WML Tenders - Get latest update on Webel Mediatronics Limited Tenders. Search WML civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Webel Mediatronics Limited e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on WML tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in WML Tenders section. Webel Mediatronics Limited Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on WML Tenders.
19793552 laboratory equipment and supplies, laboratory equipments, laboratory equipment
16693704 it and telecommunications, software, branded software
15769874 distribution and conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioner
15421195 it and telecommunications, software, antivirus software
15417962 services, public administration services, tax collection
15350940 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
15350938 services, public administration services, tax collection
14907724 safety and security equipment, fire prevention equipments, fire protection system
14171758 tender for renewal of trained micro enterprise security shooter for one year.
14128382 it and telecommunications, software, branded software
13183555 distribution and conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioner
13175011 distribution and conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioner
12142159 services, business promotion activities, sales and business promotion activities
11972645 power generation and transmission, power transmission, transmission tower
11662101 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
11378511 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
11237249 electronic components and supplies, discrete components, static converters
10977238 it and telecommunications, it enabled services, document scanning and digitization
10973612 it and telecommunications, it enabled services, document scanning and digitization
10271439 it and telecommunications, networking work, cabling work
10034955 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
9298531 electronic components and supplies, discrete components, static converters
9277989 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
9144824 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
9123860 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
9071076 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
8867644 safety and security equipment, traffic control equipment, traffic signals
8795174 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
8615382 safety and security equipment, fire prevention equipments, fire protection system
8542691 it and telecommunications, it enabled services, document scanning and digitization
8254366 construction, building construction, building repair
7917992 electrical industry, electrical cable, cable accessories
7836587 it and telecommunications, networking equipment, modems
7427025 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
7349273 electronic components and supplies, electronic components, electronic items
6478772 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
6231178 procurement of piezoelectric braille cell to be used in electronic braille reading device.
6022860 services, business promotion activities, sales and business promotion activities
5755133 it and telecommunications, computer accessories, barcode reader
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