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Get latest Piperacillin related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Punjab, Directorate Of Punjab State Lotteries, Government Of Punjab from Punjab state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Piperacillin tenders in Punjab. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Piperacillin related Tenders from Punjab. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Piperacillin Tenders in Punjab. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Piperacillin tenders published from Punjab. Also get daily email alerts for Piperacillin related tender notices published by Government of Punjab.
47274607 Corrigendum : tender for supply of medicines for jan aushadhi store
45164407 tender for rate contract for supply of lab material/lab kits/chemicals/reagents/lab kits
41502922 tender for supply of antibiotic discs required at this institution.
41279065 Corrigendum : tender for rate contract of consumables of department of microbiology
37410056 tender for (ami no. 3.19) piperacillin inj 04 gm and tazobactam 0.5gm in vial
37370348 tender for local purchase of medicines and consumables items
37330667 tender for (ami no. 3.19) piperacillin inj 04 gm and tazobactam 0.5gm in vial
36600364 tender for tender enquiry for supply of expandable medical store
36404102 tender for (ami no. 3.19) piperacillin inj 04 gm and tazobactam 0.5gm in vial
36398883 Corrigendum : tender for rate contract for medicines
36309083 tender for purchase of expendable medical stores for dglp
36052069 tender enquiry for supply of expandable medical store
28535534 supply of kits and reagents for microbiology department
27769260 Corrigendum : rate contract for procurement of drugs and medicine at aiims bathinda
26411277 quotation for supply of antibiotic discs required at this institution
24534816 dglp procurement of various drugs and pharmaceuticals
24239942 purchase of expendable medical stores purchase of expendable medical stores
22529958 purchase of expendable medical stores for dglp expendable medical stores for dglp
20362265 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
20123363 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, vaccines, vitamins
19249954 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, antibiotics, medicine
18514025 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, vaccines
18148689 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
17971840 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, vaccines
17395653 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, antibiotics
16874721 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
16874697 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
16640507 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, antibiotics, medicine
16288345 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, vitamins
16173811 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, antibiotics, medicine
16122531 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, antibiotics, medicine
16018434 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, antibiotics
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