
Tender For . Providing Of Water Filters To Govt Schools At Chitrakonda Sector: Supplier Has To Make Arrangements To Provide Water Filters To Govt. Schools In Chitrakonda Sector, Malkangiri-Odisha

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For . Providing Of Water Filters To Govt Schools At Chitrakonda Sector: Supplier Has To Make Arrangements To Provide Water Filters To Govt. Schools In Chitrakonda Sector. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-05-2023. Building Work Tenders in Malkangiri Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For . Providing Of Water Filters To Govt Schools At Chitrakonda Sector: Supplier Has To Make Arrangements To Provide Water Filters To Govt. Schools In Chitrakonda Sector
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Tender For . Providing Of Water Filters To Govt Schools At Chitrakonda Sector: Supplier Has To Make Arrangements To Provide Water Filters To Govt. Schools In Chitrakonda Sector a.Plain Long Notebook for writing 172 pages for Class VI to X - quantity 400 nos. b.Single Rule Short Notebook for writing 76 pages for Class III to V - quantity -250 nos. c. Slate for AWC and Class I <(>&<)> II - quantity 40. d. Slate Pencils - quanity in packets- quantity - 80 e. Pen Blue Colour (Linc Smart Gel) - quantity - 250 nos. f. Pen Black Colour (Link Smart Gel) - quantity- 250 nos. g. HB Bonded Lead Pencil (Apsara/Natraj)-quantity - 200 nos. h. Eraser (Apsara/Natraj)quantity -100 nos. i.sharpener (Apsara/Natraj)- quantity -100 nos. 3. Celebration of Children’s Day 2023 at Primary Schools and Anganwadi center of the pipeline corridor village of Chitrakonda Supplier has to make arrangements to provide educational materials and stationery to celebrate Children’s day in the mentioned villages a. supply of the following colouring books on or before 30-10-2023 at Chitrakonda Booster Pumping station.for organizing children day . at Schools: RSC-11-PS, RSCC-10 PS, Sarukubandha PS, Chintandoli PS, Rallegedda PS, Pansagandhi PS<(>&<)>ME, Palankar AWC, Sariyapalli PS,. Kids Colouring books: 1. Fun with Colour-Vegetables-60 Nos books 2. Fun with Colour-Flowers-60 Nos books 3. Fun with Colour-Animals -60 Nos books 4. Fun with Colour-Fruits -60 Nos books 5. Fun with Colour-Birds-60 Nos books. 4. Supply of Bicycles in schools at Chitrakonda: Supplier has to make arrangements to provide Bicycles in schools of Chitrakonda sector in the mentioned villages Schools: MV-15, MV-47, Tumasapalli, MV-23, Kanbara, MV-28, MV-120, MV-27, RSC-11, RSC-08, Sarkubandha, Badapadar. a. Tata Brand- Ladies cycle- For girls: Tata Brand: Tatas tryder ladies deep pink Elly SLR 26 inches Road Cycle. Including AM/NS Branding - quanitity - 28 nos. b. Tata MIG RS 26 T Road Cycles for boys.Including AM/NS Branding - quantity - 24 nos. 5. Supply of utensils at Villages: Supplier has to make arrangements to supply utensils and tent materials in 10 villages of Chitrakonda sector as per the mentioned specification and list of villages. Villages: RSC-19,RSC-10, RSC-11, Tatmanguda, Banaguru Colony, Phulpadar Badapadar, Dhanurjayguda, Sanyasiguda, Hathguda List of Utensils: Rice Handi Big 40 Kg (Big) - quntity -20 nos. Handi Small 25 Kg - quantity - 20 nos. Chicken Ginne 50kg - Quantity -10 nos. Rice Jalley 30kg- Quantity - 20 nos. Big Bucket- Quantity - 60 nos. Small Bucket- Quantity -60 nos Mug /Jug- Quantity - 150 nos. Ladle/Serving spoon- Quantity - 120 nos. Rice Spoon - Quantity - 80 nos. Iron Kurpi - Quantity - 20 nos. Steel glass - Quantity - 600 nos. Basin - Quantity - 40 nos. Chair Red Colour without armrest - quantity - 300 nos. Drum - Quantity - 40 nos. Table for Dinning - Quantity - 150 nos. Iron Rice Jalley/Fry Spoon Big - Quantity - 20 nos. Tent Tarpaulin sheet 30ft X 30ft - Quantity - 10 nos Wooven Dari 18ft X 24 ft - Quantity - 10 nos. 1. Repair of Spring water base, platforms, and water supply points in Paliguda village, Chitrakonda. As per the request of the villagers during pipeline replacement work in Matamkonda section for repair of spring water supply, supplier is expected to repair existing spring water point platforms in Paliguda village in Matamkonda secton. Detailed scope of work is listed below: Plastering and Repair (RR Masonry) Catchment tank <(>&<)> Base Platform - 2cum HDPE Pipe laying 63mm HDPE Pipe - 200 mtrs. Branding and Colouring with enamel paint - 4.5 sq.mtr. 2. Support in animal vaccination for cattle in villages of Chitrakonda sector with support of Animal Husbandry Department Vaccination of cattle and farm animals/livestock ; quantity - 4000 To and fro charges of Livestock Inspector to 20 villages @500/day - 20 days AM/NS Branding Banners (6X5ft) 2 pcs @20/sqft Miscellaneous (Tea <(>&<)> Snacks for Livestock Inspector, Veterinary Officer day for 20 days) 3. Distribution of fish fingerlings in pipeline village locations of Chitrakonda sector in CY 2022 under non- committed fund. Supplier has to make arrangements to supply fish fingerlings in pipeline village locations of Chitrakonda sector with support of Animal Husbandry Department to promote livelihood activities. Detailed scope of work is listed below: List of Villages Paliguda 8 kgs Rathaguda 8 kgs Purnapani 8 kgs Narsinghpur 8 kgs RSC-11 8 kgs RSC-19 10 kgs RSC-10 10 kgs Khilaguda 8 kgs Banguru Colony 8 kgs Badapadar 8kgs Kadaguma 8 kgs Bangurupada 8 kgs 4. Vegetable seed distribution for Organic Vegetable cultivation Supplier has to make arrangements to support in supply of vegetable seed distribution in villages of Chitrakonda sector with coordination with OLM, Odisha to promote organic farming and kitchen gardening. Detailed scope of work is listed below: Villages: Rathaguda, Paliguda, Purnapani, RSC-19, RSC-11, Narsingpur, Lambasingi, Khiloguda, Phoolpadar, Bangurupada, RSC-23/Anjariguda, Banguru Colony, Dhanurjayguda Vegetable seeds: TOMOTO SEEDS - 0.5 kgs BRINJAL SEEDS - 0.5 kgs CHILLY SEEDS - 0.5 kgs PUMPKIN SEEDS - 0.5 kgs. BENDI (OAKRA) SEEDS -3kgs BITTER GAURD SEEDS - 0.5 kgs BARBATI (LONG BEANS) SEEDS -5 kgs LAL SAAG (RED SPINACH) SEEDS - 8kgs BOTTEL GUARD SEEDS - 5kgs AMNS Branding Banner (6X5ft)1 pcs @20/sqft (5x4ft) 1pcs 5. Construction of new dug out wells for drinking water in three 6. Organizing inter-village volleyball and inter school carrom and chess tournaments in Rallegedda, Badapadar and Nuaguda Panchayats of Chitrakonda Unit in CY 2023. Supplier has to make arrangements in organizing inter-village volleyball and inter school carrom and chess tournaments in Rallegedda, Badapadar and Nuaguda Panchayats of Chitrakonda Unit in CY 2023. Detailed scope of work is listed below: Villages: Badapadar and Nuaguda Panchayats of Chitrakonda Tents including chairs, tables, sound systems, lights and water for 2 locations 2 nos. Prize and mementos for winner and runner-up, volunteers (24 Players + 2 Referee + 2-Runners up cup + 2- Winners’ cup ) Volleyballs-10 Nos Volleyball Net- 2 Nos Food refreshments; water for the volunteers and players LS Jersey set (T-Shirt only with AMNS Branding) for the finalists with Branding (4 teams X 8 members) + 2 Referee+ 1 Linemen 35 nos Referee fees-2 Nos for 2 locations Banner and Standees for 2 locations (2 x Backdrop (4ftX6ft); 2 x Standee with stand (2ft X 6ft)) LS Transportation cost 7. organising Inter-school Carrom and Chess tournament in Badapadar, Nuaguda, Rallegeda Panchayats of Chitrakonda Chairs and tables (Tent Items on rent) 2 locations Prize and mementos for winner and runner-up Carom Doubles Winner (Boy) 2 locations 4 nos. Carom Doubles Winner (Girl) 2 locations 4 nos. Carom Doubles Runner (Boy) 2 locations 4 nos. Carom Doubles Runner (Girl) 2 locations 4 nos. Carom Singles Winner- (Boy and Girl) 2 Locations 4 nos. Carom Singles Runners- (Boy and Girl) 2 Locations 4 nos. Carom Singles Winner- (Boy and Girl) 2 Locations 4 nos. Carom Singles Runners- (Boy and Girl) 2 Locations 4 nos. Food refreshments; water for the volunteers and players in league and finals LS Carrom board Club- Size-36 Inch with Coin, Striker, Duster 4 nos. Chess Board with Pieces 8 nos. Banner and Standees for 2 locations (2 x Backdrop (4ftX6ft); 2 x Standee (2ft X 6ft)) LS Transportation LS 8. Construction of new community Halls in pipeline corridor villages of Chitrakonda As per the request of the villagers during pipeline replacement work in Matamkonda section for construction of community hall, supplier is expected to construct community halls as per the detailed scope of work listed below: Villages: Paliguda, Rathaguda, Purnapani Excavation in all kinds of soil 11.5 M3 Providing <(>&<)> Laying of PCC (1:4:8) 1.75 M3 Steel handling from 6mm dia to 32 dia 1.6 TO Provide <(>&<)>Laying of RCC (1:1.5:3) M30 upto3mtr 21 M3 Shuttering 135.58 M2 Back filling with excavate earth material 50 M3 Brick work-CC brick 7.75 M3 Plastering - Internal 12mm 60 M2 BOARD MAKING CHARGES 135 M2 Whitewash 185 M2 Side wall 3 ft- CC brick work 4.6 M3 Plastering - Side Wall 12mm 50.2 M2 Cement Flooring 33 M2 Grilled gate 6X4 ft G.I material with single coat red oxide and enamel paint and 45 KG Enamel paint/colouring as per AM/NS Community Halls colour scheme. 185 M2 AM/NS Branding with Oil/Enamel paint 19 M2 9. Channelizing the runoff water of perennial Springs through HDPE pipeline in villages of Baradabandha, Bangarupada village, Panasagandhi School Complex in Chitrakonda sector CY-2023 As per the request of the villagers during pipeline replacement work in 7 km Janbai section for construction of spring water harvesting structures, supplier is expected to channelize the runoff water of perennial Springs through HDPE pipeline in villages of Baradabandha, Bangarupada village, Panasagandhi School Complex as per the detailed scope of work listed below: Excavation Cum-24 Providing <(>&<)> laying of PCC (1:4:8) Cum - 1.95 Providing <(>&<)> Laying of RCC (1:1.5:3)Cum-10.2 Steel handling from 6mm dia to 32 dia MT -0.9 Shuttering Sqm - 50.25 RR Masonry Cum - 4.8 Plastering 12 mm (1:4) S

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