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Get latest Computers related Tenders, online published by Government Of Meghalaya, Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute, Meghalaya Basin Management Agency from Meghalaya state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Computers tenders in Meghalaya. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Computers related Tenders from Meghalaya. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Computers Tenders in Meghalaya. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Computers tenders published from Meghalaya. Also get daily email alerts for Computers related tender notices published by Government of Meghalaya.
47558255 bids are invited for computer , entry and mid level desktop computer total quantity : 7
47548638 bids are invited for entry and mid level desktop computer total quantity : 20
47528546 bids are invited for entry and mid level desktop computer total quantity : 27
47512962 bids are invited for all in one pc (q2) , computer printer (v2) (q2) total quantity : 11
47468385 bids are invited for high end desktop computer total quantity : 1
47427541 bids are invited for entry and mid level desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 10
47228744 bids are invited for entry and mid level desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 20
47214941 bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 84
47176649 Corrigendum : bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 180
46983547 Corrigendum : bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 38
46870961 bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) mse total quantity : 6
46780755 bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 38
46650581 Corrigendum : bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 16
46563664 bids are invited for entry and mid level desktop computer (q2) total quantity : 27
46404043 bids are invited for desktop computers total quantity : 40
46381496 Corrigendum : bids are invited for high end desktop computer (q2) mse total quantity : 1
46057409 Corrigendum : bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 20
46054314 bids are invited for all in one pc (q2) , computer printers (q2) total quantity : 25
45980377 tender for supply of 16 no of new desktop personal computers
45798139 bids are invited for desktop computers total quantity : 8
45500733 tender for procurement of tele vet equipment under mlamp
45365146 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 40
45350508 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 15
45158907 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 15
45156095 Corrigendum : bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 8
45154785 bids are invited for desktop computers total quantity : 13
45132385 bids are invited for purchase of computer total quantity : 50
44996433 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 15
44939669 auction sale of disposal of unserviceable store items
44635566 bids are invited for computer printers (q2) total quantity : 2
44522366 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) , all in one pc (q2) total quantity : 15
44307068 auction sale of disposal of unserviceable store items
44283036 tender for making and fixing of custom made computer tables
44025548 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) mse total quantity : 1
44010277 bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 1
44002915 bids are invited for desktop computers total quantity : 10
43954259 Corrigendum : bids are invited for desktop computers (q2) total quantity : 13
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