
Construction, Civil Construction, Civil Work, Water Proofing Work, Building Material, Construction Material, Fencing Work, Wall construction, Water Storage and Supply, Water Tank, Services, Painting Work, Painting, Chemical Oil and Gas, Paints and Primers, DIG-Assam

Military Engineer Services has published Construction, Civil Construction, Civil Work, Water Proofing Work, Building Material, Construction Material, Fencing Work, Wall construction, Water Storage and Supply, Water Tank, Services, Painting Work, Painting, Chemical Oil and Gas, Paints and Primers. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-04-2018. Civil Work Tenders in DIG Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Construction, Civil Construction, Civil Work, Water Proofing Work, Building Material, Construction Material, Fencing Work, Wall construction, Water Storage and Supply, Water Tank, Services, Painting Work, Painting, Chemical Oil and Gas, Paints and Primers
Open Tender

Tender Details

Periodical services at SMQ Area AF Stn Digaru 1 M & L for for removal algae, fungi external wall, fins, facias, chajjas, cills etc applying one coats of weather coat painting with acrylic exterior paint including preparation of old surface complete all as directed. 2 All as per item Ser No 1 here-in-before but on over head RCC water tank 3 M & L for one coat of white wash on wall surface including preparation of old treated plastered surfaces complete all as directed 4 All as per item Ser No 1 here-in-before but in before on ceiling 5 M & L for painting to wood or wood based material of any description not other wise described over 10 cm width or girth including necessary preparation one coat of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and as directed. 6 M & L for preparation of old treated steel surface of any descreption not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth including necessary prepartion one coat of sythetic enamel paint complete all as specified and as directed. 7 Writing letters or figures (block roman Italic or Indian) not exceeding 30 cm high etc complete all as directed. 8 M & L for writing tops,commas,short lines, dashes, hyphens, brackets, etc. 9 Taking down cement or cement plaster on brick or stone walls etc including racking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbring down with water etc. 10 M & L rendering 15mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in CM 1:4 with using WPC and smooth with out using extra cement including preparation of new surface and applying two coats of painting with acrylic exterior grade weather coat over a coat of primer etc complete all as directed. 11 Supply only integral water proofing compound

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Tender Value
INR 9.50 Lakhs /-
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