E Tender For The Supply Of Lab Specimen For The Departments Of Botany Zoology And Geology , Botany - Fossil Slides , Lepidodendron Selaginoides T.S , Lepidocarpon Wildianum L.S , Medullosa Stem Perfect T.S , Medullosa Root , Rhynia Stem T.S , Rhynia Major T.S , Rhynia Gwynevaughani T.S , Rhynia Sporangium , Shenophyllum Plurifoliatum Stem T.S , Shenophyllum Plurifoliatum – T.S Of Root , Shenophyllum Leaf , Sphenophyllum Cone , Botany - Plant Anatomy , Aleurone Grain T.S , Compound Starch Grain , Concentric Starch Grain , Eccentric Starch Grain , Cystolith , Raphides Wm , Spaeroraphides , Lysigenous Cavity , Schizogenous Cavity , Botany - Reproductive Botany ( Embryology ) , T.Sof Anther – Young , T.S Of Anther With Pollen Grains , Amphitropous Ovule , Anatropous Ovule , Campylotropus Ovule , Circinotropous Ovule , Orthotropous Ovule , Capsella – Mature Embryo L.S , Monocot Embryo – L.S Of Grain Showing Caryopsis, Endosperm And Embryo , Botany - Algae , Diatoms – Pennate , Diatoms – Centric , Oedogonium – Macrandrous Wm , Oedogonium – Nannandrous Wm , Vaucheria – Vegetative , Vaucheria - Reproductive , Zoology - Permanent Slides , Paramecium , Noctiluca , Hydra , Obelia , Actinophrys , Opalina , Entamoeba , 24 Hrs Chick Embryo , 48 Hrs Chick Embryo , Mitosis Stages , Meiosis Stages , Zoology - Preserved Specimens , Spongila , Sycon , Bipalium , Euplectella , Jellyfish , Fasciola , Physalia , Aurelia , Hookworm , Seaurchin , Rhacophorus , Geology - Igneous Rocks -Megascopic , Peridotite , Dunite , Lamprophyre , Komatite , Aplite , Andesite , Trachyte , Kimberlite , Glassy Basalt , Obsidian , Pumice , Scoria , Dacite , Granodiorite , Anorthosite , Diorite , Monzonite , Latite , Porphyry , Pyroxenite , Syenite , Tonalite , Troctolite , Granite , Dolerite , Essexite , Sedimentary Rocks- Megascopic , Micaceous Sandstone , Gritty Sandstone , Red Slate , Oolitic Limestone , Pisolitic Limestone , Crinoidal Limestone , Foraminiferal Limestone , Breccia , Chalk , Caliche , Chert , Diatomite , Coquina , Flint , Dolomite , Rock Salt , Siltstone , Geology - Metamorphic Rocks-Megascopic , Amphibolite , Staurolite Schist , Kyanite Schist , Hornfels , Marble ( White ) , Pink Marble , Serpentine Marble , Phyllite , Skarn , Sillimanite Schist , Wollastonite Schist , Eclogite , Mucovite Schist , Humite Marble , Geology - Ore Minerals -Megascopic , Magnetite , Hematite , Pyrite , Siderite , Limonite , Pyrolusite , Psilomelane , Chromite , Molybdem=Nie , Cinnabar , Cobaltite , Sphalerite , Chalcopyrite , Cuprite , Cassiterite , Geology - Rock_Forming Minerals ( Megascopic ) , Muscovite , Beryl , Garnet ( Crystal ) , Corundum , Apatite , Wollastonite , Staurolite , Andalusite , Orthoclase , Microcline ( Amazon Stone ) , Toumaline ( Crystal ) , Phlogopite , Geology - Mineral Thin Sections ( Microscopic ) , Plagioclase , Quartz , Microcline , Biotite , Muscovite , Enstatite , Hypersthene , Diopside , Augite , Anthophyllite , Hornblende , Riebeckite , Sillimanite , Kyanite , Andalusite , Chiastolite , Staurolite , Calcite , Corundum , Leucite , Olivine , Nepheline , Sodalite , Zircon , Sphene , Geology - Rock Thin Sections - Igneous Thin Sections , Peridotite , Dunite , Lamprophyre , Komatite , Aplite , Andesite , Trachyte , Kimberlite , Glassy Basalt , Dacite , Granodiorite , Anorthosite , Diorite , Monzonite , Latite , Porphyry , Pyroxenite , Syenite , Tonalite , Troctolite , Granite , Essexite , Geology -Sedimentary ( Thin Sections ) , Micaceous Sandstone , Gritty Sandstone , Slate , Oolitic Limestone , Pisolitic Limestone , Crinoidal Limestone , Foraminiferal Limestone , Breccia , Diatomite , Siltstone , Geology - Metamorphic , Amphibolite , Staurolite Schist , Kyanite Schist , Hornfels , Marble , Phyllite , Skarn , Sillimanite Schist , Wollastonite Schist , Eclogite , Mucovite Schist , Humite Marble , Khondalite , Geology - Fossils Anthozoa , Calceola , Halysites , Isastrea , Lithostrotion , Zapherentis , Geology - Brachiopoda , Spirifer , Productus , Terebratula , Rhynconella , Lingula , Geology - Echinodermata , Cidaris , Hemicidaris , Micraster , Hemisaster , Geology - Lamellibranch , Arca , Cardita , Pecten , Trigonia , Megaladon , Gryphea , Exogyra , Ostrea , Inoceramus , Alectryonia , Hippurites , Geology - Gastropods , Natica , Trochus , Turritella , Conus , Murex , Physa , Bellerophone , Cyprea , Geology - Cephalapods , Nautilus , Ceratites , Acanthoceras , Turrilites , Belimnites , Geology - Trilobites , Paradoxides , Calymene , Phacops , Olenus , Olenellus , Geology - Graptolites , Phullograptus , Tetragraptus , Diplograptus , Monograptus , Geology - Plant Fossils , Glossopteris , Gangamopteris , Ptilophyllum , Lepidodendron , Sigillaria , Calamites