varanasi, 1 Breakdown & major repair / replacement with comprehensive maintenance for 12 months (through year) of all units at Goithaha MPS and Narokhar IPSVaranasi 2 Breakdown Maintenance of 120 MLD MPS Goithaha Inlet - Construction of shed for covering Gear Mechanism (3 x 3 X 3 Mtr Size ) and pathway (1.5 w x 8 L mtr) reachable to Screened material collective point of Trash Screen installed at Inlet RCC Pipe of 2400 mm dia with all safety measures. 3 Mechanical Coarce Bar Screen - Repairing/Replacement of Drive Unit,Rake assembly,Rake comb,Drive Shaft,Chain strand/link/special end/set , lower turn round/bearing, screen field support, chain guide set, scraper,torque switch Upper/Lower Sprocket, Top Bearing FYJ type of JASH make mechanical coarce bar screens with all safety measures. 4 RSP - Repairing/Replacement of Non Drive & Drive Bearings, oil seal,temp/oil seal leakage/ water leakage sensors & MPU as requirement after checking/ testing of 1250m3/hr discharge,25.34 mtr head Raw sewage Submercible pumps sets of 132 kw motor capacity AQUA Make with the help of lifting from pump well to pump house floor,checking/testing of all units, carting to workshop,dismentling,supply of required materials ,fitting/repairing ,drop out , testing and commissioning on load ,all cost of materials,labour ,T&P etc complete with all safety measures. 5 PMCC - SITC of Control Transformers(3 Nos) for isolation,Servicing of 3200 amp 4 P (3 Nos) and 3200/1600/800 amp 3P ACBs (7 Nos),MCBs( schnider/L&T make ACBs(18 Nos) of LT PMCC Panels & DGAMF/SYNPANEL,APFC Panels, and , SS Panels with required replacement of ventilation /multifunctional / indicating unitswith all safety measures. 6 DG Sets - Servicing of Greaves Crompton make 500 KVA DG Sets withreplacement of 24 V Batteries (6 Nos) air filter (outer and inner),super bypass filter,fuel filter,lub oil filter,lubrication oil, coolant oil and other required parts with complete servicing and testing on load at site. 7 Transformers -SITC of Bhucholze relay for T/F No-2 , Replacement of oil seal packing ,filling of required transformer oil during repairing / replacement/Centrifusing work , silica gel, nut bolt etc of 2.0 MVA 33/.415 KV Distribution Transformers and and other required parts with complete servicing and testing on load at site with all safety measures. 8 Breakdown Maintenance of 7.34 MLD IPS Narokhar units at Varanasi-Mechanical Coarce Bar Screen - Repairing/Replacement of Drive Unit,Rake assembly,Rake comb,Drive Shaft,Chain strand/link/special end/set , lower turn round/bearing, screen field support, chain guide set, scraper,torque switch Upper/Lower Sprocket, Top Bearing FYJ type of JASH make mechanical coarce bar screens with all safety measures. 9 RSP - Repairing/Replacement of Non Drive & Drive Bearings, oil seal,temp/oil seal leakage/ water leakage sensors & MPU as requirement after checking/ testing of 200m3/hr discharge,25.34 mtr head(3 Nos),95m3/hr discharge,25.34 mtr head(2 Nos) Raw sewage pumps sets of 27 kw(3 Nos) &12 kw(2 Nos) motor capacity with the help of lifting from pump well tofloor,checking/testing of all units, carting to workshop,dismentling,supply of required materials ,rewinding,fitting/repairing ,drop out , testing and commissioning on load ,all cost of materials,labour ,T&P etc complete with all safety measures. 10 DG Set - Servicing of Greaves Cotton make 160 KVA DG Sets with replacement of of 24 V Batteries (2 Nos) air filter (outer and inner),super bypass filter,fuel filter,lub oil filter,lubrication oil, coolant oil and other required parts with complete servicing and testing on load at site with all safety measures. 11 Comprehensive maintenance of all units(Inlet Trush screen, gates,mech screens, RSP, MPU,SSPanels, APFC Panels,AMF&SYN Panels,PMCC Panels,T/Fs,DGs, Lighting,Cables,Pipings,Valves,NRVs,Pressure Guages, Level Transmitter etcat Goithaha MPS Narokhar IPS with all safety measures. 12 SITC andcomprehensive maintenance of OCEMS installed at120 MLD Goithaha STP-Inlet -COD Sensor Calibration (O Ring) ,pH Sensor Robust digital pH/ORP sensor (SensoLyt® 700 IQ) including pH electrode (SensoLyt® SEAXylem make, Sensor Cable Sensor adapter cable for all IQ sensors, with IP 68 waterproof connection to the IQ SENSOR NET system. Cable length 7 m (23 ft) Xylem make,Outlet- DO Sensor Digital calibration free optical D.O. sensor (universal use). Optimized for monitoring/controlling the O2 input in wastewater treatment plants, for use with IQ SENSOR NET. Factory calibrated system composed of sensor FDO® 700 IQ and membrane cap SC-FDO® 700Xylem make , Sensor Cable Sensor adapter cable for all IQ sensors, with IP 68 waterproof connection to the IQ SENSOR NET system. Cable length 7 m (23 ft) Xylem make,pH Sensor Robust digital pH/ORP sensor (SensoLyt® 700 IQ) including pH electrode (SensoLyt® SEA) Xylem make,COD Sensor Calibration (O Ring) SITC andcomprehensive maintenance of OCEMS installed at120 MLD Goithaha STP-Inlet -COD Sensor Calibration (O Ring) ,pH Sensor Robust digital pH/ORP sensor (SensoLyt® 700 IQ) including pH electrode (SensoLyt® SEAXylem make, Sensor Cable Sensor adapter cable for all IQ sensors, with IP 68 waterproof connection to the IQ SENSOR NET system. Cable length 7 m (23 ft) Xylem make,Outlet- DO Sensor Digital calibration free optical D.O. sensor (universal use). Optimized for monitoring/controlling the O2 input in wastewater treatment plants, for use with IQ SENSOR NET. Factory calibrated system composed of sensor FDO® 700 IQ and membrane cap SC-FDO® 700Xylem make , Sensor Cable Sensor adapter cable for all IQ sensors, with IP 68 waterproof connection to the IQ SENSOR NET system. Cable length 7 m (23 ft) Xylem make,pH Sensor Robust digital pH/ORP sensor (SensoLyt® 700 IQ) including pH electrode (SensoLyt® SEA) Xylem make,COD Sensor Calibration (O Ring)