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MON Tenders - Get latest update on Material Organisation Naval Tenders. Search MON civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Material Organisation Naval e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on MON tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in MON Tenders section. Material Organisation Naval Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on MON Tenders.
19354285 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
19265179 machinery and tools, hardware and fasteners, general hardware
14650081 construction, building material, construction material
12503929 vehicles and accessories, aircraft, aircraft equipment
12091712 mineral textile rubber and lather, textile product, textile products
12076413 apparel and personal care, purses and handbags, travel and business bag
12015145 machinery and tools, hardware and fasteners, clamps
12009346 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, soldering and welding machinery
11761366 distribution and conditioning, air conditioning, hvac
11572733 mineral textile rubber and lather, resins and rosins, films
11469412 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
11469395 paper and printing services, paper materials, computer paper
11469378 mineral textile rubber and lather, textile product, textile products
11469353 machinery and tools, containers and storages, tanks and cylinders
11469339 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
11469316 safety and security equipment, fire prevention equipments, fire resistant coatings
11469280 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
11322303 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
11085111 chemical oil and gas, lubricants supply, transformer oil
11084821 it and telecommunications, telecommunication equipment, walkie talkie
11084776 distribution and conditioning, filters, filtering machinery
10932048 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, wrenches and drivers
10813814 vehicles and accessories, marine transport vehicle, commercial marine vehicle
10813753 machinery and tools, agricultural machinery, agricultural watering equipment
10813716 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
10640017 machinery and tools, hardware and fasteners, washers
10633921 electrical industry, electrical cable, cable supply
10581996 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
10470322 electrical industry, electrical boxes, distribution board
10379131 foods and drinks, food and beverages, vegetables and fruits
9825021 electrical industry, battery and cell, dry cell batteries
9487313 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
9403311 distribution and conditioning, filters, filtering machinery
8982918 machinery and tools, containers and storages, tanks and cylinders
8982884 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
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