ODF Tenders - Get latest update on Ordnance Depot Fort Tenders. Search ODF civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Ordnance Depot Fort e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on ODF tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in ODF Tenders section. Ordnance Depot Fort Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on ODF Tenders.
14952270 electrical industry, electrical cable, optical fibre cable
12084020 mineral textile rubber and lather, textile product, textile products
11918121 machinery and tools, material handling machinery, cranes
9738392 vehicles and accessories, motor vehicles, tires and tire tubes
9063733 services, transportation and mailing service, road cargo transport
9002294 machinery and tools, material handling machinery, cranes
8413576 electrical industry, transfomers, transformer supply
7124632 vehicles and accessories, motor vehicles, truck tractors
6093258 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
6091072 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
5814793 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
5805058 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
3690602 supply of anti glare sun glasses, duffel trolley bag with wheel
3617708 auction sale of 24/ii mfms,29/i net mosqitouse,3/i blanket old.
3505076 auction sales of cover outer,pressure plate,clutch plate etc
3505066 auction sales of leather scrap, fused tubelight/ bulbs etc
3500802 auction sales of m.s. scrap gr.b,steel/m.s. turning and boring,aluminium scrap gr.1,etc
3498563 auction sales of boot dms/ankle, bag sleeping, blanket o/, tarpouline old,etc
3496786 auction sales of charging /gen set 30 kva, 1, nos, 3555, kg, eng assy etc
3358182 auction sale of gen set 2.5kva/4kva, 5 no, 500 kg, unsv,
2889955 auction of maruti gypsy 413w, tata sumo ambulance, jeep m&m 550xd, tk 2.5 ton tata.
2889938 auction of tk 2.5 ton tata, ly 5/7.5 ton als, motor cycle hero honda.
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