
Tender For Supply Of Instrument Spares, bazpur-Uttarakhand

Bazpur Cooperative Suger Factory Limited has published Tender For Supply Of Instrument Spares. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-06-2023. Weights Tenders in bazpur Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Supply Of Instrument Spares
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Instrument Spares Supply Of Instrument Spares In Sugar Mill. , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Type Range-0 To 30 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Make Waaree / Radix. Isi / Iso Standarda. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 15 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standard. A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 100 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standard.A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 300 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standard A. Dial Size-4” , A. Dial Size-4”Isi / Iso Standard , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 600 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standarda. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 150 Psi, 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standard A. Dial Size-4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8”Isi / Iso Standard , D. Dial Size- 10”Isi / Iso Standard , Master Gauge Accuracy- ± 0.5%, Dial Size-150 Mm, Dial With Antiparallax Mirror, Knife Edge Pointer Isi / Iso Standard A. Range- 0 To 30 Psi , B. Range- 0 To 100 Psiisi / Iso Standard , C. Range- 0 To 300 Psiisi / Iso Standard , D. Range- 0 To 600 Psiisi / Iso Standard , Master Gauge Accuracy- ± 0.5%, Dial Size-250 Mm, Dial With Antiparallax Mirror, Knife Edge Pointer Isi / Iso Standarda. Range- 0 To 30 Psi , B. Range- 0 To 100 Psiisi / Iso Standard , C. Range- 0 To 300 Psi Isi / Iso Standard , D. Range- 0 To 600 Psiisi / Iso Standard , Compound Gauge, Complete S.S., Range- Vacuum- 0 To 30 Inch Hg.. Pressure- 0 To 30 Psi., 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting. Isi / Iso Standard .A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , Vacuum Gauge, Complete S.S., Bourdon Tube Tipe Range- 0 To 30 Inch Hg. 3 / 8” Or ½” Bsp Bottom Fitting, Isi / Iso Standard.A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Stem Type. ( Size- 8 Mm. Dia X 300 Mm. Length. ) Range- 0 To 120ºc Isi / Iso Standard. A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8” Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Stem Type. ( Size- 6 Mm. Dia X 450 Mm. Length. ) Range- 0 To 400ºc Isi / Iso Standard. A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8” Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Capillary Type. Capillary Length-2 Mtr., Sensing Dia 6 Mm., Range- 0 To 120ºc Isi / Iso Standard.A. Dial Size- 4” , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8” Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Type Temperature Gauge, Complete S.S. Mercury In S.S. Tube, Capillary Type. Capillary Length-2 Mtr., Sensing Dia 6 Mm., Range- 0 To 400ºcisi / Iso Standard .A. Dial Size- 4” Isi / Iso Standard , B. Dial Size- 6” Isi / Iso Standard , C. Dial Size- 8” Isi / Iso Standard , Glass Thermometer Size- 14” Isi / Iso Standard.A. Alcohol Filled , B. Mercury Filled.Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Temperature Indicator, Mounting Size- 96 X 48 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard.A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc.Isi / Iso Standard , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Temperature Indicator, Mounting Size- 96 X 96 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard.A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc.Isi / Iso Standard , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Temperature Controller, Mounting Size- 96 X 96 Mm. A. “Pt-100” Type, Range- 0 To 200ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. , B. “K” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc.Isi / Iso Standard , C. “J” Type, Range- 0 To 600ºc, Resolution-0.1ºc. Isi / Iso Standard , Compensating Cable, Teflon Coated, Fire Proof. Isi / Iso Standarda. “J” Type , B. “K” Type Isi / Iso Standard , Low Resistance Three Core Cable, Teflon Coated Fire Proof Forpt 100Sensor.Isi / Iso Standard , High Tempereture Thermocouple, “J” Type, Head Type With½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Isi / Iso Standard A. Size- 6 Mm. X 170 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. X 325 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , High Temperature Thermocouple, “K” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Isi / Iso Standard. A. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 35Mm. To 100 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , Thermocouple “K” Type, Head Type Built S.S. Thick Rod Suitable For Working In Boiler Outlet Gas With Fitting Accessories Size- 15 Mm. X 800 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , Sensor “Pt-100” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Isi / Iso Standarda. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 30Mm. To 80 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 81Mm. To 100 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , D. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , E. Size- 10 Mm. Diax Length- 301Mm. To 400 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , Duplex Sensor “Pt-100” Type, Head Type With ½” Bsp Adjustable Fitting Isi / Iso Standard.A. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 30Mm. To 80 Mm. , B. Size- 6 Mm. Diax Length- 81Mm. To 100 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , C. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 101Mm. To 200 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , D. Size- 8 Mm. Diax Length- 201Mm. To 300 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , E. Size- 10 Mm. Diax Length- 301Mm. To 400 Mm.Isi / Iso Standard , Electronic Temperature Recorder With Digital Display Range-0 To 100º C / 0 To 200ºc / 0 To 600º C, Pt-100 Type. Isi / Iso Standard. A. Size- 8” , B. Size-10”Isi / Iso Standard , Circular Type Pressure Recorder, 24 Hrs. Bourdon Tube Type. Range- 0 To 30 Kg / Cm², Size-8”Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Temperature Panel Cubicle Consisting Of 18 Digital Temperature Indicator ( Size-96 X 48 Mm., Pt 100 Type, 0.1ºc Resolution ) With Complete Internal Wiring And Mcb.Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Temperature Panel Cubicle Consisting Of 08 Digital Temperature Indicator ( Size-96 X 48 Mm., Pt 100 Type, 0.1ºc Resolution ) With Complete Internal Wiring And Mcb. Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Counter, Mounting Size- 96 X 48 Mm., Sensing- No / Nc Make Selectron.Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Counter Meter Size 96X 48Mm. Electro Makeisi / Iso Standard , Proximity Switch No / Nc Type Dia 10 Mm. To 30 Mm. , Four Digit Auto Ranging Rpm Indicator, Modal- Rc 100 Mounting Size-96 Mm. X 48 Mm. Range-0 To 9999Rpm. Type Pnp Make Selectorn.Isi / Iso Standard , Proximity Sensor Type-Pnp Dia 30 Mm.Isi / Iso Standard , S.S. Thermo Well, Bar Stag Type ( Heavy Duty ) Isi / Iso Standard A. Size- 16 Mm. X 345 Mm., Bore-8 Mm. 340 Mm., ½” Bsp Thread Inner & Outer. , B. Size- 16 Mm. X 190 Mm., Bore-8 Mm. 185 Mm., ½” Bsp Thread Inner & Outer.Isi / Iso Standard , Recorder Chart Paper, Circular Type, 24 Hrs. ( Different Ranges ) . Isi / Iso Standard , Recorder Pen.Isi / Iso Standard A. For Hap Make Recorder. , B. Pen With Arm For Recorder.Isi / Iso Standard , C. Forelectronic Recorder.Isi / Iso Standard , Mechanical Juice Counter, Seven Digit, Modal- S-060, Make Keltron.Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Type Rpm Meter, Modal- At-6, Dial Size- 6”, Range- 0 To 10000 Rpm, Fsd- 1818 Rpm, Bl- 8250 Rpm At 1500 Rpm. Make Beacon Industries Pvt. Lrd., Wadala. Isi / Iso Standard , Taco Generator, Modal- Tg-Fng, 1 Volt Ac / 1000 Rpm. Isi / Iso Standard , Industrial Mercury.Isi / Iso Standard , Recorder Ink, Glycerin Mix.Isi / Iso Standard , Diaphragm Of Arca Valve.Isi / Iso Standarda. Big Size , B. Small Size Isi / Iso Standard , Bellows Of Ape Arca Valve.Isi / Iso Standarda. 0 To 30 Psi. , B. 0 To 100 Psi Isi / Iso Standard , C. 0 To 300 Psi.Isi / Iso Standard , Pressure Switch Modal- Ps-4B., Rang- 01 To 7 Kg. / Cm² Differential Pressure- 0.6 To 0.7. Isi / Iso Standard , Filter Regulator Lubricator With Gauge & Accessories. Range 0 To 7 Kg. / Cm². ½” Or 3 / 8” Bsp Fitting.Isi / Iso Standard , Diaphragm Control Pneumatic Globe Valve With Electro Pneumatic Positioner ( With Complete Accessories Etc. ) Size- 40 Mm. Nb, Working Pressure 40 Kg / Cm², Working Temperature- 200ºc.Isi / Iso Standard , Pneumatic Control Valve, Modal- 1125 / Ps-80R, Size- 25 Mm. / Nd-16, Working Medium Steam, Working Pressure 150 Psi, Temperature 250ºc, Air Pressure- 4 To 7 Kg. / Cm² Isi / Iso Standard , Dead Weight Vacuum Gauge Tester, Modal- Dt-55, Range- 2 Inch Hg. To 28 Inch Hg. Carrier Weight-Inch Hg. Unit. Isi / Iso Standard , Chart Drive Motor Of Pressure / Temperature Recorder 24 Hrs. Isi / Iso Standard , High Pressure Niddle Valve ( S.S., Working Pressure 40 Kg. / Cm² ) Isi / Iso Standarda. Size- ½” , B. Size- 3 / 8”Isi / Iso Standard , High Pressure Ball Valve ( S.S., Working Pressure 40 Kg. / Cm² ) A. Size- ½”Isi / Iso Standard , B. Size- 3 / 8”Isi / Iso Standard , Repairing / Calibration Of Digital Temperature Recorder Com Indicator, Pt-100 Type, Range- 0 To 100ºc / 200ºc. Isi / Iso Standard , Digital Multimeter.Isi / Iso Standard , Hand Held Tachometer ( Mechanical / Dial Type ) Range- 1 Rpm To 10000 Rpm, Isi / Iso Standard , Dial Indicator, Rang- 0 To 10 Mm. Least Count-0.01 Mm. Dial Size-50 Mm., Isi / Iso Standard , Micro Meterisi / Iso Standard ( A ) 0 To 25 Mm. Out Side. , ( B ) 0 To 150 Mm. Out Side.Isi / Iso Standard , ( C ) 0 To 150 Mm. In Side.Isi / Iso Standard , Filler Gauge 6”. Size- 0.02To 1 Mm. Isi / Iso Standard , Master Level 2” Isi / Iso Standard , M.S. Flexible Conduit Pipe.Isi / Iso Standard A. 3 / 8” Id , B. ½” Id Isi / Iso Standard , C. ¾” Id.Isi / Iso Standard , D. 1” Id Isi / Iso Standard , Rising Power Input 220Volt, Out Put 40V Dc / 24 Vdc , Electro Make Juce / Water Counter Meter Sensor. , Air Filter For Flow Meter , Area Valve Complete Size 3

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