
Construction Of Materials., dantewada-Chhattisgarh

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has published Construction Of Materials.. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-11-2019. Civil Work Tenders in dantewada Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Construction Of Materials.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Construction Of Materials- Bricks Class 20 Kumhar Pujwa Burnt (Rate at Bhatta), Bricks Class 25 Open Rhutta or Pajwa Burnt (Lind class) (Rate at Bhatta), Bricks Class 35 Chimney Kiln Burnt Brick (Rate at Bhatta), Bricks Sun Dried (Rate at Moulding place), 7 Brick Aggregate 25mm Nomisa1 Size, Brick Aggregate 20mm Nominal Size, Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 80mm Nominal Size (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 60mm Nominal Size (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), ‘Stone Aggrigate (other then BT) (Metal) 40mm Nominal Size (1805) (Rate at Quarry), Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 20mm Nominal Size(other then BT Metal) (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 12mm Nominal Sue (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 10mm Nominal Size (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), LimeUnslacked / Hydrated, 13 Surkhi, Moorum I lard (1803) (Rate at Quarry), 16 Block board decorative type 25mm thick with decorative veneered skin for Door shutter, 17 Cement (Grey) (PPC) Block board decorative type 30mm thick with decorative veneered skin for Door shutter, *Sand Fine (1823) (Rate at Quari-’), Brick Aggregate 50mm Nominal Size, Sand Coarse (1S23) (Rate at Quarry),Stone L)ust (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), Marble Dust,, 24 Cement (White), Blasting Powder (for blasting), Blasting Fuse (for blasting), Steam Coal, WOOD - Ballies Sal - l25mmdia (3.6m Jong) Clay, 30 Shingles, Graval, Pabbles. Plu,ii 40mm nominal size (Rate at Quarry) Shingles, (iral, PaIhlcs. Plums 20mm nominal size Rate at Quarry) — - Mesh - (expanded metal 20mm X 6mm and 1.6mm thick), Block board decorative type 40mm thick with decorative veneered skin for Door shutter, Bindingwire, Block board Non-decorative type 25mm thick (paintable) with unveneered skin for Door, shutter 36 Iron - M.S. Angle, Channels, Tee Bitumen blown type, - Kerosene oil, WOOD - Bija, Stone for masoniy work (181 OA) (Rate at Quarry), [ WOOD - Dailies Sal - 100mm dia(3.6m long), WOOD - Indian Teak wood 2nd class, WOOD - Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood W(X)D - Kail wood 2nd class, WOOD - Sal wood, Glass-4mm thick, Scrws40mm, Water prooling umpound/ materials, S)inajes, Graval. Pabbles, Plums 150mm nominal size (Rate at Quarry) 51) BtL1men (Maxphalt 80’ 100, (‘hopped straw, Block board Non-Jcorativc type 30mm thick (paintable) with unveneered skin for Door, shutter, Bitumen cut back, Lime putty solution, 56 Block board Non-decorative type 40mm thic shutter, Linseed oil double boiled k (painta, ble) with unveneered skin for . Door, Distemper Dry, Bitumen 85/25, GI. pipe 20mm dia (medium gwde), flock hoard Non-decorative commercial, commercial vcnccrs skin for Door shutter, 25mm, thick, (paintable), veneered, with, Whiling, Lime (Katni), Block board Non-decorative commercial commercial veneers skin for Door shutter 30mm, thick, (paintable) veneered iii Distemper primer Block board Non-decorative commercial 40mm thick (paintable) veneered with commercial veneers skin for Door shutter, Particle board decorative type 25mm thick with decorative veneered skin for Door shutter, CaLtic soda, Particle board decorative type 30mm thick with decorative ve’neered skin for Door shutter, Particle board decorative type 40mm thick with decorative veneerd Lin for Door shutter, ____- _ ____ Paint - Ready mixed red lead, Paint - Enamel paint, - icoaltar, G.l. pipe 25mm dia (medium grade) — Particle board Non-decorative type 25mm thick (painlable) with wweneercd skin tr t)r, shutter, 76 Particle board Non-decorative type 30mm thick (paintable) with unveneered skin fir Door, shutter I ______ Particle board Non-decorative type 40mm thick (paintable) with unveneered skin for Door, shutter, Particle board Non-decorative commercial 25mm thick (paintable) veneered with * commercial veneers skin for Door shutter, Particle board Non-decorative commercial 30mm thick (paintable) veneered with ‘. commercial vcnccrs skin for Door shutter, Particle board Non-decorative commercial 40mm thick (paintable) venecred with — commercial veneers skin for Door shutter, Distemper, 1 Varnish - Under coal flatting varnish, Varnish, 84 Hard metal (othcr thii RT) Grading - I (size ranging from ‘X)mm to 45mm) (1804A), (Rate at Quany) -__ - - - Spirit, ‘I-lard metal (other then BT) Grading - 2 (size ranging from 63mm to 45mm) (180411), (Rate at Quarry) _____________________________________________ Shellac, ‘Hard metal (other then liT) Grading. 3 (size ranging from .3mm to 22.4mm)(1804( (Rate at Quarry), ______ _________ Stone Aggngate (Metal) 40mm Nominal Size(BT Metal) (Rate at Quarry/Crusher) — 0.1. pipe 32mm dia (medium grade), — 0.1. pipe 40mm dia (medium grade), Stone - Red sand stone slab 40mm thick, Stone - Red sand stone slab 50mm thick, Stone - Rcd sand stone slab 30mm thick, ‘Boulder - picked up (1807), Glass - 5mm thick, WOOD - Ballies Sal - 150mm dia (3.6m long), Stone - Stone slab 40mm thick for chhaja, Stone - Flag stone 40 to SOmrn.thick, 100, hessian cloth, A.C. sheet 5mm thick B class plain asbestos sheet, Screws 10mm for ceiling, WOOD - Ballies Sal - 80mm dia (2.5m to 3Mm long), Bitumen felt type 3 grade 2, I3itwnn solution primer, -- Bitumen Stone - Red sand (for flooring, 108 Stone - Red sand (for floori:g. rooting) 40mm thick, G.l. pipe 50mm dia (medium grade), 98 99 Stone chips 4.75mm nominal size (Rate at Quarry/Crusher), Stone Aggrigate (Metal) 12.5mm Nominal Size (Rate at Quarry/Crusher) PCC tiles light shade 20mm thick, 113 PUC tiles medium shade 20mm thick, — Pigment- light shade, PCC tiles dark shade 20mm thick, I Figment - dark shade, Gi. pipe 15mm dia (medium grade), 1181 Linoleum sheet 3.2mm thick, 119’ Adhesive, Marble ehip, - MarbLe Podr, ___ S 12.2, Glass strips 4mm thick 40mm wide, FCC tiles (Terrozzo tiles) hght shade, - [_ment - medium shade, I PCC tiles (Terrozzo tiles) medium shade, PCC tiles (Terrozzo tiles) dark shade, Glazed tiles 6mm thick 15 X 15cm, Marble slab white 25mm thick, Marble slab white 30mm thick, 130 Marble tiles white 25mm thick, ‘Stone for pitching work (1814A) (Rate at Quarry), Stone chips (BT) (1 809B) (Rate at Quarry), Stone- Kota 25mm thick for flooring, Stone - Kota 30mm thick for flooring, Stone - Kota40mm thick for flooring, Hinges (Iron) 100 X 58 X 1.4mm (medium), —- Hinges (Iron) 50 X 37 X 1.5mm (medium), Iron - Rolling shutters 80 X 1 ..35mm MS. laths, Iron - M.S. bars (6mm dia), Iron - Putty 38mm, Iron - Wire spring 27.5cm long grade n, 143 Iron - ball bearing 62 X 11 with ring, Iron-hoodcoverlbrrollingshuiter 1.25inmthick, 145 G.1. Sheet corrugated, 0.1. plain washer (thick), 147 0.I.JorLbooks, 0.1. seam bolts & hooks, Limpet washer, Bitumen washer, -- I G.l.Sheetplain, G.l. plain washer (thin), — AC. corrugated sheet 6mm thick, A.C. ridge piece 1.lOm tong, AC. hip piece I.22m long, 156 Mangalore tiles, 157 WOOD - Wood Reepers (biHc) sal. bija, haldu or saj wood 50mm X 25mm, 158 Iron-Nails, Iron - Turn buckles for fencing, Bolts - straining bolts, Gi. barbed wire 9.38 kg / I O0metres, — - I Glass - Broken glass, — 162 N.P.-3 pipes 1200mm dia, 164 G.l. Mild steel tee 25 X 40mm, G.i. Mild steel tee 50 X 80mm, I G.I.MHsteel5mmnu,( -- Polytlis krie pipes 20mm dia (6 kgfsqm), Puh thylene pipes 25mm dia (6 kgf?sqm, Potythylene pipes 32mm dia (6 kgf/sqm), Polythyknv pipes 40mm dia (6 kgf/sqm), Polythylene pipes 50mm dia (6 kgf7sqm), -- - __________ P.V.C. Pipes unplasticised 32mm dia (10 kgf7sqm)20, 173 P.V.C. Pipes unplasticised 40mm dia (10 kgf/sqm)25, 174 P.V.C. Pipes unplasticised 50mm din (10 kgf7sqm)32, AC. pipes SOm dia (Each of 3m1 Long),- - A.C. pipes 80m dia (Each of 3mt Long), A.C. pipes lOOm din (Each of 3mt Long), N.P.-3 pipes 900mm dia, Taps - Bib tap - 15mm brass screw down, Taps -Bib tap - 20mm brass screw down, Taps - Bib tap - 25mm brass screw down, Taps - Bib tap - 15mm capstan head, Taps - Bib tap - 20mm capstan head, Taps-Bib tap-25mm capslan.hcad, Taps. Bib tap. 15mm chromium platcd, Taps - Pillar Lap - 15mm capstan head (Ho or Cold) long screw down, - , Taps-Stoplap-l5mmhrassscrewdown, - iap.-StopIap.2Ommbni’sscrcwdown, Crushed stone chipping 67nirn size, stone chipping 13.2mm nominal size, I Crthed stone chipping 11.2mm nominal size, t Allahabad ridge/ hip tiles, Manga lore ridg& hip tiles, Vihccl tiling, — — Taps - Stop tap - 25mm brass screw down, Taps - Stop tap - 32mm brass screw down, j97 Taps. Stop tap- 40mm brass screw down, Taps - Stop tap - 50mm brass Screw down, L9 (3.1. Elbow 32mm dia, 2.00 Valve - Full way valve brass 15mm dia, Valve - Full way valve brass 20mm dia, Valve - Full way valve brass 25mm dia, Valve - Full ‘way valve brass 32rnmdia, Valve - Full way valve brass 40mm dia, Valve - Full way valve brass 50mm dia, Valve - Full way valve brass 65rpm dia, Valve - Full way valve brass 80mm dia, Valve - check or non return valve gun metal 25mm dia (class I), Valve - check or non return valve gun metal 32mm dia (class 1), r0 Valve - check or non return valve gun metal 40mm dia (class 1), II Valve - check or non return valve gun metal S0nun dia (class I), 2 Valve - check or non return valve gun metal 65mm dia (class 1), Valvc check or non return valve gun metal 80mm dia (class I), Frnile 15mm dia & C.!. Mouth covcr, Ferrulc 20mm dia & C.L Mouth cover, Ferrule 25mm dia & C.!. Mouth cover, Ci. Elbow 15mm dia, Q.I. Elbow 20mm dia, j (LI. Flbow 23mm din, 220 C.P., bra waste 32mm dia, (‘P. brass waste 40mm dia, W.C. pan Indian type, vitreous china, long patern. white colour, W.C. pan Indian type, vitreous china. orissa petern, white colour, W.C. pan European type, glazed earthem ware, patem 3 1, W.C. pan Indian type, vitreous china, orissa petern, standard colour, 226 W.C. pan indian type, glazed carthern ware, long patcin, white colour, WC. pan Indian type, glazed earthcrnware, orissa petern, white colour 2’8 W.C. pan European type, vitreous china, palcrn I, white colour, 29 W.C. pan European type, vitreàus china, patern I. standard cilour, 2Mj P or S trap vitreous china 100mm dia, (1.1. Elbow 40mm din, ,.. 6.1. h1hov 50mm dia, P or S trap glazed earthem ware 100mm dia, Foot rest vitreous china white colour, AC. plain bend 50mm, - _____ A.C. plain bend 80mm, A.(. plain bend 100mm, 238 AL. cowl Cone cap 50mm, A.C. cowl Cone cap 80mm, 240 - AX’. cowl Cone cap lO0niin, P. or S. trap sand C.L 100mm, 242 0.1. pipe 65mm dia (medium grade), (31. pipe 80mm dia (medium grade), 0.1. pipe 100mm dia (medium grade), 43 (. I pp 11111 I11CLIIUIH radc, 44 (It. ip 1l.nm dia (medium grade), ‘46 tuu; un. itt (1 W2) (Rate at Quarry), Fihhcr hni’ J let ôinm thAck (medium grade), __________ •1 247 1 ihher hnaJ !ieet 6mm thick (normal grade), Fibbr bani eei 5mm thick (normal grade), Veneered particle board 12mm thick type 3 solid core Mesh - Rabbit wire mesh, Plaster of Paris, , Country tiles, — 253 Hai:l’ 25mm da, 254 Ruj fl.ii , (Sun map), JIlalLIhad tiles I, PCC tiles (Chequered tiles) dark shade 22mm thick, J PCC tiles (Chequered tiles) medium shadc 22mm thick, 258 PCC tiles (Chcqucrcd tiles) light shadc 22mm thick, - Snwcem or duroceni, A.minium Lshapeofsiic3xmm X l2mmX inirn(thlck), ? ‘61 Aluminium L shape of size 57m: 2mm 3mm (thick), Emulsion with Aldrin. I leptachlor, or Chiordane, 263 Emulsion L)ieldiin, — 264 Steel doors of standard rolled steel sections, Stc.l Windo% 1icd of sfii Llt l %.Iion’c, ron— Pressed stL Llkl h i.. ‘ hite 8onmi )(50nin site), 267 T Iron - Pressed steel door iiims .iHul ribate 100mm X 50mm size), 268 Iron - Pressed steel door frames Profile C (double rabate, 269 M.S. tubes, electric resistant or .duction butt welded, 115 mm X 50mm size), • —- - ,. Iron - hood cover for rolling shutter 120mm thick, Iron - hood cover for rolling shutter 0.90iuni thick, Iron-Rolling shutters 80 X 1.20mm M.S. laths, Iron - Rolling slutters 80 X 0.90mm M.S. laths Gelatme(80%), -— — Drilling of holes 25mm dia O.75m deep, 226 EIectric detonator, ‘Fuse coil (lOni long), (. brass waste 100mm din brás shower rose, C.P. brass waste 150mm dia brass shower rose, Polyethylene Tanks Sintax (single coaled), lirroc - bevelled edge mirror 600mm X 450mm, 282 wood sheet 600mm X 150mm, 6mm thick, 283 WOOD - Wooden plugs, ‘84 Sics and Washers 25mm C.P. bus, Wax polish, ., C.P. brass with a guard rail 600mm X 120mm glass shelf and C.P.brass bracke, Liquid soap container of glass with C.P. brass lid and brackets, 288 289 Chromium plated brass soapdish with C.P. brass brackets, - Towel rail C.P. Brass 750 X 20mm with brackets, , 291 Towel rail C.P. Brass 600 X 20mm with brackets, C.P. brass tube 15mm bore, •1 ,., Squatting plate urinal size 600mm X 350mmvitrixus chaina 2Q3, Flushing cistern Cl. automatic with fttting S litres, C.P. brass waste 32mm dia. flvnut, washer, brass chiin. stud and plug etc., Flushing cistern Ci. automatic with fittings 15 iitrs, C.P. brass tube 20mm bore, CP. brass tube 25mm bore, C.P. brass tube 32mm bore, - , Ci. or M.S. brackets, Sink kitchen .hiLe Iatcd tirtcI:i €00X 450mm X 150mm, 301, Sink kitchen white glazed tire clay 600 X 450mm X 250mm, Sink kitchen white glazed fire clay 750 X 450mm X 250mm, 303’ W.C. pan Etropean type, vitreous china, patem 2, white colour, W.C. pan Eaxopcan type, vitreous china, petem 2, standard uuliir, W.C. pan European type, glazed earthem ware, patern, I W.C. pan European type, glazed earthern ware, patern,2 . Flushing cistern iIrcous china 12.5 litres with fittings high level, Urinal vitero China angle back type 340mm X 430mm X 265mm size white colour, Urinal viterous China flat back 4Ornm X 260mm X 350mm size white colour, rlashing cistern vitreous china 12.5 litre3 with fittings low level, FT shing cistern White glazed earthenware of capacity 5 litre sith fitting, Flushing cistern White glazed earthenware ofcapacityio litre with fitting, Flushing cistern White glazed earthenware of capacity 15 litre with fitting, Wash basin Flat bock 630 X 450mm size vitreous china white colour, Wash basin Flat back 550 X 400mm size vitreous chirui white colour, Wash basin angle back 600 X 380mm size vitreous china white colour, Wash basin angle back 400 X 400mm size vitreous china white colour, Sink laboratory white vitreous chaina 45OmmX300mm X 150mm size, Sink laboratory white vitreous chaina 600mm X 400mm X 200mm size, Vt)! ML Fisher union 32mm dia, - - Ml. Fisher union 40mm dia, Sink kitchen terrazzo tinsh 600 X 450mm X 250mm, Sink kitchen terrazzo flash 600X 450mm X 150mm, Snk kitchen vitreous China 600 X 450mm X 150mm, I Sink kitchen terrazzo finsh 750 X 450mm X 250mm, lflk kitchen vitreous China 750 X 450mm X 250mm, Sink kitchen vitreous China 600 X 450mm X 250mm, 328 Sink laboratory white glazed earthenware 450mm X 300mm X 150mm size, Sink laboratory white glazed earthenware 600mm X 400mm X 200mm size, Boulder - Quarried Other than Black trap, basalt or granite (1808B) (Rate at Quarry) Boulder - Quarried Black trap, basalt or granite (18088+10%), Wash basin Flat back 630 X 450mm size vitreous china standerd colour, -— , Wash basin Flat back 550 X 400mm size vitreous china standerd colour, Wash basin Flat back 630 X 450mm size glazed earthernware white colour, Wash basin Flat back 550 X 400mm size glazed carthernware white colour, Vish basin angle back 00 X 400mm size glazed earthernware white colour, 337 338 339 340 3 11 1 342 Wish basin angle hack 400 X 400mm size glazed earthernware white colour Ml. rap 32mm dia, — . 1.l. Trap 40mm dia, Mastic seat and cover white wjtb cp brass hinges and rubber 1?uffrs, Plastic seat and cover black with cp brass hinges and rubber buffers, C.P. brass waste 40mm dia, flynut, washer, brass chain, stud and plug etc., C.P. brass waste 50mm dia, flynut, washer, brass chain, stud and plug etc. A.C. cowl Slotted vend 50mm din, A.C. cowl Slotted vend 80mmda, t346 A.C. cowl Slotted vend 100mm dia, G.l. Tee 15mm dia, G.I. Tee 20mm dia, - 0.1. Tee 25mm dia, -‘49 0.1. Tee 32mm dia, -- 0.1. Tee 44mm dia, 0.1. Tee 50mm dia, 0.1. Bend l5mmdia, G.l. Rend 20mm dia, G.I Lk-nd 25mm dia, 0.1. Bend 32mm dia, 0.1. Bend 40mm dia, 0.1. Bend 50mm dia, - I 0.1. Union 15mm dia, 3)9 360 0.1. Union 20mm dia, Gi. Union 25mm dia, 36’ CI. Union 32mm dia, Cl. Union lOmrndia, 64 Uflk’Ii :‘mm din, 365 Flush pipe galvanised steel tube, Urinal vitcrous China flat back 430mm X 260mm X 350mm size standai-dcolour I Urinal viterous China angle back type 340mm X 430mm X 265mm size siandardcolour, Urinal glazed earthenware flat back 430mm X 260mm X 350mm size, Urinal glazed earthenware angle back type 340mm X 430mm X 265mm size, Squatting plate urinal size 600mm X 350mmglazed earthenware, Flushing cistern C.I. automatic with fittings 10 litres, Mesh - Hard drai steel wire fabric of any size of 1.5 to 3mm dia Stone - Cut Stone, !4 Glazing clips, RCC Fencing Post of CC M20. 2.OOmt. long (150mm x 150mm bottom & 100mm x — j mmtop)j5mmboltom& 85mm x 85mm, t ____________ _____________ 376 Single panel shutter type-A (Made of 1.00mm C.R. sheet), Single panel shutter type-B (Made of 0.8mm C.R.sheet), 378 Double panel shutter type-A (Made of 1mm CR. sheet), -- Double panel shutter type-A (Made of 0.8mm C.R. sheet), Mobil oil, Glass strips 6mm thick 40mm ide., Polyethylene Tanks Rotovan (double coated), F..yethy1ene Tanks Gangotry (double coated), Polyethylene Tanks Appolo (tripple coated), Polyethylene Tanks Rotoplus (double coated), Polyethylene i’anks Polycon (double coated), lron-UNui& Bolts, 388 Guna tiles, Mesh - Chicken, Ceramic tiles (Broken), Steel angle plae 60mm X, jc2 IN.R_rics ‘mm a, t’j>. r;: Umrn dia, pes (JOmmdia, N.P.-2pipes 7()mmdia, N.P.-2 pipes 900mm dia, NP.-2 pipes 1200mm dia, N.P.-2 pipes 8(N)mm dia, N,P.-2 pipcs Omm diacollor, N.P.-2 pipes 45’OmmdiacotIr, 6nirn tor •irc,, N.P.-2 pipes 600mm dia collor, 402 N.P.-2 pipcs 700,nm dia collor, N.P.-2 pipes 800mm diacollor, N.P.-2 pipes 900mm dia color, N.P.-2 pipes 1200mm dia color, NP.-3 pipes 900mm diacollor, P-I pipes 1200mm dia collar, _______________________________ 1408 Sre Omm, I 11ins(1ron)75X47X 1.7mm, Screws 30mm, Hinges (Iron) IOOX $8 X 19mi ,412 313 314 hinges (Iron) T hinge 100 X 250 X 2.24mm, Iesh - (Wire gauze 0.56mm I.S, gauze designation 85 0.), Itiboo 40mm dia, lesh - (cxpendcd i’l 2nm X 6Ui .2Srnm wide), t)iscI, I 315 4J6, 418 4,9 42 421 422 42 424 425 426 Glass - Putty for glass panes, Hinges (M.S.piano hinges Nickel plated), Screws (Nickel plated) 25mm, Hinges (M.Spiano hingcs Brass plakd), Screws (Brass plated) 25mm, Mesh - (hard brown steel wire fabric 75mm X 25mm), Iron - R.S.joist, ron-M.S. flats, I Welding charge, T3ricks fly ash (Rate at Rhatta), 428 Solid concrete block, — Precast R.C.C. untIe MIS O.2x0.075m, I Precast R.C.C. beam M15 300iU5OxI5Omm, Fi,niculnr shell roof 900x900x2Smm, - - 432 Prt RC.C. plank l500x300x6Omm, Watcr, P!astic pain, - lroa — MS. bars Cold twisted’Hi r.]!.1 ci mcd1Thcrmornc, 436 Well graded granular sub base material as per able 400. I NR-3 pipcs l000mmdja, - Pokthelene Sheet 125 micron thick, 48, - Joi:t :i1cr board 20mm thick a per IS: 1838 primer, 441 Btu:ienous sealant ,442 : ‘-3 pipes 1000mm dia collor, RCC Fencing Post of CC M20, I.85mt. long (125mm x 125mm bottom & 85mm x 85mm top) 125mm bottom & 85mm x 85mm Top), Providing inter-locking blocks of approved shape, thickness and size. Edge blocks 60 mx2, Providing inter-locking blocks 60mm. thick, Edge blocks 60 mm. thick, •, Vitirfide tiles 600x-600mm, Precoated galvanized profile sheet, Aluminum door and window, Aluminum with gaied door and window, SS Door Handal 2.5mm thick 150mm long, SS Window flandal 2.5mm thick 100mm long, ,SS Door stopper, SS window stopper, - ______________ Tower bolt 1 50x I mm., Tower bolt I OOx 10mm, Doot leach SS 300x2Ox6mm., Door Locking Arrangcmcnt, PVC Tee 1 5mm dia, PVCTee2Ommdia, — ____ PVC. Tee 25mm dia, PVC Tee 32mm dia, PVC Tee 40mm dia, PVC. Tee 50mm dia, PV(’ ITcn 1 ii,ii 4III, rvc, PVC Bend 25mm dia, PVC Bend 32mm dia, PVC Bend 40mm dia, PVC Bend 50mm dia, PVC Union I 5mm dia, PVC. Union 20mm dia, PVC Union 25mm dia, PVC Union 32mm dia, PVC Union 40mm dia, PVC Union 50mm dia, CPVC Pipe I5mmdia, CPVC Pipe 2Omm’dia, . CPVC Pipe 32mm dia, CPVC Pipe 50mm dia, PVC Pipe 110mm di, PVC Pipe 150mm dia, Carpet Grass.

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