SCSFFL Tenders - Get latest update on State Co-Operative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd Tenders. Search SCSFFL civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on State Co-Operative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on SCSFFL tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in SCSFFL Tenders section. State Co-Operative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on SCSFFL Tenders.
11676812 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, organic derivatives
9850069 machinery and tools, containers and storages, bags supply
9624105 machinery and tools, containers and storages, bags supply
9404877 machinery and tools, containers and storages, bags supply
9404864 machinery and tools, containers and storages, bags supply
9404844 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
9404836 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
9404831 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
9404818 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
9404809 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
9404801 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
9404791 electronic components and supplies, capacitor, fixed capacitors
9404787 electrical industry, circuit protection device, switch gear
9404783 electrical industry, electrical motor, supply of motor
9404748 chemical oil and gas, lubricants supply, lubricating oils, wax and oil, oils supply
9404729 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
9404718 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
9404703 distribution and conditioning, boilers, boiler supply, heating equipment, heater
9404694 distribution and conditioning, pipe supply, steel tube
9404677 distribution and conditioning, pipe supply, steel tube
9404650 machinery and tools, hardware and fasteners, bolts, nuts supply
9404644 mineral textile rubber and lather, rubber and elastomers, v-belt
9404638 vehicles and accessories, motor vehicles, tires and tire tubes
9404607 machinery and tools, packaging materials, packaging material
9404598 electrical industry, connectors and terminals, electrodes
9404585 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
9404576 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
9404557 machinery and tools, bearings bushings and gears, bearings
2859831 dismantling, fabricaton and erection of boiler tubes-texmaco boiler 35 ton capacity
2738808 export of raw,white and refined sugar under ogl vide which quantity of 2931.9 mt sugar.
2671943 purchase of bright yellow sulphur gulf/origin/indigenous).
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