
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works For Unit 1 To 10 - Scope Of Work: The Scope Of Work For This Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works Contract Involves Removal Of Old Insulating Mater, Angul-Odisha

National Aluminium Company Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works For Unit 1 To 10 - Scope Of Work: The Scope Of Work For This Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works Contract Involves Removal Of Old Insulating Mater. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-07-2024. Civil Work Tenders in Angul Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works For Unit 1 To 10 - Scope Of Work: The Scope Of Work For This Thermal And Cold Insulation And Cladding Works Contract Involves Removal Of Old Insulating Mater
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - THERMAL AND COLD INSULATION AND CLADDING WORKS FOR UNIT 1 TO 10 - SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for this Thermal and Cold Insulation and Cladding Works Contract involves removal of old insulating materials, application of new insulation, cladding, scaffolding, safe disposal of scrap materials and other associated jobs in Boiler and its auxiliaries. Turbine and its auxiliaries, Pulverize systems, Air-conditioning Systems, Dry Ash Conveying Systems etc. This contract will be operational for running maintenance and overhauling maintenance of Unit #1 to 10, Captive Power Plant (CPP), NALCO, Angul, Odisha with effect from 04/06/2024 to 03/06/2026. The work shall be carried out as per direction of Manager-in-Charge (MIC) subject to special terms and conditions of contract given in Annexure-1 (B). The vendor should be able to mobilize its resources at a short notice as per the instructions of MIC. HOT INSULATION The scope includes the thermal insulation work wherever required on the various areas like pipelines, valves, pipe fittings, tanks, vessels, ducts, boiler walls, ESP walls, APH walls, heat exchangers etc. operating in the temperature range of 25 deg C to 600 deg C with light resin bonded (LRB) rock wool, machine laid & machine stitched mattress confirming to IS-8183. The application procedure shall be as follows: 1) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 50 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (120 kg/m³) USING NEW ALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No.19), Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress: Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application area by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc. Cutting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts etc. suitably as per requirement. Welding of metal cleats/spikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using binding wires and metal. Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation. Fitting of Aluminum Bands. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal jacketing: Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingress of water into the insulation. Bending of the cladding material to the required shape Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm. Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. (2) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 100 am THICK HAVING DENSITY (120 kg/m³) UBING NEW ALUMINIUM BHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area-in-charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress Removal of damaged sheets and insulation Thorough cleaning of the application area by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc, Cutting of the L,HB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts etc. suitably as per requirement Welding of metal cleatsóspikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using binding wires and metal. Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation Fitting of Aluminum Bands Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the insulation, Bending of the cladding material to the required shape Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. (8) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THEEMAL INSULATION OF 160 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (130 kg/m³) UBING NEW ALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 150. Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress: Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application arva by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc. Cutting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes Wrapping of the maulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts ete, suitably na por requirement. Welding of metal cleats/spikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress, Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using hinding wires and metal. Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation Fitting of Aluminum Bands. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the insulation. Bonding of the cladding material to the required shape Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a patch not more than 100 mm. Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. (4) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 50 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (120 kg/m) UBING OLD GIVALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisar etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in Charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress: Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application ares by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales et Cutting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts ste, auitably se per requirement Welding of metal cleata/spikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using hinding wires and metal Gap between the twe side by side Ingging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation Fitting of Alumimam Banda. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the Insulation, Bending of the cladding material to the required shape. Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm. Cladding of protective jackoting material over the insulation. (6) SUPPLY & AFPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 100 man THICK HAVING DENSITY (190 kg/m) USING OLD GIVALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No.19) Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job, Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Lagging of rock wool insulation mettess Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application aren by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc. Cutting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipen, vessels, ducis etc, suitably as per requirement. Welding of metal cleatsspikes on the hody to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using hinding wrve and metal Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled hy loose insulation Fitting of aluminium Bands. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the insulation. Bending of the cladding material to the required shape Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of ecrew at a pitch not more than 150 mm. Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. (6) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 150 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (120 kg/m³) USING OLD GIVALUMINIUM SERET. Arrangement of manpower ffitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be colculated & paid separately as per Item SL. Nu, 191, Tako necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Arsa in charge before start of the joh. Ensure propor safety and care while working at height and during night time. Lagging of rook wool insulation mattress: Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application ares by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc. Cutting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts etc, suitably as per requirement. Welding of metal clestelspikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress, Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over each layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using binding wires and metal Gap hetween the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation Fitting of Aluminum Bande Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the insulation, Bending of the cladding material to the required shape Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation (7) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THEEMAL INSULATION OF 200 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (130 KG/MP) USING OLD GIALUMINIUM SHERT. Arrangement of manpower fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area- in-charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress Removal of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application area by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales ete. Cotting of the LRB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, visuels, durts ete. suitably as per requirement. Welding of metal cleatsóspikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock woods with hoth longitudinal and circumferential joints staggered. Lying of wire mesh over sach layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using hinding wires and metal Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation Fitting of Aluminum Bands. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to provent ingressisin of water into the insulation. Bending of the cladding material to the required shape. Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm. Cladsling of protective jacketing material over the insulation (8) SUPPLY & AFFLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF 76 mm THICK HAVING DENSITY (120 KG/MP) UBING OLD GIVALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower ffitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the jab if required. (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 190. Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job, Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time Lagging of rock wool insulation mattress Hemoval of damaged sheets and insulation. Thorough cleaning of the application ares by wire brush to remove all dirt, rust, scales etc. Cutting of the LBB rock wool mattress into required sizes. Wrapping of the insulation sheet around the pipes, vessels, ducts ete, suitably as per requirement. Welding of metal cleats/spikes on the body to hold the insulating mattress. Lying of rock wools with both longitudinal and circumferuntial jointa staggered. Lying of wire mesh over sach layer of the rock wool to hold it securely using hinding wires and metal. Gap between the two side by side lagging mattresses is to be filled by loose insulation. Fitting of Aluminum Bande Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingresson of water into the insulation. Bending of the cladding material to the required shape. Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm. Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. (9) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF 100/115/126 COVERINGS (NALCOS MATERIAL) ON GIVALUMINIUM SHEET. THICK PREFORMED CALCIUM SILICATE RIGID FIPELINES PIPE FITTINGS USING NEW Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will bu calculated & paid separately as per Item 81. No.19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the joh. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time, Pre-formed rigid pipe coverings Thorough cleaning of the pipe lines and pipe fittings Fising of the calcium silicata pre-formed rigid pipe enverings on the pipes / fittings vither in single layer or in multi layer. Pipe coverings firmness to be secured by 1.00 mm diameter wire or 20 mm width and 1.100 mm thick metal hand) Spacing between bande wires should not be more than 450 mm. Mounting of GI/Aluminum jacketa (used/new) over the insulation Distance between end of pipe covering and the band/wire should not be less than 50 mm For securing pipe coverings on vertical pipes metal rings/cleats ete, are to be used to prevent downward displacement For multi layer insulation, circumferential as well as longitudinal joints should be staggered from the 1st Inyer. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place (10) SUFFLY & APPLICATION OF 100/115/125mm THICK PREFORMED CALCIUM SILICATE RIGID COVERINGS (NALCOS MATERIAL) ON PIPELINES & PIPE FITTINGS USING OLD GIVALUMINIUM SHERT. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of seaffolding near the job if required, (payment for seaffolding will be paid separately as per Item 81. No. 100 calculated & Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Pre-formed rigid pipe coveringe Thorough cleaning of the pipe lines and pipe fittings. Fixing of the calcium silicate pre-formed rigid pipe coverings on the pipes/fittings either in single layer or in multi layer. Pipe coverings firmness to be secured by 1.00 mm diameter wire or 20 mm width and 1.00 mm thick metal band) Spacing between bande wires should not be more than 450 mm. Mounting of GI/Aluminum jacketa (used/new) over the insulation Distance betwven end of pipe covering and the band/wire should not be less than 50 mm For securing pipe coverings on vertical pipes metal rings/cleats ete are to be used to prevent downward displacement For multi layer insulation, circumferential as well as longitudinal jointe should be staggered From the 1st layer. Shifting of the generated scrap materials fur disposed off in the designated place. CLADDING: (11) APPLICATION OF CLADDING WITH OLD GH/ALUMINIUM SHEET (OLD SHEET NALCOS MATERIAL). Arrangement of manpower (litter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area-in-charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time Cladding/Metal jacketing: Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the Insulation. Bending of the cladding material to the required shape, Application of metal sealant compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. (12) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF CLADDING WITH NEW 0.71 ALUMINIUM SHEET. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 1590, Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the joh Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Cladding/Metal Jacketing Preparation of groove in the cladding material to prevent ingression of water into the insulation Bending of the cladding material to the required shape. Application of metal sealam compound to ensure perfect water sealing. Using of screw at a pitch not more than 150 mm Cladding of protective jacketing material over the insulation. • Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. COLD INBULATION: The scope includes the cold insulation works wherever required on the various areas like pipelines. valves, pipe fittings, tanks, vessels, ducts, heat exchangers etc, operating in the temperature range below ambient temperature with materials used to produce cold insulation capable of preventing condensation, moisture intrusion and long term degradation. The application procedure shall be as follows: (18) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF THERMAL INSULATION OF DUCTING. Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & pald separately as per hem 51. No. 19). Tako necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area-in-charge before start of the job. Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time Securing 25 mm thick LRB mattress over the ducting by suitable means. Wrapping and stitching of the polythene faced Hemsian cloth over the LRB mattress. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place (14) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF ACOUSTIC INSULATION OF DUCTING. Arrausgement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 150. Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Fixing ing of 25 of 25 mm thick LRB mattress or thermoenl inside the duet of by suitable means. Fixing of 0.71 mm thick, 50% porforated aluminum sheet over the LBB mattress or thermocol by bolting arrangement. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. (16) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF INSULATION OF PIPING & VALVES UPTO 160NB WITH THERMOCOL Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor ste Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item 81, No. 19) Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job, Ensure proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Fixing of 25 mm thick LRB mattress or thermocol inside the duct of by suitable means. Fixing of 0.71 mm thick, 50% perforated aluminum sheet over the LBB mattress or thermocol by bolting arrangement. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. (16) BUPFLY & APPLICATION OF INSULATION OF PIPING & VALVES > 160NB UPTO 300NB WITH THERMOCOL Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment the scaffolding will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 19). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job. Take proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Fixing of 25 mm thick LRB mattress or thermocol inside the duet of by suitable means Fixing of 0.71 mm thick, 50% porforated aluminum sheet over the LBB mattress or thermocol by bolting arrangement Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. (17) SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF INSULATION OF PIPING & VALVES > 200NB UPTO 260NB WITH THERMOCOL. Arrangement of manpower fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required, (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 10). Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job, : Take proper safety and care while working in height and during night time. Fixing of 25 mm thick LRB mattress or thermocol inside the duct of by suitable means. Fixing of 10.71 mm thick. 50% perforated aluminum sheet over the LBB mattress or thermocol by bolting arrangement. Shifting of the generated scrap materials for disposed off in the designated place. (18) BUPPLY & APPLICATION OF INSULATION OF FLAT SURFACE & CHILLER Arrangement of manpower (fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor atc.) Arrangement of scaffolding near the job if required. (payment for scaffolding works will be calculated & paid separately as per Item Sl. No. 100. Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the joh. Take proper safety and care while working at height and during night time. Application of CPRX (Rubber Based Bituminous Adhesive) sticking compound of Shalimar Tur product or bitumen (85/25 or 85/40) or approved equipment insulation clips on the refrigerant piping surfaces. Mounting of 50 mm thick thermocol over the piping surfaces, Covering the insulation mass with 500 gauge polythene sheet followed by hexagonal wire netting & lacing with G.L/Aluminum wire Application of 12 mm thick sand cements plaster over the finished msulation in two layers for smooth surface finish. Shifting of the generated serap matorials for disposed off in the designated place. SCAFFOLDING: (19) ERECTION/FABRICATION OF SCAFFOLDING. Arrangement of manpower fitter, rigger, helper and supervisor etc.) Take necessary permit to work (PTW) from NALCO Area in charge before start of the job, The scope of work includes fabrication and erection of scaffolding for various equipments, pipes, ducts ete to facilitate inspection and other jobs to be carried out hy the agency and NALCO. The scaffolding should be rigid. They can be made of MS tubes, pipes or new bamboos. If tubes and pipes are used for scaffolding, proper clamping is to be done. In case of use of hamboce for seaffulding purpose, they should be tied rigidly with new rupes, Whenever platform is required on the scaffolding, the contractor has to provide the same by using good wooden planks, fabricated docks or fabricated platforms ete, which can accommodate at least four people and must be capable of withstanding at least four times of maximum intended load along with the weight of scaffold materials. Platform guard rails and approach ladder should be provided up to the platform area. All materials required for executing the above job should be arranged by the contractor at his own cust. Payment will be made based on the effective area of platform erected. For height above om the effective platform aron will be proportionately increased as maltiples of 5 ie, for height above 5m but less than 10m, the effective area will be twice the platform ares constructed. Proper personal sofety equipments and mare should be taken particularly working at height and during night time while executing the scaffolding job. Scrap materials and scaffolding materials should be shifted from the site as soon as the jub is completed and kept in the designated place. Total Quantity :

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 125000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.13 Crore /-
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