
Tender For E-Tender Document For Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Equipments/Instruments At Science Laboratory Under The Department Of Bio-Science, Government Degree College Santirbazar, South Tripura, santirbazar-Tripura

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For E-Tender Document For Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Equipments/Instruments At Science Laboratory Under The Department Of Bio-Science, Government Degree College Santirbazar, South Tripura. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-02-2024. Weights Tenders in santirbazar Tripura. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For E-Tender Document For Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Equipments/Instruments At Science Laboratory Under The Department Of Bio-Science, Government Degree College Santirbazar, South Tripura
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Tender Details

E-Tender Document For Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Equipments / Instruments At Science Laboratory Under The Department Of Bio-Science, Government Degree College Santirbazar, South Tripura , Instruments Zoology: , Simple Dissecting Microscope , Compound Microscope + Pointer For Microscope Eyepiece , Binocular Microscope , Digital Weighing Machine , Ph Meter , Digital Hot Air Oven , Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate , Mono Quartz Distillation Unit , Desiccator With Cover & Porcelain Plate , Digital Soil Thermometer , Mercury Thermometer , Dissection Tray With Wax , Spirit Lamp , Dissecting Tool Kit , Microtome , Visible Spectrophotometer , Preserved Specimens Zoology: , Branchiostoma , Ascidia , Petromyzon , Myxine , Scoliodon , Hippocampus , Channa , Dipnoi , Hyla , Calotes , Naja , Columba , Chiroptera , Scypha , Obelia , Physalia , Fasciola , Taenia , Ascaris , Metaphire , Hirudinaria , Periplaneta , Limulus , Pila , Lamellidens , Octopus , Asterias , Balanoglossus , Perionyx , Bombyx Sp. , Rohu , Catla , Mrigal , Exocoetus , Chameleon , Permanent Slides Zoology: , Study Of Mitotic Cell Division Stages , Study Of Meiotic Cell Division Stages , Chick Embryo ( During Different Incubation Period ) 8 Hours , 16-18 Hours , 21- 24 Hours , 24 Hours , 48 Hours , 72 Hours , T.S. Of Mammalian Thyroid Gland , T.S. Mammalian Pancreas , T.S. Mammalian Ovary , T.S. Mammalian Testis , T.S. Mammalian Liver , T.S. Mammalian Kidney , T.S. Mammalian Pituitary , T.S. Mammalian Adrenal Gland , Collembola , Mite , Daphnia , Cyclops , Cypris , Leishmania , Giardia , Signet Ring Of Plasmodium Vivax , Entamoeba , Schistosoma , Wuchereria Bancrofti , Pediculus , Xenopsylla ( Rat Flea ) , Sarcoptes Sarcoptes ( Itch Mite ) , Bones Zoology: , Skull Of Toad, Lizard, Pigeon, And Guinea Pig ( 2 Set ) , Limb Bones ( Humerus, Radio-Ulna, Femur, Tibia-Fibula ) Of Toad, Lizard, Pigeon, And Guinea Pig ( 2 Set ) , Specimens / Slides Zoology: , Scirpophaga Incertulus ( Paddy Pest ) , Sitophilus Sp. , Tribolium Sp. , Callosobruchus Sp. ( Pulses Pest ) , Prawns , Rotifer , Musca , Anopheles , Culex , Ades , Cimex , Glass Goods Zoology: , Beaker ( 1000 Ml ) , Beaker ( 500 Ml ) , Beaker ( 250 Ml ) , Beaker ( 100 Ml ) , Beaker ( 50 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 500 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 100 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder 50 Ml , Funnel Small , Funnel Large , Conical Flask ( 500 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 250 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 100 Ml ) , B.O.D Bottle ( 500 Ml ) , B.O.D Bottle ( 300 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle With Glass Stopper ( 500 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle With Glass Stopper ( 250 Ml ) , Burette With Stand Boroflo Gp Stopcock ( 100 Ml ) , Burette With Stand Boroflo Gp Stopcock ( 50 Ml ) , Pipette ( 1 Ml ) , Pipette ( 2 Ml ) , Pipette ( 5 Ml ) , Pipette ( 10 Ml ) , Pipette ( 25 Ml ) , Dropper , Testtubes ( 5 Ml ) , Testtubes ( 15 Ml ) , Testtubes ( 55 Ml ) , Test Tube Stand ( 5 Ml ) , Test Tube Stand ( 15 Ml ) , Test Tube Stand ( 55 Ml ) , Test Tube Holder ( Brass ) , Coplin Jar , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 100 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 250 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 500 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 1000 Ml ) , Sampling And Storage Vials ( 10 Ml ) , Sampling And Storage Vials ( 20 Ml ) , Sampling And Storage Vials ( 30 Ml ) , Wash Bottle ( Squeeze Type ) ( 250 Ml ) , Glass Stirrer Rod , Watch Glass ( 5 Cm ) , Watch Glass ( 7.5 Cm ) , Petridish ( 80×17 Mm ) , Petridish ( 100×11 Mm ) , Petridish ( 150×20 Mm ) , Slide ( 20 Box ) , Cover Slip Square ( 16 Pkt. ) , Cover Slip Rectangular ( 16 Pkt. ) , Handheld Magnifier ( 75 Mm ) , Forceps - Pointed Dissecting ( 5 ) , Forceps - Pointed Dissecting ( 6 ) , Blunt Dissecting ( 5 ) , Blunt Dissecting ( 6 ) , Wire Gauge ( 6×6 ) , Wire Gauge ( 5×5 ) , Tripod Stand With Round Top ( 7×5 ) , Spatula ( 150 Mm ) , Spatula ( 200 Mm ) , Specimen Jar ( L×B×Th. ) ( 20×20×12 Cm ) , Specimen Jar ( L×B×Th. ) ( 26×17×9 Cm ) , Specimen Jar ( L×B×Th. ) ( 20×20×4 Cm ) , Specimen Jar ( L×B×Th. ) ( 20×12×10 Cm ) , Specimen Jar ( L×B×Th. ) ( 15×15×8 Cm ) , Cotton ( Non Absorbent ) ( 6 Rolls ) , Cotton ( Absorbent ) ( 12 Rolls ) , Tissue Paper ( 12 Rolls ) , Inoculation Needle ( 6 Pkt. ) , Chemicals Zoology: , Absolute Alcohol ( 500 Ml ) , Acetocarmine ( 100 Ml ) , Aceto-Orcein ( 100 Ml ) , Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate ( Alum ) ( 500 Gm ) , Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Barfoeds Reagent ( 250 Ml ) , Benedict Reagent Quantitative ( 500 Ml ) , Benedict Reagent Qualitative ( 500 Ml ) , Borax Carmine ( Grenacher ) ( 25 Gm ) , Bouins Fixative ( 500 Ml ) , Casein ( 500 Gm ) , Chloroform ( 500 Ml ) , Copper Sulphate Crystals ( 500 Gm ) , Cresyl Violet ( 1 Gm ) , Crystal Violet ( 125 Ml ) , Dextrose ( 500 Gm ) , Diphenylamine ( 500 Gm ) , Dpx ( 250 Ml ) , Eosin Solution ( 25 Ml ) , Eosin Powder ( 25 Gm ) , Filter Paper 110Mm ( Pkt. ) , Formalin ( 500 Ml ) , Fructose ( 500 Gm ) , Gelatin ( 500 Gm ) , Giemsa Stain ( 25 Gm ) , Giemsa Stain Solution ( 100 Ml ) , Glacial Acetic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Glucose ( 500 Gm ) , Glycerol ( 500 Ml ) , Haematoxylin Stain ( Lquid ) ( 125 Ml ) , Haematoxylin Stain ( Powder ) ( 5 Gm ) , Hcl ( 500 Ml ) , Iodine 1N Solution ( 500 Ml ) , Leishman ( 25 Gm ) , Leishman ( 250 Ml ) , Manganese Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Manganese Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Mercuric Chloride ( 25 Gm ) , Methelyne Blue ( 125 Ml ) , Methelyne Blue ( 25 Gm ) , Millons Reagent ( 125 Ml ) , Nacl ( 500 Gm ) , N-Butanol ( 500 Ml ) , Orcein ( 5 Gm ) , Orcein Stain ( 100 Ml ) , Orthophosphoric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Peptone ( 100 Gm ) , Litmus Paper Blue ( Pkt. ) , Litmus Paper Red ( Pkt. ) , Picric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Dichromate ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Hydroxide ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Iodide ( 100 Gm ) , Rectified Spirit ( 500 Ml ) , Sodium Carbonate ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Citrate ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Hydroxide ( 500 Gm ) , Seliwanoff Reagent ( 100 Ml ) , Sodium Potassium Tartarate ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Salicylate ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Thiosulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Starch Powder ( 500 Gm ) , Sulphuric Acid ( 98% ) ( 500 Ml ) , Sodium Iodide ( 100 Gm ) , Tannic Acid ( 100 Gm ) , Paraffin Wax ( 500 Gm ) , Instruments Botany: , Mercury Thermometer , Digital Weighing Machine , Simple Dissecting Microscope , Compound Microscope, With Pointer For Eye Piece , Binocular Microscope , Erma Stage Micrometer , Erma Ocular Micrometer , Ph Meter , Autoclave Vertical , Digital Hot Air Oven , Horizontal Laminar Air Flow Cabinet , Water Bath, Double Wall , Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate , Instrument Box , Botanical Laboratory Tray , Desiccator , Permanent Slides Botany: , Permanent Fossil Slide, Lepidodendron , Permanent Fossil Slide, Cordaites , Permanent Fossil Slide, Lygnopteris , Permanent Fossil Slide, Glossepteris , Permanent Fossil Slide, Calamites , Permanent Mitosis Slides All Stages Each , Permanent Meiosis Slides All Stages Each , Permanent Meiosis Slides All Abnormal Stages ( Sticky Bridge, Laggard Chromosome ( S ) , Chromosomal Fragmentation, Ring Chromosome, Early Separation ) Each , Permanent Slides Plant Embryo All Stagaes Each , Permanent Slides Nerium Leaf & Nymphe Petiole Each , Permanent Slides, Types Of Stomata Each , Permanent Slides, Cystolith, Sclerides, Raphides Each , Permanent Slides, Laciteferous Ducts, Aleurone Grain Each , Anthoceros ( L.S. Of Sporophyte ) , Conidia Of Fusarium , Conidiophore Of Penicillium , Cycas ( L.S. Of Ovule ) , Equisetum ( T.S. Of Stem-Internode, L.S. Of Strobilus ) , Funaria ( L.S. Of Capsule ) , Gnetum ( L.S. Of Male, Female Cone And Ovule ) , Lycopodium ( L.S. Of Strobilus ) , Marchantia ( L.S. Through Gemma Cup, Antheridiophore, Archegoniophore, Sporophyte ) , Pinus ( L.S. Of Male And Female Cone ) , Polysiphonia , Psilotum ( T.S. Of Synangium ) , Riccia ( V.S. Of Thallus With Antheridia / Archegonia / Sporophyte ) , Types Of Raphides , Uredial, Telial, Pycnial & Aecial Stages Of Puccinia Graminis , Vaucheria , Volvox , Zygospore Of Mucor , Chart / Specimen / Model ( Morphology ) Botany: , Special Types Of Inflorescence , Types Of Stamens , Types Of Placentation , Fruits - Types , Types Of Stomata, Raphides, Cystolith And Starch Grain , Specimen ( Morphology ) Botany: , Cycas ( Microsporophyll And Megasporophyll ) , Pinus ( Female And Male Cone ) , Gnetum ( Female And Male Cone ) , Marchantia , Anthoceros , Funaria , Polytrichum , Fungi With Reproductive Structures ( Slide / Specimen ) Botany: , Nostoc Sp. , Oedogonium Sp. , Chara Sp. , Ectocarpus Sp. , Polysiphonia Sp. , Rhizopus Sp. , Penicillium Sp. , Ascobolus Sp. , Agaricus Sp. , Poryporus Sp. , Permanent Slides Of Algae Botany: , Nostoc , Oedogonium Dwarf Male , Ectocarpus With Plurilocular Sporangia , Polysiphonia Cystocarp & Tetrasporophyte , Permanent Slides Of Fungi Botany: , Zygospore Of Rhizopus , T.S. Of Gills Of Agaricus , T.S. Of Basidiocarp Of Polyporus , Macro Specimen Botany: , Fruitbody Of Agaricus , Polyporus , Plasticwares Etc. Botany: , Test Tube Stand , Ordinary Filter Paper , Whatman Filter Paper , Whatman Chromatography Paper , Cotton ( Non Absorbant ) , Cotton ( Absorbant ) , Tissue Paper , Litmus Paper Blue , Litmus Paper Red , Mortar & Pestle , Bunsen Burner , Inoculation Needle , Spirit Lamp , Tripod Stand , Long Forcep , Glasswares Botany: , Beaker ( 50 Ml ) , Beaker ( 100 Ml ) , Beaker ( 250 Ml ) , Beaker ( 500 Ml ) , Beaker ( 1000 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 50 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 100 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 250 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 500 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 1000 Ml ) , Petridish ( 90×20 Mm ) , Petridish ( 150×15 Mm ) , Petridish ( 130×130 Mm ) , Reagent Bottle ( 50 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle ( 100 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle ( 250 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle ( 500 Ml ) , Pipette ( 0.1 Ml ) , Pipette ( 0.2 Ml ) , Pipette ( 0.5 Ml ) , Pipette ( 1 Ml ) , Pipette ( 2 Ml ) , Pipette ( 5 Ml ) , Pipette ( 10 Ml ) , Clinical Slides ( 24 Box ) , Cover Slip ( 24 Box ) , Watch Glass ( 75 Mm ) , Watch Glass ( 100 Mm ) , Watch Glass ( 150 Mm ) , Test Tube ( 15 Ml ) , Test Tube ( 30 Ml ) , Capillary Tube , Measuring Cylinder ( 10 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 25 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 50 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 100 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 250 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 500 Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 1000 Ml ) , Chromatogram Jar , Glass Rod , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 100 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 250 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 500 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask ( Narrow Mouth ) With Stopper ( 1000 Ml ) , Chemicals Botany: , 1 Naphthol ( 100 Gm ) , Absolute Alcohol ( 500 Ml ) , Agar Powder ( 500 Gm ) , Ammonia Solution ( 500 Ml ) , Ammonium Molybdate ( 100 Gm ) , Cadmium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Calcium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Carmine Powder ( 25 Gm ) , Citric Acid ( Anhydrous ) ( 500 Gm ) , Cobalt Chloride Paper , Cotton Blue ( Water Soluable ) ( 25 Gm ) , Crystal Violet ( 125 Ml ) , Cupric Acetate ( 250 Gm ) , Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate ( 500 Gm ) , Dextrose ( Anhydrous ) ( 500 Gm ) , D-Fructose ( 500 Gm ) , Fehlings Reagent A ( 500 Ml ) , Fehlings Reagent B ( 500 Ml ) , Ferric Chloride ( Anhydrous ) ( 500 Gm ) , Ferrous Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Formaldehyde ( 500 Ml ) , Glacial Acetic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Glycerine ( 500 Ml ) , Gram Iodine ( 125 Ml ) , Gram Safranine ( 125 Ml ) , H2so4 ( 500 Ml ) , Hcl ( 500 Ml ) , Lactic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Lactophenol ( 500 Ml ) , Light Green ( 25 Gm ) , Malic Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Mercuric Oxide Yellow ( 100 Gm ) , Orcein Powder ( 5 Gm ) , Oxalic Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Paradichlorobenzene ( 500 Gm ) , Phloroglucinol ( 100 Gm ) , Potassium Bicarbonate ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Hydroxide ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Iodine ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Permanganate ( 500 Gm ) , Safranine Powder ( 25 Gm ) , Silver Nitrate ( 25 Gm ) , Sodium Acetate ( Anhydrous ) ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Carbonate ( Anhydrous ) ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Hydroxide ( 500 Gm ) , Sucrose ( 500 Gm ) , Tannic Acid ( 200 Gm ) , Tartaric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Acetone ( 500 Ml ) , Benedict Solution ( 500 Ml ) , Boric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate ( 500 Gm ) , Fast Green ( 100 Ml ) , Giemsa Stain ( 100 Ml ) , Glucose ( 500 Gm ) , Lead Acetate ( 500 Gm ) , Magnesium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Maleic Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Manganese Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Mercuric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Mercuric Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Methanol ( 500 Ml ) , Methyl Blue ( 100 Ml ) , Nickel Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Nitric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Petroleum Ether ( 500 Ml ) , Resorcinol ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Zinc Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Zinc Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Seliwanoff Reagent ( 100 Ml ) , Instruments Human Physiology: , Microscope ( Compound ) , Binocular Microscope With Camera , Extra Eye Piece 10X , Extra Eye Piece 40X , Extra Eye Piece 100X , Haemoglobinometer , Haemocytometer , Micrometer , Centrifuge Machine , Desiccator , Sphygmomanometer , Stethoscope , Height Measuring Set , Measuring Tape , Stop Watch , Colour Blindness Test Kit , Chronometer , Skin Fold Caliper , Knee Hammer , Handgrip Dynamometer ( Digital ) , Micropipette ( 1 Micro Litre ) , Micropipette ( 5 Micro Litre ) , Micropipette ( 10 Micro Litre ) , Micropipette ( 50 Micro Litre ) , Micropipette ( 100 Micro Litre ) , Digital Weighing Machine , Chemical Balance ( With Weight ) , Weight Box , Stainless Steel Bowl , Diamond Pencil , Dissection Box , Plasticwares Etc. Human Physiology: , Dropping Bottle ( Water ) , Bone Pincer ( Bone Cutter ) , Filter Paper ( Round Small ) Whatman ( Pkt. ) , Lancet , Blotting Paper ( Pkt. ) , Tripod Stand , Wire Gauze , Litmus Paper Red ( Pkt. ) , Litmus Paper Blue ( Pkt. ) , Ph Paper ( Pkt. ) , Spirit Lamp , Anti Sera For Blood Group , Bunsen Burner , Test Tube Stand , Test Tube Holder ( Brass ) , Histological Slides & Models Human Physiology: , Histological Slides With Box ( Biosco ) Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Skin, Adrenal Gland, Thyroid Gland, Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Spinal Cord, Ovary, Testes, Pancreas, Parathyroid Gland. ( 2 Set Each ) , Human Skeleton ( Plastic ) , Glasswares Human Physiology: , Staining Jar ( Porcelin ) , Reagent Bottle ( 500 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle ( 1 Litre ) , Reagent Bottle ( 250 Ml ) , Reagent Bottle ( 100 Ml ) , Thin Glass Slide ( 200 Nos. ) , Cover Slip ( 24 Box ) , Glass Rod , Esr Tubes With Stand , Pcv Tube , Pasteur Pipette , Centrifuge Tube ( Pvc ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 250Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 100Ml ) , Watch Glass , Capillary Tube ( Glass ) , Petridish ( Glass ) , Test Tube ( 20 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask With Stopper ( 100 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask With Stopper ( 250 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask With Stopper ( 500 Ml ) , Volumetric Flask With Stopper ( 1 Litre ) , Conical Flask ( 100 Ml ) , Conical Flask ( 250 Ml ) , Beaker ( 100 Ml ) , Beaker ( 50 Ml ) , Beaker ( 1000 Ml ) , Pipette Pump ( 10 Ml ) , Graduated Pipette ( 10 Ml ) , One Marked Pipette ( 2 Ml ) , Volumetric Pipette ( 5 Ml ) , Volumetric Pipette ( 10 Ml ) , Glass Funnel ( Small ) , Glass Funnel ( Large ) , 20 Ml Hard Glass Test Tube , Burette ( 25 Ml ) With Stand ( Plastic Base ) , Chemicals Human Physiology: , Methylene Blue ( 25 Gm ) , Eosine Powder ( 25 Gm ) , Leishman’S Stain Powder ( 25 Gm ) , Haematoxylin Powder ( 5 Gm ) , Absolute Alcohol ( 500 Ml ) , Glycerol ( 500 Ml ) , Glacial Acetic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Sudan Iii Powder ( 100 Gm ) , Silver Nitrate ( Powder ) ( 25 Gm ) , Sodium Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Mercuric Chloride ( Powder ) ( 25 Gm ) , Gentian Violet ( Powder ) ( 5 Gm ) , Xylene ( 500 Ml ) , Cedarwood Oil ( 100 Ml ) , Sodium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Rbc Diluting Fluid , Wbc Diluting Fluid , Rectified Spirit ( 500 Ml ) , Thymol Powder ( 500 Gm ) , Conc. Sulphuric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Potassium Iodide ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Citrate ( 500 Gm ) , Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate ( 500 Gm ) , Copper Sulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Copper Acetate ( 500 Gm ) , Conc. Hydrochloric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Resorcinol ( 250 Gm ) , Tannic Acid ( Powder ) ( 50 Gm ) , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets ( 500 Gm ) , Calcium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Borate ( 500 Gm ) , Conc. Nitric Acid ( Sp. Gr. 1.42 ) ( 1000 Ml ) , Phenolphthalein Powder ( 100 Gm ) , Citric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Picric Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Trichloroacetic Acid ( 500 Gm ) , Sodium Nitroprusside ( 100 Gm ) , Formaldehyde ( 500 Ml ) , Sulphur Dust ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Bisulphate ( 500 Gm ) , Bromine ( 500 Ml ) , Sodium Tungstate ( 100 Gm ) , Orthophosphoric Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Ammonium Sulphate ( 250 Gm ) , Ammonia Solution ( 1000 Ml ) , Benzidine ( 25 Gm ) , Hydrogen Peroxide ( 500 Ml ) , Ferric Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Phenol ( 100 Ml ) , Methyl Violet ( 100 Gm ) , Calcium Oxalate ( 500 Gm ) , Lactic Acid ( 500 Ml ) , Lactose ( 500 Gm ) , Uric Acid ( 25 Gm ) , Peptone ( 500 Gm ) , Gelatin ( 500 Gm ) , Glucose ( 500 Gm ) , Fructose ( 500 Gm ) , Maltose ( 100 Gm ) , Starch ( 500 Gm ) , Dextrin ( 500 Gm ) , Sucrose ( Purified ) ( 500 Gm ) , Urea ( 500 Gm ) , Acetone ( 1000 Ml ) , Bile Salt ( 100 Gm ) , Mercury ( 250 Gm ) , Potassium Thiocyanate ( 500 Gm ) , Ammonium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) , Potassium Ferrocyanide ( 500 Gm ) , Diethyl Ether ( 500 Ml ) , Potassium Hydroxide ( 500 Gm ) , Chloroform ( 500 Ml ) , Iodine Solution ( 500 Ml ) , Seliwanoff Reagent ( 100 Ml ) , Millons Reagent ( 125 Ml ) , Benedict Quantitative Reagent ( 500 Ml ) , Benedict Qualitative Reagent ( 500 Ml )

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 160000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 32 Lakhs /-
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