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Get latest update on Horticultural Produce Cooperative Marketing And Processing Society Limited Tenders. Search civil Tenders, Construction Tenders, Supply Tenders, Services Tenders published on Horticultural Produce Cooperative Marketing And Processing Society Limited e-tendering portal & e-Procurement website are available on HPCMAPSL tender page. Many live business opportunities are available in HPCMAPSL Tenders section. Horticultural Produce Cooperative Marketing And Processing Society Limited Tenders are further filtered by Bid Submission Date, Tender Value, Project Location & Product Category. Get daily alert on Horticultural Produce Cooperative Marketing And Processing Society Limited Tenders.
14728197 foods and drinks, food and beverages, vegetables and fruits, alcoholic beverages
13505669 services, business promotion activities, sales and business promotion activities
13486711 construction, building material, angle, fencing work, wire fencing
13229688 services, environmental service, environmental impact assessment
12949185 services, transportation and mailing service, road cargo transport
12853345 machinery and tools, packaging materials, packaging material
12834435 agricultural product and services, floriculture and silviculture, plantation work
12834430 agricultural product and services, floriculture and silviculture, plantation work
12813303 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, scientific equipment
12742322 services, advertisement services, advertising agency
12491471 scientific instrument, weight measuring instruments, weight measuring instrument
12419757 it and telecommunications, computer accessories, computer peripheral
12324095 services, transportation and mailing service, road cargo transport
12104465 foods and drinks, food and beverages, vegetables and fruits
12060070 construction, irrigation related work, lift irrigation
11639651 foods and drinks, food and beverages, vegetables and fruits
11282850 machinery and tools, agricultural machinery, planting and seeding machinery
11167683 paper and printing services, printing related service, printing work
11167682 paper and printing services, printing related service, printing work
11049503 distribution and conditioning, refregeration, cold storage
11049502 agricultural product and services, floriculture and silviculture, nursery product
10973173 scientific instrument, weight measuring instruments, weight measuring instrument
10973085 paper and printing services, printing related service, printing work
10957922 paper and printing services, paper materials, paper products
10911039 agricultural product and services, floriculture and silviculture, horticulture
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