198 Mining Work tenders are published by various Tendering Authorities & Private companies. 198 live Tender for Mining Work are available in Mining Work Tender section You can further filter Mining Work tenders by Tender Value, Tender Submission Date or Project Location.
48037509 e-tender cum e-auction for allotment of mining rights.
48034856 e-tender cum e-auction for allotment of mining rights.
48029080 auction for quarry lease of ordinary sand and gravel mineral.
48025819 tender for grant of quarry lease for blacktrap mineral.
48012416 auction for award of contract of minor mineral concession area (mahal)
48010239 auction contract for mining areas of available sand, gravel etc.
48007848 auction for grant of quarry lease for blacktrap mineral
47997709 auction for grant of quarry lease for building limestone mineral in junagadh distri
47997684 auction sale of grant of quarry lease for blacktrap mineral
47995059 tender for grant of quarry lease for ordinary clay mineral.
47975933 e-auction for settlement of sand ghats budhi gandak/ kharar ghat -02/unit-07
47975931 e-auction for settlement of sand ghats budhi gandak/kharar ghat -01/unit-06
47975928 e-auction for settlement of sand ghats budhi gandak morsandi ghat-02 unit-02
47959589 tender for grant of quarry lease for granite mineral
47957245 auction for grant of quarry lease for granite mineral
47956351 auction sale of grant of quarry lease for granite mineral
47956316 auction sale of grant of quarry lease for ordinary sand mineral
47955116 tender for 40002753 -chem,ind,modifiedguargum,comm,pwdr,85%
47954496 tender for work of the pillar of the mining lease at gmdc copper project.
47945404 tender for grant of quarry lease for granite mineral.
47945172 tender for grant of quarry lease for granite mineral.
47944939 tender for grant of quarry lease for china clay mineral.
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