
Tender For Renovation Of Guest House (Old School Building) At Yangang Campus, Sikkim University-Sikkim

Sikkim University has published Tender For Renovation Of Guest House (Old School Building) At Yangang Campus, Sikkim University. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-01-2022. Building Work Tenders in Sikkim. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Renovation Of Guest House (Old School Building) At Yangang Campus, Sikkim University
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Tender Details

Tender for renovation of guest house (old school building) at yangang campus, sikkim university--1 providing and laying first class brick work in half brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement and 4 course sand) including carriage of bricks up to work site, curing etc all complete. 2 providing and laying 12mm thick cement plaster of specified mix in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing complete. 3 providing and laying plaster of paris putty of 2mm thick over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth all complete: 4 removing dry oil bond distemper by scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including repairs to scratches etc complete. 5 providing and providing and painting with plastic emulsion paints one or more coats on old surface of required shade to give even shade in- including brushing the surface clean of all dirt, dust and smoothened by sand paper etc complete. 6 providing and removing scaffolding for painting work in building all complete as per engineer incharge. 7 providing and providing and painting with acrylic exterior paints of quality and make equivalent to excel, weather shield to give an even shade including brushing the surface clean of dirt, dust etc and sand papering and filling the scratches complete on new surface. 8 repairing of existing doors and windows including painting/polish all complete as per engineer incharge 9 providing, fixing & removing form work for casting r.c.c items as indicated below: with imported timber from outside the state)

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Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 42 Lakhs /-
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