Get latest update on Mysore Minerals Limited Tenders. Search civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Mysore Minerals Limited e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on MML tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in MML Tenders section. Mysore Minerals Limited Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on Mysore Minerals Limited Tenders.
17255838 services, real estate service, lease and rental of property and building
17006245 construction, building material, tiles and flagstones
15644314 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, industrial process machinery and equipments
15560436 services, environmental service, environmental decontimination service
15462195 it and telecommunications, it enabled services, data entry
15399869 services, business management services, legal service
14871895 paper and printing services, books and stationery, office equipments
14684668 machinery and tools, hardware and fasteners, bolts, nuts supply
14645847 services, business management services, legal service
14640030 services, transportation and mailing service, weigh bridge
14623638 services, business management services, feasibility studies
14565500 it and telecommunications, office automation, photocopier machine
14500418 services, transportation and mailing service, loading work
14378306 services, business management services, legal service
14358024 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers, computer printers, laser printers
14303064 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers, computer printers, laser printers
14096808 arts crafts and gift articles, teaching aids and materials, diary
14021903 construction, building material, tiles and flagstones
13360683 chemical oil and gas, explosive materials, igniters, explosives
12525480 services, finance and insurance sectors, chartered accountant
12525386 it and telecommunications, other equipments, biometric machine
12397477 services, transportation and mailing service, weigh bridge
12194233 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
12161084 chemical oil and gas, explosive materials, igniters
11875997 machinery and tools, mining quarrying machinery, drilling and exploration equipment
11855805 machinery and tools, mining quarrying machinery, drilling and exploration equipment
11833719 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
11814380 machinery and tools, building machinery, earth moving machinery
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