Get latest Helium related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Punjab, Directorate Of Punjab State Lotteries, Government Of Punjab from Punjab state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Helium tenders in Punjab. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Helium related Tenders from Punjab. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Helium Tenders in Punjab. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Helium tenders published from Punjab. Also get daily email alerts for Helium related tender notices published by Government of Punjab.
45708475 tender for supply of liquid helium under annual rate contract 1672 2
44528876 Corrigendum : tender for supply of liquid helium under annual rate contract 1672
43805650 bids are invited for refilling of liquid helium in jeol nmr 500 mhz total quantity : 1
43477996 bids are invited for liquid helium 250 ltr total quantity : 250
42926178 bids are invited for liquid helium (q3) total quantity : 200
41428938 Corrigendum : bids are invited for liquid helium (q3) total quantity : 100
39846664 bids are invited for helium as per is 15583 (q3) total quantity : 1
39413590 bids are invited for helium he, helium gas cylinder total quantity : 220
39230159 bids are invited for helium gas cylinder reffling total quantity : 1
39105251 Corrigendum : bids are invited for helium as per is 15583 (q3) total quantity : 1
38973085 Corrigendum : tender for helium neon laser pn 8700 7 000564
38862868 tender for quotation for refilling of helium gas cylinders, 47 litres (02 nos.)
38799807 tender for supply, installation and commissioning of portable helium re liquefier.
38685787 bids are invited for helium gas mse helium he , helium gas cylinder total quantity : 220
38535187 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of helium neon laser
38188572 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 total quantity : 42
38025563 tender for niq for liquid helium contract for one year
37883828 Corrigendum : bids are invited for liquid helium liquid helium total quantity : 1
37879733 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 total quantity : 6133
37608585 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 (q3) mse total quantity : 6133
37273437 Corrigendum : bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 (q3) total quantity : 42
36852129 bids are invited for helium gas mse helium gas total quantity : 140
36325484 Corrigendum : bids are invited for helium gases mse helium gases total quantity : 1
35061294 Corrigendum : tender for supply and installation of portable helium re liquifier 1590
35060184 tender for supply and installation of portable helium re liquifier.
34954774 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 (q3) total quantity : 4330
33139773 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 (q3) total quantity : 4330
32654204 bids are invited for helium as per is:15583 (q3) total quantity : 10102
31656817 supply of helium gas cylinders of 7 m capacity grade uhp .
31344405 niq for liquid helium contract for one year niq for liquid helium contract for one year
29774212 bids are invited for hydrotesting of helium quads (q3) () total quantity : 25
24808255 supply of helium gas ( min. 99.999% ) in returnable cylinders=> public
24191865 supply of laser power sensor & helium neon laser system
24073388 tender for supply of laser power sensor and helium neon laser system
24044169 purchase of laser power sensor & helium neon laser system
23465588 tender for annual rate contract for refiling of various analytical gases 1292
20166227 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply, gases, pure elemental gases
19225405 scientific instrument, non destructive examination equipment, leak testing equipment
17852285 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
15972474 distribution and conditioning, refregeration, water cooler
13914768 scientific instrument, non destructive examination equipment, leak testing equipment
13892211 scientific instrument, non destructive examination equipment, leak testing equipment
13868214 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
13191420 machinery and tools, adhesives and sealants, other adhesives and sealants
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