Get latest Waste To Energy related Tenders, online published by Bank Of Maharashtra, Cidco Maharashtra Ltd., City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra from Maharashtra state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Waste To Energy tenders in Maharashtra. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Waste To Energy related Tenders from Maharashtra. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Waste To Energy Tenders in Maharashtra. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Waste To Energy tenders published from Maharashtra. Also get daily email alerts for Waste To Energy related tender notices published by Government of Maharashtra.
41840224 auction sale of lot no: 01 pcb grp :[e waste] lot name: energy meters of sorts and rating
33958331 auction sale of lot no: 01 pcb grp :[e waste] lot name: energy meters of sorts and rating
26706131 tender for global expression of interest for proposed waste to energy project at deonar
26696059 expression of interest for waste to energy (wte) project development.
19208038 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
17491832 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
17462471 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
17456129 power generation and transmission, new power plant, bio gas plant
17419619 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
17035543 services, public utility services, electric utilities
16805506 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
16659927 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
16657025 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
16015642 construction, civil construction, civil work, irrigation related work, canal construction
15992907 construction, civil construction, civil work, irrigation related work, canal construction
15857925 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
15715124 construction, water purification, water treatment plant
15711425 construction, water purification, water treatment plant
15682477 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
15396662 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
15226905 construction, civil construction, civil work, irrigation related work, canal construction
15219986 construction, civil construction, civil work, irrigation related work, canal construction
15001412 power generation and transmission, power transmission, power distribution work
14755296 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
14740179 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
14696776 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
14577578 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
14099222 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
13850230 tender for development of 3000 tpd waste to energy project
13782717 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
13128508 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
12961306 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
10860094 construction, civil construction, civil work, turnkey projects, dbfot
10860078 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
10860049 construction, civil construction, civil work, turnkey projects, dbfot
10858620 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
10244071 services, environmental service, environmental decontimination service
10051970 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
10047499 machinery and tools, cleaning equipments, water treatment equipments
9858352 machinery and tools, cleaning equipments, water treatment equipments
9719160 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
9473411 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
9074787 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
8841094 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
8757232 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
7943606 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
7891306 services, industrial cleaning services, waste disposal services
3792839 expression of interest plasma processing of olly sludge and / or solid plant waste.
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