
Tender For Construction Of Sub-Center Building At Kunnu In District Kinnaur. (H.P.) (Sh:- Providing Electrical Installation Therein.), Kinnaur-Himachal Pradesh

Public Works Department has published Tender For Construction Of Sub-Center Building At Kunnu In District Kinnaur. (H.P.) (Sh:- Providing Electrical Installation Therein.). Submission Date for this Tender is 24-07-2023. Building Work Tenders in Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Sub-Center Building At Kunnu In District Kinnaur. (H.P.) (Sh:- Providing Electrical Installation Therein.)
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Sub-Center Building At Kunnu In District Kinnaur. (H.P.) (Sh:- Providing Electrical Installation Therein.) 1:00 Wiring for light poim / fan poles / exhaust fan / call bell point with 1.5 Sq mm PVC insulated heat resistant flame stari (RER) and low smoke single core (flexible) per aductor cable in faced PVC combit with plates, wible GJ hes and shing the light point with 15 SIBERIS PVC dated single core copper conductor cable as required Group A 182 Geup C 100 Wiring for Twin atrof light point with 15 Sq, mm. PVC insulated hot resistant flame dam (HRFR) and low unoke single com flexible) copper conductor cable in tcceed PVC conduit, with 2-way modular switch modular plates, itable G box and arthing the light point 1.55mm HRFRLSPVC in single core supper 14.00 18.00 P 14200 Nine Hundred Sety, only Ty Eight unly 13440,00 2570486 2.01 G C 200 1489 80 R. Ce Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Nine only 2078.00 300 Providing and insistion of following type of Ultra slim deconitive LED Batten with extruded aluminium heat sink with amiglars polycarbonate differ and energy efficient constant cost, integal ales driver, suitable for input voltage: 220-240 V, 50/50 Hz, complete with all accesories, including mounting slips & loep in loop out wire, connections, testing and c wo year warranty. Make: Philips, Twinkle, GE or any other approved by Engineer- Charge 301 LED Ba Läde 22 Wal 13.00 Each 422.00 We Four Hundred Twenty Twly 5486.00 4.00 858.00 Supplying and facing hefte battenangle holder including Ra Sixty Six only 66.00 Each 13.00 5.00 Providing and installation of Rallowing type of LED wrot lang B-22 holder base with polycarbonate body and aluminium heat sink, suitable for input voltage: AC 220-240 IV, 50/60EE, including mounting in existing fixture, sing eased compare in all aspects Make: Twitc Philips, Hajaj, Syska, Pesome Hells or any other opproved by Engineer-in-Charge 50 LED Rett Lamp 10 Wam 1100 21.00 One Hundred Twenty Three saly 1599.00 6.00 Providing and installation of following type of LED Sout light fitting mode of presum die cast aluminiums housing powder coated with weather proof gasket ensuring 166 protection complete with all accessories including making connections, testing ets, as required with two years wenty Make: Twinkle, Philips, GE or any other approved by 6.01 LED St Light 45 Wan Each Ka 3750.00 Thrie Fily only Thousand Seven Hundred 7500.00 7. Supplying and evation of street light fracket made of G.A pipe gth and dis, the pipe bend of 100 to 110 degree food with bolt & suts s the top of existing pole or wall including painting the pipe with coats of appead paint over priming out complete 701 40 mm dia G1 pipe heavy class 200 724.00 Ra Seven Hundred Twenty 1448 100 Providing and installation of stationary storage type fles water heater (Geyser) of various sizes by means of Expansion boh with man and washers, including embedding of espansion-bols in the wall, providing and fixing of Now return valve, Dend weight safety valve 2 No CP cection rods long. uking good the damages, electrical connections, safety valve comection testing and 2.00 Fach 12612.00 Rs Twelve Thand Six Hundred Selve only 25224.00 9.00 Sapphing and fouing Ding Dong / Electronic mexical bell. ible for DC/AC. single phese.230 volts complete a required 572.00 Two Hundred Eighty Sonly 2.00 Each 10:00 Providing and installation of exhaust fan of following sizes in the existing opening including making the hole ice of the above for making good the dogs, c 10.01 Exhaust Fan Light duty, (Domestic) 360 mm sep 3.00 Each Ra One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty 4371 1130 Providing A fixing the loversen complete with frame forest f of all sizes regi 12.00 Supplying and fixing 01. off (140mmx50mm) size with modular plate and cover in recess including providing and lining 5 pin 56 ampe mindalar socket outlet and 5% amps, ular switch, connecti Modular 3.00 Each 16.00 601 00 606.00 Rs. Six Hundred Three only 1809.00 Sapplying and fixing G1 Modular off (1-40mm 7830mm size with modular plate and cover in recess including providing and fixing 6 pin 15/16 amp 11.00 Each 780.00 Rs Seven Hundred Eighty only Rs Six Hundred Sis only 9696.00 11.00 8580.00 14.00 Earthing with GJ outh pipe 45 mtr. Vong and 4am dia, ncluding accussories and providing masonry enclosure with over plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe but without charcoal or cake and salty complete as required 15:00 Extra for using salt and charcoal for pipe curth electrode complete as require 100 5084 00 R Five Thomand Eighty Four only 5084.00 1.00 1059.00 One Thousand Fitty Nine only 1059.00 1600 Providing and fixing 6 SWG (4 mm dia.) GL wire om surface or in recess for loop earthing as required 17.00 Providing and fixing 6 SWG (4 mm dia) G1 wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing along with existing surfaconicesset conduit/sub-main wiring/cable required 160.00 Meter 24.00 R. Twenty four only 3840 18.00 Waring for circuit-main with following size FVC insulated hest resistant flame retardant (HRFR) and low smoke single core cllexible) copper conductor cable in surfacessed PVC conduit along with No. HRRLSPVC mulated single core copper conductor cable of same size for eathing as bed 800 Meter The Honded only 18.02 210 Sq, mm Meter 58908. Five Hundred Eighty Nine only 2356.00 19.00 Wiring for circuit/sub-main with 41.55 mm. PVC insulated heat resistant flame retardant (HRIR) and low. moke single core flexible) copper conducar cable in urfed PVC conduit along with 2 Na15 5X13+2X1.5) HREKLS/PVC single co upper clict cable for earthing as required. 14.00 R. Two Hot Eighty These sly 3962 3000 Wiring for light play with 2x1.55 mm. PVC imalated he resistant flame retardam (HRFR) and low smoke single con clexible) copper conductor cable in surtecessed PVC combit along with No.155mm HRFRISPVC island dorable for earthing as required 70.00 meter Rx Two Hundel y 14000.00 21.00 Wiring for power plug with 244 5q. mm. PVC insulated heat esistant flame retardant (FR) and low smoke single core flexible) copper conductor cable e surface/recessed PVC conduit along with 1 No.4 Sq mm HRFRIS/PVC imal single ce copper conductor cable for curthing as require 75.00 271.00 R. Two Hundred Seventy One only 20325 00 22.00 Wiring for power plag with 444 54 mm. PVC hea resistant flame retardant (HRFR) and low smoke single an lexible) copper conductor cable in surface recessed PVC conduit along with 2 No.4 Sq.mm. HRFRISPVC insland single come copper conductor cable for earthing as required 58.00 400.00 Rs Four Hundred only 23200.00 23.00 Providing, lying and fixing of coe No, aluminium conductor. PVC insulated and PVC sheaths, armoured/XLPE power cable, working voltage 1100 volts grade on surface etc. uf the required si 73.01 Unarmoured cable 10 sqms (twin c 16.00 .Mr. 187.00 R. Che Hundred Eighty Seven only 29920.00 24.00 Supplying and erection of 6 amps to 12 amps rating 10 KA breaking capacity, 240 volt, Curves, miniature circum baler of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections as required:- 24.01 Single Amp. Cat-A Exch 215:00 Rs. Two Handed Thirty Five nely 1410.00 34.02 Single pole 16 Amp. Cat-A 25.00 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole single phase & neutral) 240 volts, residual current cut berakar RCCM), having a sivity current po 300 miliampers dhe eshg MCB DB compie with c commissioning at as nequired. testing and 25.01 63 Amps, CA. Each 2.00 Each Rs Thin 3333.00 6666.00 The Thousand Three only Three Hundred 2585.00 Rs Two Hundred Thirty Five uns 235.00 Ra One Thomsend One Hundred Farty 1147.00 Seven only 26.01 Double pole 63 Amg Cat A, 2.00 2294 27.00 Supplying and fixing of following way, single pole and neutral sheet steel MCB distribution board, 240 volts, on surface/recess, complete with tinned copper bus- bar, wire- set, neutral link, earth bar, din-bar, detachable gland plate, blanking plate, cable, identification labels interconnections, phosphatized and powder painted, including earthing etc., as required: 27.01 Double door-12 way 27.112 Double door-16 way 1.00 1.00 1295.00 Ninety Eight only 2985 80 Five only 2298.00 2985.00 Each 28.00 Supplying & fixing wooden boxes of following sizes (nominal size) on surface or in recess suitable for fixing phenolic laminated sheet cover in front including painting etc. as required:- 28.01 203mm x 254min x60mm deep 200 171.00 Rs. One Hundred Seventy Only 342 29.110 Providing and fixing of following type Kit-kat Rewirzahle Porcelain Fuse carrier & Bose) fine suitable for impur voltage 415 V, S/60Hz, complete in all respect a required: Make L&T, Havells or any other approved by Engineer-in- Charge 29:01 Kit-Kat Puse 63 Amp. 115 Volts 2.00 Each 441.00 Rs. Four Hundred Forty One only 882.00

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INR 4900.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.42 Lakhs /-
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