tender for Increasing Capacity of 33/11 KV Sub-station Fakharpur from (2X10 MVA to 2X10 MVA + 1X5 MVA),Distt- Bahraich & Jamunaha from (1X5 MVA to 2X5 MVA) , Distt- Srawasti area against B-Plan 2024-25 under Electricity Works Division, Gonda. All the following works will be execute as per RESSPO, U.P.P.C.L. drawing/norms., 1 Safe Loading carriage including unloading & proper stacking of following store S/S materials from ESC Bahraich to site of work. (40 Km Approx) (33/11 KV S/S Fakharpur) All the material in Item No.1.01 and 1.31 Shall be given by department and rest all the material including civil material will be arranged by the contractor himself. Any other material if required for completion of work which might not have been mentioned in bid document, shall be arranged by the contractor. 2 33 KV Pin Insulator 3 Disc Insulator B&S type 70 KN (Polymeric) 4 33 KV Line Isolator 5 33 KV Bus Isolator 6 33 KV VCB 800A, 750MVA 7 33 KV CT 200/100/1-1A 8 33 KV Control Pannel for Single T/F 9 33 KV Post Insulator 10 33 KV Lightenning Arrestor 11 90 LBS rail Piece for T/F 12 11 KV Incoming Switch gear 600/300/5AMP 13 11 KV Outgoing Switch gear 200/100/5A, 250 MVA 14 11 KV 3x300 mm2 XLPE cable 15 11 KV 3x120mm2 XLPE cable 16 STP 9 Mtr. long for street Light 17 ST Pole (11 Mtr long) 18 ST Pole (9 Mtr long) 19 ACSR DOG Conductor 20 SteelSections(M.S Channel, M.S. Angle, 32 mm Round Bar etc) 21 11KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x300sq.mm XLPE 22 11KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x300sq.mm XLPE 23 11KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x120sq.mm XLPE 24 11KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x120sq.mm XLPE 25 33 KV Control Pannel for single Feeder 26 M.S. Top Channal for 11 KV line 27 Bracing Angel for 11 KV Line 28 Stay Set for 11 KV Double Poles 29 11 KV Pin Insulator Polymeric 30 Earthing Rod 31 33 KV P.T. (Outdoor) (33 KV / 110 Volt) 32 33 KV Fuse Set 33 Safe Loading carriage including unloading & proper stacking of following store S/S materials from ESC Srawasti/JE store to site of work. (45 Km Approx) (33/11 KV S/S Jamunaha) All the material in Item No. 2.01 and 2.27 Shall be given by department and rest all the material including civil material will be arranged by the contractor himself. Any other material if required for completion of work which might not have been mentioned in bid document, shall be arranged by the contractor. 34 33 KV Bus Isolator 35 33 KV VCB 800A, 750MVA 36 33 KV CT 200/100/1-1A 37 Single T/F Control Pannel 38 33 KV Post Insulator 39 33 KV Lightenning Arrestor 40 90 LBS rail Piece for T/F 41 11 KV Incoming Switch gear 600/300/5A 42 11 KV Outgoing Switch gear 200/100/5A, 250 MVA 43 11 KV 3x300 mm2 XLPE cable 44 11 KV 3x120mm2 XLPE cable 45 ST Pole (11 Mtr long) 46 ACSR DOG Conductor 47 SteelSections(M.S Channel, M.S. Angle etc) 48 11 KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x300sq mm xlpe 49 11 KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x300sq mm xlpe 50 11 KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x120sq mm xlpe 51 11 KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x120sq mm xlpe 52 M.S. Angle Iron 65x65x6mm Bracing with 4 clamp 53 Top Channel 100x50mm with clamps 2240 mm. long 54 11 KV Disc. Insulator (Polymeric) 55 11 KV Pin Insulators (Polymeric) 56 Stay Set Complete 57 33 KV Fuse Set 58 11 KV Bus Coupler 59 33 KV P.T. (O/D) Type (33 KV/110 Volt) 60 33 KV Cantrol Pannal for single feeder 61 Construction of retaining wall arround the 33 KV switch yard insize (26+45) mtrx2 using first class bricks, Local rivers, sand and brick ballast which includes the followingworks (Including cost of 1st class brick, brick ballast sand/core sand cement etc.) 62 Excavation of earth in-foundation 63 Cement concrete in foundation in 1:5:10 ratio 64 First Class brick work in 1:6 ratio 65 Plaster Work 1:6 ratio 66 CC 1:2:4 ratio for grouting mid angles post for fencing 67 Fabrication of Switchyard fencing by welded mesh with gate in size (26+45)Mtr by 10 S.W.G. wire mess, MS Angle 50x50x6, MS flate 25x5 mm and 40x5 mm, its fitting tightening with nuts and bolt on the studs. Supported by drilling the required Pole along with febrication of 1 No. Gate m/o MS angle. 68 Earth Mat- Laying of earth mat in the Switchyard by laying of MS round bar of 32 mm Dia in 750 mm deep trenches and grounding of earth mat with MS Round bar 32 mm Dia 3 Mtr. Long earth electrode as per drawing. The work includes welding/ bolting of MS round bar, G.S. strip and connecting all steel structure in the switchyard with the earth mat by means of G.S. strips of size 50x6mm as per item below. 69 Digging of trench of size 500x750mm for laying of 32mm Dia MS round bar including refilling of earth and ramming the same after laying of MS round bar/G.S. strip 70 Laying and welding of lap joints of MS round bar of 32mm Dia with minimum 150mm overlaping. The MS round shall be welded on both side so as to fill the wedges completely using high quality Arc welding and good work Manship. The Joint shall be covered with black Bitumen Paint. 71 Fabrication of 32mm Dia MS round bar 3 Mtr long earth electrodes and driving them into ground so that tip of the electrodes remains atleast 750mm below the ground level and Jointing of earth electrodes 32mm Dia with the earth mat using high quality Arc welding and good workmanship. 72 Jointing of MS round bar 32mm Dia in earth mat at cross joints using high quality Arc welding. A 75mm piece of 32mm Dia MS round bar shall also be welded to make the joint strong for carrying fault current. The joints shall be covered with black Bitumen Paint. 73 Providing and laying of G.S. strip of size 50x6mm for connecting the earth mat with the super structure, Security fencing post, Including digging of trench 500x500,, bending, cutting, straightening and welding of the earth strip with the earth mat and various street structure using high quality Arc welding. The work include proper overlapping of the strip and jointing by welding . 74 Fabrication of Switchyard fencing by welded mesh with gate in size 25x30 Mtr by 10 S.W.G. wire mess, MS Angle 50x50x6, MS flate 25x5 mm and 40x5 mm, its fitting tightening with nuts and bolt on the studs. Supported by drilling the required Pole along with febrication of 1 No. Gate m/o MS angle. 75 Fabrication, Erection & Grouting of Sub Station Structure - 76 Terminal Gantry - Digging two No. pits of size 2.2 Mtrx .4MtrxD.75 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of trench and grouting of the two legs of the Terminal Gantry In CC ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge)in theratio1:3:6includingsupply of allT&Pshutreringetc.In a block of size, 2.2mtx 1.4 mtx 0.75 mtr. The workconsistofdragging, shifting up to 40 mtr raising and erecting the Two prefabricatedlegs ofterminal gantry in properalignment,level andplumb. Both the plinth ofthe TerminalGantry shall beproperly finishedwithchamperingof edges. 77 Bus Bar Gantry - Digging of 2 Nos Pits of size 2.2mtr x1.4mtr x 0.75 mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the trench and grouting of the two legs of the Bus Bar Gantry in CC ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20mm gauge) in the ratio 1:3:6 including supply of all T&P shuttering etc. in a block of size 2.2 mtr x1.4 mtr x O.75 mtr. The work consists of dragging, shifting up to 40 mtr raising and erecting the two pre fabricated legs of Bus Gantry in proper allingment level andplumb. Both the plinths of the Termainal Gantry shall be properly finished with champering of edges. 78 Bus Isolator, Line Isolator Structure & 33 KV fuse set Structure - Fabrication of isolator structures 3.5mtr in height as per drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x0.9 xO.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the isolator structure in CC (cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 mtx 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, shifting upto 40 Mtr., Raising and erecting the two legs with runner of Isolator in proper allingment level and plumb. Both Plinths of the Isolator structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges. 79 Lightening Arrestor Structure - Fabrication of Lightening Arrestor per respo drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.3 xO.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the above structure in CC (cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legswith Top frame above structures in proper allignment level and plumb. Both Plinths of the structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges etc. 80 Post Insulator, C.T. Structure & 33 KV P.T. Structure - Fabrication of Post Insulator per respo drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.3 x O.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the above structure in CC (cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, Shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legs with Top frame above structures in proper allingment level and plumb. Both Plinths of the structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges etc. 81 Plinth for 33 KV VCB - Construction of Plinth of 2.0X1.5X0.9(mtr) suitable for erection of super structure 33 KV VCB including grouting of Anchor boards in proper alligntment and level. Scope of work incluldes exvacation of foundation base concreting base CC 1:6:12(cement, Coarse sand and brick ballast) first class brick work in cement mortar of ratio 1:4 CC in ratio 1:4:8 and RCC work in ration 1:2:4(Cement, coarse sand and stone grid of 20 mm gaze) as per drawing. 82 Erection and Installation Of 33/11 KV 5 MVA Transformer 83 Erection and installation of 33/11 KV, 5 MVA Transformer in a leveled position on the Plinth. The work include shifting of transformer to the site of installation with in the Sub-Station premises, assembling, fixing and fitting of all accessories and filling of transformer oil to the desired level and ensuring that there is no leakage. 84 Fabrication and grouting of M.S. Angle 65x65x6 mm in L shape & in proper size and allignment to provide support for the two separate earthing strips for Power Transformer Neutral including supply & fixing of two Nos Flexible Copper bonds for neutral earthing. 85 Fabrication and erection of cable support made of two pieces of M.S. Strip 50x50x6 mm, 3.0 Mtr long joined to each other by means of 5 Nos M.S. Flat 5Ox6mm pieces of size 150 mm long each by welding at equal intervals as per drawing and grouting in a block of size 300 x 300 x 700 mm complete with one coat of ready mixed primer and two coats of Alluminum Paint. This includes providing of four Nos. M.S.clamp made of M.S. flat for holding the Cable including nuts and Bolts and fixing of XLPE cable. 86 Special Earthing by way of boring and lowering of B class G.I. pipe 50mm Dia, 20Mtr long from ground upto the water level and it will be connected to the G.S. strip size 50X6mm for transformer neutral connection. The earth strip will be welded to the G.I. Pipe. The work also includes Cap & Clamps for pouring water, the cost of all material with all labour & T&P etc. Complete in all respect. 87 Body earthing of 5 MVA T/F 88 Neutral of Transformer 89 33 KV C.T. 200/100/1-1A 90 Lightening Arrestor 91 11 KV Switchgears & 33 KV Countrol Pannel etc. 92 Installation of Isolators - Assembling and installation of line/Bus isolator on the Isolator structure, adjusting of opening mechanism in proper alignment so as to ensure smooth operation of the same. In case of line Isolator proper operation of earth links shall also be ensured. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 93 Installation of 33 KV Fuse set- Assembling & installation of 33 KV Fuse set on the fuse set structure. The work in cludes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 94 Installation of lightning Arrestors- Assembling and installation/ mounting of three Nos. Lightening Arrestors on the L.A. structure/ complete with making earth connection (Separate) and line connections. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 95 Installation of Post Insulator - Installation of 3 Nos Post Insulators on the post insulators. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required 96 Installation of CTs - Installation of 3 no. CTs of ratio 200/100/1 amp. On the Cts structure. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 97 Installation of 33 KV PT (O/D) Type- Installation of 03 Nos. P.T.s (33 KV/ 110 Volt) O/D Type on the P.T.s structure. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 98 Installation of VCB - Installation of 33 kv VCB 800 amp capacity complete in all respect including commissioning. 99 Installation of Switchgears & 11 KV Bus coupler in Control Room 100 Shifting, carefully and safely 11 KV Switchgear from out side of the , switch gear room, Including grouting the two Nos. 100x50x6mm channels pieces (each 800mm long including cutting to size) and, foundation Bolts in 1:2:4 CC(Including cutting of CC of the floor and finishing of Floor) as per direction of Engineer Incharge, Placing and fixing of switchgear on foundation providing nuts & bolt of proper size in proper position in the alignment and filling of oil in tank after cleaning and checking, complete work with mounting of P.T. on incoming S/G. 101 Fixing and making Bus Bar connection in between all switchgears after cleaning and tapping with H.T. tape, Empire tape and PVC tape properly Providing and fixing of 6mm thick bakelite seperators and plugging of all opening and holes with plastic compound. complete work including cost of all material (Except Copper Bus Bars) Strictly to the satisfaction of site incharge 102 Shifting carefully and installation of 33 KV VCB single transformer Control pannel & 33 KV Control Pannel For Single Feeder in control room including grouting of above and its proper connection. 103 Earthing of Switchgear/Structure 104 Earthing of all indoor equipment by providing and laying G.S. strip 50 x 6 mm including cutting, welding, bendingetc. 105 Providing and laying of G.S. strip of size 50x6mm for connecting the earth mat with the super structure as well as body and neutral of power T/F, 33 kv VCB, C.T. structure, L.A. structure, post insulator structure up to equipments including digging of trench 500x750mm (approx) deep till existing earth mat, bending, cutting, straightening and welding of the earth strip with the earth mat and various street structure using high quality Arc welding. The work include proper overlapping of the strip and jointing by welding . 106 Supply & Installation of 24 Volt 150 AH Battery and Battery Charger with cabinet including its commisioning. 107 H.T. Cable Laying 108 Laying & dressing of 11 KV, 3x300 Sq.mm XLPE Cable underground from 5 MVAT/F to 11 KV incoming switchgear in the trench 450mm wide, 900mm deep, providing 150mm fine sand cushion bench and 150mm fine sand cushion above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by 1st class bricks two either side and third on top of the cables. The cable shall be duly protected by 1st class bricks two either side and third on top of the cables, laid in series one after the other, the work includes supplying of fine sand and bricks, refilling and ramming of the left out soil, closing the trench and leveling. Spare cable shall be left and buried in the trench in the safe of rings at both ends. Cable laying work includes unrolling, cutting, meggering and sealing both end of the cable. 109 Laying & dressing of 11 KV, 3x120 Sq.mm ground cable in the trench 450mm wide, 900mm deep, providing 150mmfine sand cushion bench and 150mm fine sand cushion above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by1st class bricks two either side and third on top of the cables, laid in series one after the other, the work includes supplying of fine sand and bricks, refilling and ramming of the left out soil, closing the trench and leveling. Sparecable shall be left and buried in the trench in the safe of rings at both ends. For the protection of the cable 100mmDia G.I.pipe has to be worn on the Cable where the cable is to be laid across PUCCA/Main Road/ Nallah. Cable laying work includes supply of G.I.Pipe, unrolling, cutting, meggring & sealing both ends of the cable. 110 Hoisting of 11 KV cable, cable box, fixing with clamp nut & bolt with proper clamping with provision of G.I. pipe 3 mtr long of 150 mm dia.(All material will be supplied by the contractor) 111 Fixing and erection of cable jointings kits suitable for following sizes of 11 KV XLPE cable of 11 KV cables. With housing of 3.5Mtr long 100 sq.mm. Dia G.I.pipe with feeder cable at feeder D/P. 112 11 KV 3x300 sq.mm. indoor jointing kit 113 11 KV 3x300 sq.mm.outdoor jointing kit 114 11 KV 3x120 sq.mm. indoor jointing kit 115 11 KV 3x120 sq.mm. outdoor jointing kit 116 33KV Bus Bar & Stringing - Stringing of 33KV Bus Bar by using and laying of ACSR Dog Conductor including fixing of Disc Insulator. Strings and tension fitting complete with sagging of Bus Bar etc. and making Vertical/Horizontal jumper connection through PG clamps and connecting all the equipments with each other through connecting clamps. 117 Erection & Grouting of 2 Nos 11Mtr STP support for making D/P structure Including fabrication, Fixing of MS Channel, M.S. angle, Disc Insulators/ Pin Insulators etc. The work Includes supply and fixing of necessary clamp with nut, bolts and washers. The work also includes grouting of double pole supports in CC 1:4:8 in block of size 0.45Mtr into 0.45Mtr into 2.0Mtr earthing of Double pole with M.S. earthing rod, complete in all respect. Painting of one Coat of Red Oxide Primer and Two Coats of Aluminum paint of good quality. 118 Station/Switchyard lighting 119 Erection of STP 9 Mtr long support after excavation of earth and grouting of cc in ratio 1:4:8 (Cement, Coarse sand and Brick ballast) as per RESPO drawing with plinth. Painting of one Coat of Red Oxide Primer and Two Coats of Aluminum paint of good Quality. For making cable LT line for colony and switchyard lighting. 120 Providing and fixingLED Light-100W, with prefabricated G.I. Pipe, mounting of bracket on 9.0 Mtr STP support by using M.S. Clamp, made of 50x6mm. M.S. Flat with Bolt,Nut and washers, making the connectin with L.T. Line. 121 Laying and spreading of 3½ core 25 sq.mm. PVC LT cable from 11/0.04 KV, 63KVA T/F to LT distribution board in switchgear room after digging the trench, Laying cable and refilling of trench including connections at both endsafter providing and crimpling of Lugs of proper size complete work. The work includes cost of all the material. 122 Providing, Fixing and Grouting By 4 Nos rag bolts distribution Box of size 75x60 cms of bakelite sheet 8mm thick and 2x0.5 bedding all round providing and fixing of ISI Mark ICTP 100Amp/440V main switch-1 No, ICDP switch 32 amp.240/415V- 3Nos, Pilot lamps with holders-3Nos including wiring and making connections with 3/20 copper wire. The work includes cost of all the material. 123 Providing and laying of 2 core 2.5 sqmm LT AL.cable from S/G room to street light supports after digging of trench, Laying of cable providing a brick on TOP of cable, Refilling of trench making connection at poles with street light fittings complete with all respects.The work includes cost of all the material. 124 Laying of 2x2.5 sq.mm./ 4x2.5 sq.mm. control cable by construction of pakka cable trench in switchyard and interlinking through proper connection Protection Board / Bucholz Relay/ 33/11KV T/F junction Box/VCB/CTs to 33 kv control pannel as per site conditions.The work includes cost of all the material. 125 Laying and Fixing of lnterlocking Bricks in the Switchyard 1.5 Mtr wide. Making approach path after Proper leveling and finishing etc.The work includes cost of all the material. 126 Painting of Structure Painting of following structure with one coat of ready mixed primer and 2 coats of AL.Paint of good quality including cost of material, Labour and T&P complete in all respect. The work includes cost of all the material. 127 Bus Gantry ( Complete set) 128 Terminal Gantry 129 Bus/Line Isolator Structure & Fuse set Structure 130 Lightening Arrestor 131 Post Insulator Structure 132 Cable Stand 133 Neutral Stand 134 CT Structure, VCB & P.T. Structure 135 Scraping, Rubbing, cleaning of wiremesh fencing and its Gate of both side with one coat of Red Oxide Paint as primer then painting with superior quality of Bus Grean Colour in two coats including cost of paint & other allied material. 136 Supply, fixing and mounting of following equipments/ items in the control room 137 Fire Extinguisher Mounted Type 138 Fire Bucket (4 No) with stand Complete 139 Rubber matting one side chequered and other side plane size 1800x900x12mm 140 Rubber hand gloves 141 Sign Board, Single Line Diagramm Board, Notice Board, Max/Min Load Boardwith complete fittings. 142 Commissioning of 01 No. 5MVA T/F and its eqipments installed in switchyards and 11 KVIncoming and Outgoing Pannels complete in all respect upto energising. 143 Supply and filling of river sand in Cable Trench in this Switch gear room