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Get latest update on University Of Shivaji Tenders. Search civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on University Of Shivaji e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on UOS tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in UOS Tenders section. University Of Shivaji Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on University Of Shivaji Tenders.
14476657 services, hospitality related services, housekeeping services, cleaning work
14476654 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work, housekeeping services
14476643 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work, housekeeping services
14476627 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work, housekeeping services
14476556 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work, housekeeping services
14234406 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
14169752 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work
14169743 services, hospitality related services, cleaning work
14169730 services, hospitality related services, housekeeping services, cleaning work
14103512 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, biochemicals
14088253 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
13738039 electronic products and appliances, kitchen appliance, refrigerators
13624387 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
13496414 it and telecommunications, office automation, projector
13496309 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
13160070 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
13123011 construction, building construction, building repair
12870683 furniture, furniture items, wooden furniture, seating facility, chairs
12870665 it and telecommunications, other equipments, vending machine
12870166 services, hospitality related services, catering service
12571165 agricultural product and services, floriculture and silviculture, grass supply
12308999 construction, bridge construction, bridge work, subway
12108240 machinery and tools, building machinery, prime mover, earth moving machinery
12092540 paper and printing services, printing related service, printing work
12081046 it and telecommunications, computers, computer server
12074953 services, human resouce service, man power supply, vehicle hiring, vehicle hiring service
12049161 laboratory equipment and supplies, laboratory equipments, laboratory equipment
12049155 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
11953835 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
11953824 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
11953822 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
11953821 paper and printing services, paper materials, label supply
11953816 mineral textile rubber and lather, fibers threads and yarns, threads
11953815 paper and printing services, paper materials, stationery
11919611 safety and security equipment, surveillance equipments, cctv system, security cameras
11865941 services, hospitality related services, catering service
11783296 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
11783252 paper and printing services, printing related service, printing work
11783242 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
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