Get latest Patch Doubling related Tenders, online published by Government Of West Bengal, Govt Of West Bengal, The West Bengal State Handloom Weavers` Co-operative Society Limited from West Bengal state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Patch Doubling tenders in West Bengal. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Patch Doubling related Tenders from West Bengal. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Patch Doubling Tenders in West Bengal. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Patch Doubling tenders published from West Bengal. Also get daily email alerts for Patch Doubling related tender notices published by Government of West Bengal.
37959981 tender for special repairing, patch doubling works , fencing works
34496285 tender for repairing, patch/doubling works of twin hull steel barge
20623701 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, services, painting work, painting
20375266 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, services, painting work, painting
13197195 services, surveys, survey works, civil engineering services, soil survey
12998579 services, civil engineering services, soil survey, surveys, survey works
12932297 services, civil engineering services, soil survey, surveys, survey works
11524027 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
10003060 machinery and tools, oil and gas drilling equipment, drilling rigs and machinery
9414946 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
9154759 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
9020243 electrical industry, electrical cable, cable accessories
8828779 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
8790642 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, services, painting work, painting
8159900 services, space planning and designing, interior work, furnishing work
7998505 power generation and transmission, power transmission, transmission line
7344375 power generation and transmission, power transmission, overhead line
7276790 construction, road construction, road work, road repair
7182353 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, machinery and tools, building material, sheet
7053371 power generation and transmission, power transmission, transmission line
3562838 transportation of p.way materials rails sleepers etc
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