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48133100 auction sale of lot no: bmtc 016 lot name: scrap cut tubes & flaps
48090179 tender for supply of various size tyres for transport section
48012482 tender for special repairs to bldg no p 34 md accn at vnc under ge central bangalore
47980628 auction sale of lot no: 1 lot name: spare parts items tyres tubes and flaps as per annexure
47721101 tender for eco friendly paper packing (bed roll cover)
47667086 tender for supplying stationery material to mangaluru city corporation
47624853 auction sale of lot no: 1604 hbl lot name: scrapped round tubes, round flaps etc.
47624159 auction sale of lot no: 1524 bgk lot name: scrapped flaps size 1000x20 and cut flaps
47623767 auction sale of lot no: 1567 dwd lot name: scrapped cut and round flaps
47618210 Corrigendum : bids are invited for flap wheel (q3) total quantity : 1500
47496511 bids are invited for flap wheel (q3) total quantity : 100
47428837 tender for supplying stationery material to mangaluru city corporation
47425815 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets, tubeless tyres and additional tubes & flaps
47407030 auction sale of lot no: 2 lot name: tyres tubes and flaps 41 nos
47350957 tender for supply of eco friendly paper packing (bed roll cover)
47345442 Corrigendum : tender for sacrificial aluminium anode for y175 178
47324743 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets, tubeless tyres and additional tubes & flaps
47234263 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets, tubeless tyres and additional tubes & flaps.
47157759 tender for supply of radial tyres, tubes and flaps.
47153160 tender for procurement of rubber glazing of different sizes
47113754 bids are invited for biometric acs with magnetic lock and flap barrier total quantity : 1
47080432 tender for the supply of consumables for the dept of surgical gastroenterology
47059842 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets and tubeless tyres
47001509 tender for procurement of rubber glazing of different sizes
46984333 tender for procurement of tyre, tube and flap (ttf) set and additional tubes & flaps.
46981073 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets, tubeless tyres and additional tubes & flaps
46909238 tender for the supply of consumables for the dept of surgical gastroenterology
46903252 tender for eco friendly paper packing (bed roll cover)
46745630 tender for supply of tyre, tube & flap sets, tubeless tyres and additional tubes & flaps.
46727806 tender for procurement of rubber glazing of different sizes
46660962 bids are invited for seat cover , mud flaps , foot mats , air freshner total quantity : 142
46555329 auction sale of lot no: ksmg 362 lot name: scrap round flaps
46554981 auction sale of lot no: kcdg 372 lot name: scrap round flaps
46554673 auction sale of lot no: kptr 313 lot name: scrap round flaps
46532509 auction sale of lot no: kmdy 299 lot name: scrap round flaps
46531571 auction sale of lot no: kmysr 261 lot name: scrap round flaps
46511233 auction sale of lot no: kckb 100 lot name: scrap round flaps
46511139 auction sale of lot no: kmysu 167 lot name: scrap round flaps
46459586 auction sale of lot no: 1236 dwd lot name: scrapped flap/cut tube and other rubber items
46418864 tender for rate contract for supply of stationery to mandya university, mandya
46206980 auction sale of lot no: kkhsp 48 lot name: flaps full round
46206933 auction sale of lot no: kkblr 40 lot name: rubber flap cut pieces
46206930 auction sale of lot no: kkblr 32 lot name: flaps full round
46206766 auction sale of lot no: kkydg 77 lot name: flaps full round
46206373 auction sale of lot no: kkklb2 8 lot name: flaps full round
46206332 auction sale of lot no: kkvjp 83 lot name: flaps full round
46206146 auction sale of lot no: kkrch 28 lot name: scrap full round flaps
46206142 auction sale of lot no: kkrch 26 lot name: rubber round cut tubes & cut mud flaps
46206012 auction sale of lot no: kkklb1 4 lot name: flaps full round
46205945 auction sale of lot no: kkkpl 45 lot name: scrap cut /damaged flap size,1000x20
46132858 auction sale of lot no: bmtc3 150 lot name: scrap lot consisting of flap and epdm rubber
46113257 auction sale of lot no: bmtc3 150 lot name: scrap lot consisting of flap and epdm rubber
46078119 bids are invited for biometric acs with magnetic lock and flap barrier total quantity : 1
46050775 tender for procurement of rubber glazing with inserts and window flocked epdm rubber
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