KMC Tenders - Get latest update on Municipal Corporation Of Kolkata Tenders. Search KMC civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Municipal Corporation Of Kolkata e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on KMC tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in KMC Tenders section. Municipal Corporation Of Kolkata Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on KMC Tenders.
15480207 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
15139063 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15116418 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116408 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116406 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116404 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116401 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116396 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116394 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15116383 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15116371 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116369 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116367 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116365 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116364 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15116359 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15005206 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15005201 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15005188 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
15005126 machinery and tools, fabrication and casting, fabrication work
15005097 services, civil engineering services, geographic information service
15005089 services, civil engineering services, geographic information service
15005052 services, civil engineering services, geographic information service
15005048 services, civil engineering services, geographic information service
15005047 services, civil engineering services, geographic information service
14909819 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
14909407 electrical industry, light and bulbs, led light, electrical work, electrification work
14909313 paper and printing services, books and stationery, office equipments
14909302 paper and printing services, books and stationery, office equipments
14805144 machinery and tools, containers and storages, bins and basket
14791106 vehicles and accessories, safety and rescue vehicles, ambulances
14791057 sports and recreational equipment, other sports equipments, sport accessories
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