
Tender For Construction Of Asco Office At Nayagarh, bhubaneswar-Odisha

Department Of Soil and Water Conservation has published Tender For Construction Of Asco Office At Nayagarh. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-03-2024. Shed Construction Tenders in bhubaneswar Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Asco Office At Nayagarh
Open Tender

Tender Details

Construction Of Asco Office At Nayagarh Civil Works- 1 Excavation of foundation in hard soil within 50 m initial lead and 1.5 m initial lift including rough dressing and levelling as per the direction of engineer in charge 2 Filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including cost and conveyance of materials. 3 C.C.(1:4:8) with 4 c.m. size h.g. metal in F&P. 4 Brick work with FLY ASH bricks inC.M(1:6) in foundation and plinth 5 Filling in foundation and plinth with excavated materialsincluding watering and ramming 6 Brick work with FLY ASH bricks inC.M(1:6) in Super structure in Ground Floor 7 Brick work with FLY ASH bricks inC.M(1:6) in Super structure 1st Floor 8 RCC Work M-20 grade with 20 mm and down grade HG chips (CB) including hoisting,lowering & laying concrete and compacting by using vibrator ramming for ground floor(a) Footing and Column Bases 9 (b) Plinth Band 10 (c) Column and beam 11 (d) Sun shade, loft and Chajja 12 (e) Lintel 13 (f) Roof Slab 14 (g) Stair 15 RCC Work M-20 grade with 20 mm and down grade HG chips (CB) including hoisting,lowering & laying concrete and compacting by using vibrator ramming for 1st floor(a) Column and beam 16 (b) Roof slab 17 Supplying, fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification in ground floor 18 Supplying, fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification in first floor 19 6mm thick cement plaster in C.M(1:4)R CC surfaces for ground floor 20 6mm thick cement plaster in C.M(1:4)R CC surfaces for First floor 21 16 mm thick cement plaster in c.m(1:6) over brick masonry, inside walls in ground floor 22 16 mm thick cement plaster in c.m(1:6) over brick masonry, inside walls in first floor 23 12 mm thick cement plaster in c.m(1:6) over brick masonry, out side walls ground floor 24 12 mm thick cement plaster in c.m(1:6) over brick masonry, outside walls first floor 25 2.5 cm thick grading concrete (1:2:2) on roof slab with 6mm size hard granite chips on new work in Ground floor 26 Finishing surface of wallwithAcrylic wall puty (water based) of approved make and finished smooth and evensurfaces to receive paintingincluding cost of scaffolding staging charges with cost of all materials, tax, labour T&P etc complete.(a) Ground Floor 27 (b) First Floor 28 Wall Priming onecoats on new work with wall water bound primer of approved shade.(a) Ground Floor 29 (b) First Floor 30 Wall painting two coats on new work with plastic emulsion paint ofapproved shade (inside)(a) Ground Floor 31 (b) First Floor 32 Finishing walls withweather coat paint of approved shade two coat to give an even shade including cost of paint in ground floor 33 Finishing walls with withweather coat paint of approved shade two coatto give an even shade including cost of paint in first floor 34 Supply fitting and fixing MS grill with Iron work wrought and put up in window grating including drilling holes in choukathas etc. complete as per direction of Engg-in-Charge in Ground Floor 35 Supply fitting and fixing MS grill with Iron work wrought and put up in window grating including drilling holes in choukathas etc. complete as per direction of Engg-in-Charge in First Floor 36 Enamel Painting two coats including red oxide primer of approved quality etc. complete in Ground Floor 37 Enamel Painting two coats including red oxide primer of approved quality etc. complete in First Floor 38 Supplying, fitting and fixing Anti-Skid ceramic tile in floors, treads of steps and landing on 20mm thick cement mortar(1:4) (1 cement : 4 course sand) and filling joints with white cement of approved quality including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc required for the work all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (For New work) 39 Providing and fixing Glazed Ceramic tiles in walls,dados and skirting and in rises of steps on 12mm thick bed of cement plaster (1:3) joined with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing including cost of tile. 40 Supplying, fitting and fixing vitrified tile in floors of size 600mm x 600mm of approved make conforming to IS: 13755 laid to 20mm thick cement mortar(1:4) (1 cement : 4 course sand) and filling joints with white cement of approved quality including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc required for the work all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (For New work) 41 Fixing vertified tiles in dados, (600mm x 600mm) skirting and in rises of steps on 12mm thick bed of cement plaster (1:3) joined with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing including cost of tile. 42 Providing fitting fixing AIuminium door with OEL anodized AI door section of 9202 as vertical member 9201 as top member and 9200 as bottom and middle member and 6mmglass fixed in top portion, bottom portion fixed 12mm novapan board etc. 43 Supplying, fitting, fixing up window (sliding type) made up aluminium section 9778 as window frameSection No.4095, 4096 and 9777, 3994 as shutter frame with 5mm thick black glass as pannel fitted with rubber 44 Supplying and fixing 2 X 2.5 size FRP door frame including all hardware fittings etc complete. 45 Supplying and fixing 30mm thick FRP door shutterincluding all hardware fittings etc complete 46 roviding and fixing of Fixed Ventilators of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel etc. complete. 47 Supplying, fitting afixing of stainless steel of 304 grade in hand railing using 50mm dia of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of size 32mm x 32mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C and stainless square pipe bracing of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm in 3 rows in stair case as per approved design and specification, buffing, polishing etc. with cost conveyance, taxes ofall materials labour, T&P etc. required for the complete in all respect. 48 Fixing chequred tiles in floors,treads and landings on 25mm thick bed of cement mortar (1:1) joined with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing including cost of tile. 49 Providing fitting and fixing of false ceiling with Aluminum anodised T Section No. 3215 with 2-0 center to center, L section NO. 1705 upto 15 micron on 4 walls to be fixed by means of steel screw and P.V.C plug and the Aluminium grid 2-0 x 2 - 0 with India Gypsum board of 125mm thick. etc. complete. 50 Supplay, Fittings & Fixing of Well ring with cover including t.c & fitting charges 51 Electrical 52 Recessed extraleadsubmainwiringalongwithearthwire in 20mm dia non metallic heavy duty flexible conduit 1.6 mm in recessed PVC conduit as required exceeding to Group-C points2X 1.5sqmm +1 x 1.5sqmm 53 Recessed submain wiring alongwith earth wire in 20mm dia non metallic heavy duty flexible conduit 1.6 mm in recessed PVC conduit as required(a) 2 X 2.5sq.mm +1 X 1.5sqmm 54 (b) 2 X 4sq.mm +1 X 1.5sqmm. 55 (c) 2 X 6sq.mm +1 X 2.5sqmm. 56 S/FofBakeliteangleholder/battenholderofISImarked in place of ceiling rose . 57 SupplyandfixingEarthingwithG.Iearthpipe3mtr.Long40mmdiaISI marked including accessories and providing masonary enclosure with cover plate havinglockingarrangementandwateringpipeetc.withcharcoalandsaltas required 58 Supplyandfixingoffollowing 4way double doorsinglepoleandneutralsheetsteelMCB distribution board 250V on surface/recess complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutralbusbar,earthbar,dinbar,detachableglandplate,interconnections, phosphatized and powder painted including earthing etc. as required 59 Supplyandfixingof5Ampto32A (SP) rating240VBseriesMCBin the exiting MCB DB 60 Supply ,installation, testing and commissioning of 63Amp ICDP main switches with MS board on existing surface/wall mountingandcompleter withHRCfuselinks,interconnections,earthing 61 Supplying and Fixing of A.C. Ceiling Fan of 48 size 62 Installation, Testing and Commissioning of ceiling fan, including wiring the down rods of standard length (upto 30 cm) 63 Supply and fixing of fan regulator Electronics step type 64 Supplying and Fixing of Exhaust fan 9/10 size with making hole of required size. 65 Supply and Fixing of 32Amp FT/DP switch on MS board with cover. 66 Supply and fixing of 25mm dia GI Street light bracket. (1mtr long) 67 S/F of No.8 copper wire as earth continuity 68 Recessed wiring to light point/Fan point/ Exhaust fan point/Call bell point with 1.5sq.mmFRPVCinsulatedsinglecoremultistrandcopperconductorwith20mmdia PVCflexibleconduitwith6Amp,250V Modular switch ISI marked and ceiling rose ISI marked mounted on Metal box having front Modular cover with 1.5sq.mm FR PVC insulatedsinglecoremultistrandcopperconductorasearthwire(a) Group-A 69 (b) Group-B 70 (c) Group-C 71 Supply and fixing of 6Amp switch on existing board (Modulartype) 72 Supply and fixing of 6Amp plug on existing board (Modulartype) 73 Supply and fixing of Modular metal box of 2 Module on surface/Recess with suitable size of Modularcover in front including cutting the wall and making good 74 Supplying and fixing of 20mm dia PVC conduit along with accessories in recessed wiring 75 Supply&Fixingof20WattLEDTubetlight 76 Supply&Fixingof 45 WattLEDstreetlight 77 S/ F of 9 watt LED Bulb 78 Supply and fixing of Multifunction Meterincluding all connections 79 Supply & Fixing of 6Watt circular LED recessed fitting 80 Supply & Fixing of 36Watt LED 2X2 Recessed fitting 81 S/F of multipurpose board Modular 6A 3nos. Switch and 3nos. Socket and 1no. Switch and socket 15A on Modular board and cover 82 S/F of computer board consisting 3 nos 5amp and 1 nos 15amp switch and socket 83 Supply & fixing of 3star rated Split typeA.C. Machine 84 S/F of 4KVA Voltage stabilizer (90V - 300V) Model- VEW 400 Plus 85 Fixing of Split AC machine 86 S/F of Angle frame for installation of outdoor unit for A.C. Machine 87 Fittings & Fixing of Internal & External PHD Works 88 Providing and fixing to wall or ceiling and floor pvc pipes class conforming to ASTM-D-1785/2000 (Sch-80) and pipe fittings of the following nominal bore with clamps including making good the wall, ceilingand floor all complete25mm.dia PVC pipe [ASTM-D-1785/2000,Sch-80.] 89 Fixation of J Hook in walls 90 25mm dia UPVC ASTM Ball Valve 91 110 mm Rigid UPVC Pipe (IS:4985-200) For Latrine Gash Pipe 92 110mm Vent Cowl (Top of Gash Pipe) 93 Cost & Fitting of 3 layerWhite Rotational Module Cylindrical Water Storage Tank(1000 lit.) 94 For hoisting of Rotational Module 1000litre Cylindrical Water Storage Tank in 1st floor 95 Cutting grooves in pucca floors and walls for takingGI/PVC pipes and making good the damages 96 Cutting holes through existing brickwork including making good the damages in cement mortar (1:4) 97 Supplying all materials, labour and T&P and fixing to walls,ceiling and floor unplasticized PVC pipes conforming to [ASTM-D-1785/2004,Sch-80.],the following nominal diameter with fittings and clamps including testing(A) 15mm.dia PVC pipe 98 (B) 20mm.dia PVC pipe 99 Supplying fitting of all materials i.e(EWC With S-Trap including 10 lit.Cystern, Cover & Jet Spray) 100 Supplying fitting of all materials i.e(Orissa pan 23 including 10 lit.Cystern, foot rest & HandSpray) 101 Supplying all materials, & fixing glazed earthen-ware squatting urinal (ladies) plate of size (600x355mm.) includingProcelain foot rest for IWC(02 No.)and Urinal waste Coupling 102 Supplyingof all materials,labour and T&P for fixingof Flat Back Standing Urinal (Medium) 380x580x350including the urinalPVCwaste pipe 50 mm x800 mm, Urinal waste Coupling & Procelain Urinal Spreader (Angular Tape) 103 Supplying& Fitting, FixingofWash basin(22x 16) includingCP Gratting, 32mm.dia.PVC waste pipe,15mm. dia.C.P. Bib cock (Long body) (including fixing) & CP Flange 104 Supplying& Fitting, FixingofPedestal Wash Basin 22x 16 includingCP Gratting, 32mm.dia.PVC waste pipe,15mm dia Short body bib cock Including Fittings (including fixing) & CP Flange 105 Fixing standard sized Chromium Plated brass towel rail complete 106 Fixing standard sized Chromium Plated brass towel ring fixed to wooden plugs 107 Supplying all materials,labour and T&P for fixing of soap holder fixed to wooden plugs 108 Providing and fixingof 15 mm CP 2 in 1 Bib Cock 109 Providing and fixingof 15 mm CP 2 way Bib Cock 110 15mm dia CP Extension Piece 2 111 5 C.P. Grating 112 CP Flange 113 Supplying all materials,labour and T&P for fixingof Mirror (600 x 600)mm bevelled edge mirrorof superior glass -wood sheet 114 Supplying all materials,labour and T&P for fixingof Framed Mirror of superior glass -wood sheet 115 Fitting & fixing of 15 mm CP revolving Shower bend typearm 600x25x25mm square / Round shape with wall mounted showers 116 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised 110mm dia OD PVC SWR S/S Pipe (ISI) (Rain Water Pipe)waste and rain water pipes 117 110 mm dia PVC SWR Plain Bend 45( for Rain Water Pipe) 118 110mm dia PVC SWR Door Bend 87.5 119 110mm dia PVC SWR Plain Bend 120 110 mm dia SWR PVC P Trap 121 110mm dia PVC SWR Gully Trap 122 110mm door Cross Tee 123 110mm dia PVC SWR pipe clip 124 75mm dia Plain Bend 125 75mm dia PVC Door Bend (87.5) 126 125mm x 75mmSWR off set BEND 127 110 mm Door Bend 128 Installation of Deep Bore Well 129 Drilling of holeof size 200mm x 150 mm vertical bore using hammer/ combination drilling rig 130 Lowerning of PVC Pipes with/without slotted pipes 131 Cleaning/ Development of tubewell 132 Withdrawal of bore (incase of unsuccessful bore) and depositing in the departmental store in good condition 133 Cost of casing Pipe 134 40mm HDPE Pipe 135 63mm HDPE Pipe 136 Transportation of all PVC pipes, pump, accessories and fittings

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 6000 /-
INR 25100.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 25.02 Lakhs /-
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