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Get latest Position Transmitter related Tenders, online published by Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank, Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Department of Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development from Uttar Pradesh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Position Transmitter tenders in Uttar Pradesh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Position Transmitter related Tenders from Uttar Pradesh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Position Transmitter Tenders in Uttar Pradesh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Position Transmitter tenders published from Uttar Pradesh. Also get daily email alerts for Position Transmitter related tender notices published by Government of Uttar Pradesh.
45272303 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of keltron spares for ntpc dadri
45025139 tender for indent for iyppan make spares for hpbypass system (stage i/ii/iii/iv)
38709007 bids are invited for remote position transmitter rv97312313019 total quantity : 10
37283353 bids are invited for remote position transmitter rv97312313019 total quantity : 7
37002982 bids are invited for remote position transmitter rv97312313019 total quantity : 2
36673566 tender for supply of position feedback transmitters for cw pump butterfly valves at
35654118 bids are invited for remote position transmitter rv97312313019 total quantity : 2
34303585 Corrigendum : tender for position feedback transmitters and servo valve
21795544 supply of position feedback transmitters for 2x500 mw btps anpara
19240929 distribution and conditioning, valves, control valves, solenoid valves
18309260 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical products
17200207 supply of ehtc position transmitter for main turbine ehc position measurement,
17003403 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
15235251 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
15072374 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
15066090 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, scientific equipment
15031730 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
14097470 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical spares
13947780 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical products
13601673 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, scientific equipment
13378700 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
13350879 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
12604999 distribution and conditioning, valves, control valves
11786384 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
11146251 construction, civil construction, other power plant
10297693 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
8957964 machinery and tools, bearings bushings and gears, bearings
8409295 distribution and conditioning, valves, control valves
7141731 machinery and tools, tools and general machinery, spare part
6633204 scientific instrument, pressure measuring and control instruments, pressure transmitters
4616299 supply of lvdt based inductive type e wire position transmitter.
4284929 supply of lvdt based inductive tye 2 line position transmitter
3188591 supply of position feedback transmitter with lvdt & limit switches assembly.
2228426 supply of angular position feedback transmitter and rvdt based feed back transmitter.
2227344 supply of angular position feedback transmitter and rvdt based feed back transmitter.
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