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Get latest Biogas Plant related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Tamil Nadu, Electronics Corporation Of Tamil Nadu Limited, Government Of Tamil Nadu from Tamil Nadu state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Biogas Plant tenders in Tamil Nadu. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Biogas Plant related Tenders from Tamil Nadu. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Biogas Plant Tenders in Tamil Nadu. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Biogas Plant tenders published from Tamil Nadu. Also get daily email alerts for Biogas Plant related tender notices published by Government of Tamil Nadu.
44537042 tender for contract work for the operation and maintence of etp
38674210 tender for namakkal municipality repair and maintenance of biogas plant
36589965 tender for overhauling and servicing of biogas plant.
36499474 tender for overhauling and servicing of biogas plant
36452184 tender for revamping of fixed dome and floating drum biogas plants at iprc, mahendragiri.
34627656 Corrigendum : tender for pump rotor changing work at etp and biogas plant
34132961 pipeline repair works at biogas plant effulent outlet at srp mech
33562202 tender for revamping of fixed dome and floating drum biogas plants at iprc, mahendragiri.
28012665 manpower supply for machinarry operation at theetukal
21406993 replacement of internals in the existing biogas reactor a of biogas plant 1=> buy
15908280 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
15704849 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
15291590 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
15291567 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
14710031 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
13319150 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
13196133 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
13111882 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12884031 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12851658 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12592404 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12402357 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12391083 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
12088598 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
11631312 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
11616219 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
11616218 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
11526610 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
10861888 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
6805759 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
5600271 construction, civil construction, civil work, water purification, water treatment plant
5124380 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
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