Get latest Computer Education related Tenders, online published by Bank Of Maharashtra, Cidco Maharashtra Ltd., City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra from Maharashtra state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Computer Education tenders in Maharashtra. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Computer Education related Tenders from Maharashtra. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Computer Education Tenders in Maharashtra. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Computer Education tenders published from Maharashtra. Also get daily email alerts for Computer Education related tender notices published by Government of Maharashtra.
42764948 Corrigendum : tender for microsoft campus licensing renewal
24670592 computer education for primary and secondary school student of roha municipal council
24476841 computer education for primary and secondary school student of roha municipal council
24291131 computer education for primary and secondary school student of roha municipal council
23265800 Corrigendum : tender for provide e learning marathi educational computer dt . washim
20871388 services, education and training services, computer training
20814250 services, education and training services, computer training
20554875 services, education and training services, computer training
16960473 services, education and training services, computer training
16819222 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers, software, educational software
16809403 it and telecommunications, software, customised software development
16618720 services, education and training services, computer training
16496279 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers, software, educational software
16178967 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers, software, educational software
15202661 it and telecommunications, computers, amc of computer
12728496 services, education and training services, educational training
11076333 services, education and training services, training service
10901583 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
10723923 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
10709278 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
10586335 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
10189293 services, education and training services, computer training
9979571 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
9837813 services, education and training services, computer training
7759773 services, education and training services, computer training
4246975 purchase of computers, education kit & equipments, software etc.
3139211 tender for implementation of computer education programme (ict scheme).
2936848 implementation of computer education programme ict scheme)
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