
Bids Are Invited For Construction of room at CRD Building inside Turamdih Mill -1 Title1 Earthwork in excavation in the following types of soil and rock up to and including 1.5 mtr Lead including bailing or pumping out any water accumulating inside the e, Saraikela Kharsawan-Jharkhand

Department Of Atomic Energy has published Bids Are Invited For Construction of room at CRD Building inside Turamdih Mill -1 Title1 Earthwork in excavation in the following types of soil and rock up to and including 1.5 mtr Lead including bailing or pumping out any water accumulating inside the e. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-07-2022. Building Work Tenders in Saraikela Kharsawan Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Construction of room at CRD Building inside Turamdih Mill -1 Title1 Earthwork in excavation in the following types of soil and rock up to and including 1.5 mtr Lead including bailing or pumping out any water accumulating inside the e
Open Tender
Saraikela Kharsawan

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Construction of room at CRD Building inside Turamdih Mill -1 Title1 Earthwork in excavation in the following types of soil and rock up to and including 1.5 mtr Lead including bailing or pumping out any water accumulating inside the excavated pit or trench shoring strutting as directed by Engineer adequate protection to be taken during excavation or drilling or blasting transporting the excavated soil for all lead and stacking selectively including disposing off the rubbish rock fragments excess spoils etc lead upto 100 Mtrs in the area as directed by the Engineer all complete as per drawing specification and direction of the Engineer All types of soil 2 Title2 Earth work in back filling with available earth including watering and compaction at all elevations around foundations walls wells tunnels pits culverts trenches road approaches and in plinth filling and area filling as per specifications and drawings and as directed by the Engineer with selected spoil within a lead of 100 mtr. 3 Title3 Disposal or carriage of rubbish or waste rock or earth etc dumped or stacked at site by mechanical means including loading unloading and dressing properly lead upto 5 Km and up to any lift includind cost of all labours and equipments. 4 Title4 Supply mix place in position compact and cure cement concrete 1isto3 isto 6 one cement isto three coarse sand isto six graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size below foundations walls wells pits trenches etc and in basin lining as per specifications drawings and directions of the Engineer and including cost of centring and shuttering but excluding cost of cement. 5 Title5 Supply mix place in position compact and cure including testing of concrete specimens finishing surfaces as per specifications drawings and directions of the Engineer of the following grades of concrete with 20mm and down graded stone aggregate and coarse sand in foundations excluding cost of centring shuttering cement and reinforcement M20 RCC 6 Title6 Supply mix place in position compact and cure including testing of concrete specimens finishing surfaces as per specifications drawings and directions of the Engineer of the following grades of concrete with 20mm and down graded stone aggregate and coarse sand in super structure excluding cost of centring shuttering, cement and reinforcement M20 RCC 7 Title7 Taking delivery from store or departmental yard bend bind and place the following types of reinforcement in all types of reinforced concrete work at all elevations including cleaning straightening cutting bending and binding with 18 SWG annealed wire or with welding such as tack lap butt etc with approved electrodes providing concrete cover blocks pins chairs nails supports of reinforcement etc with all materials and labour complete as per drawings specifications and directions of Engineer excluding cost of reinforcement . 8 Title8 Install dismantle and remove the form work of approved quality including splay recess corners haunch etc. scaffolding and necessary rendering of concrete surfaces after exposure including cost of all material and labours at all elevations. 9 Title9 Supply and laying in position brick work with designate 75 bricks compressive strength not less than 75 KgperSq. Cm in super structures etc in cement coarse sand mortar 1 isto 6 including mixing mortar laying bricks raking joints curing etc complete with all materials and labour as per drawings and specifications excluding cost of cement. 10 Title10 15mm thick minimum plastering with 1 isto 6 one cement isto six coarse sand to all faces of walls channels in roof and other structures at various elevations including mixing laying finishing curing and necessary scaffolding work complete as per drawings specifications and instructions of the Engineer with all materials and labours excluding cost of cement. 11 Title11 6 mm thick cement plaster of mix 1isto 3 One cement isto 3 fine sand all complete as per direction of EIC excluding cost of cement. 12 Title12 Applying neat cement punning including cost of all materials labours etc Complete as per direction of EIC excluding cost of cement 13 Title13 Supplying fitting and fixing fully glazed steel door windows or ventilations of standard rolled Z and mullton steel sections and size as per lS 1038 joints met and welded with 100 into 16 into 3mm MS Lugs fixing in cement concrete 1 isto 2 isto 4 blocks 15 into 10 into 10cm size including cost of oxidised iron fittings with hinges handle peg stays catch springs 3mm thick plain glass panes with Aluminimum beads or glass putty and inner frame fixed with lugs with 20mm long 6.3mm Gl counter sunk machine screw and nuts and applying a coat of red lead paint carriage to work site hoisting and placing in position in all storys and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of EIC. 14 Title14 Providing and fixing 1mm thick MS sheet door with frame of 40 into 40 into 6 mm angle iron and 3 mm MS gusset plates at the junctions and corners all necessary fittings complete including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer. Using flats 30 into 6mm for diagonal braces and central cross piece. 15 Title15 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacturer of required colour to give an even shade two or more coats on new or old work over a priming coat complete as per specification and direction of EIC. 16 Title16 Supplying and applying two or more coats of white wash with lime to walls ceiling etc at various elevations including preparation of surfaces cleaning etc complete with all materials labour scaffolding work as per specifications. 17 Title17 Supplying and finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade New work Two or more coat applied at the rate 1.67 ltr per 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied at the rate 2.20 kg per10 sqm all complete as per direction of EIC. 18 Title18 Cement concrete flooring 1 isto 2 isto 4 one cement isto two coarse sand isto four graded stone aggregate finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry fixing glass strips but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. Complete as per direction of EIC excluding cost of cement. 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 19 Title19 Providing and fixing or Renewing glass panes with putty and nails wherever necessary including racking out the old putty Float glass panes of thickness 5.5 mm 20 Title20 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS 13592 Type A including bend shoe other fittings and jointing with seal ring conforming to IS 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion Single socketed pipes 110 mm diameter 21 Title21 Demolishing RCC or PCC work manually or by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of EIC. Total Quantity : 888

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INR 10028.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.89 Lakhs /-
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