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48187245 tender for unloading of steel billets/blooms from railway wagons at visl.
47752359 auction sale of lot no: 9.0 lot name: sandalwood billet iii
47752358 auction sale of lot no: 8.0 lot name: sandalwood billet iii
47752357 auction sale of lot no: 7.0 lot name: sandalwood billet ii
47752356 auction sale of lot no: 6.0 lot name: sandalwood billet ii
47752355 auction sale of lot no: 5.0 lot name: sandalwood billet i
47655388 auction sale of forest produce like timber/fire wood/billets/poles.
47428711 preparation of timber and billets/firewood works of kfdcl dharwad
46782928 auction sale of lot no: 13 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46782927 auction sale of lot no: 12 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46670562 tender for water cooled torch for billet & axle cutting machine
46581992 tender for sale of withbark euca from chickmagalaru division
46574984 auction sale of lot no: 15 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46574983 auction sale of lot no: 14 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46574982 auction sale of lot no: 13 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46574981 auction sale of lot no: 12 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46574980 auction sale of lot no: 11 lot name: acacia and eucalyptus billets
46541730 auction for disposal of forest produce such as nata/sawde/billets/poles etc.
46474146 tender for sale of withbark euca from chickmagalaru division
45919609 tender for supply of raw materials of aluminium alloy billets
45892550 tender for raw materials of aluminium alloy billets grade 2124 t851
45853227 auction sale of timber, firewood, billets and poles.
45601747 tender for disposal of forest produce like timber/firewood/billets/poles
45303805 tender for preparation of timber and billets/firewood works of kfdcl shivamogga
44895885 auction for disposal of forest produce like timber/fire wood/billets/poles
44225932 Corrigendum : tender for additional/alternator to certain billets at ats belgavi
44222776 auction for stock of timber/firewood/billets/poles at the government timber depot.
43598525 auction for stock of timber/firewood/billets/poles at the government timber depot.
43113620 Corrigendum : tender for special repair to furniture at candidate billet at 2 afsb mysore
43053303 Corrigendum : tender for additional /alteration to certain billets at ats belgavi
42826302 tender for water cooled torch for billet & axle cutting machine
42674573 tender for supply of raw materials of ecs lss deicying and power plant
42356858 tender for spares for billet cutting machine [6 items].
41962392 tender for preparation of timber and billets/firewood works of kfdcl shivamogga
41717124 auction sale of timber, firewood, billets and poles.
41612659 tender for additional/alternator to billets p 138 at mtc at chafb under ge (af) bangalore
40724766 auction of timber, firewood, billets and poles lying at katgal and idagunji timber depots.
40312754 auction for sale of timber , firewood , billets and poles
40001372 auctionfor disposal of forest produce like timber/firewood/billets/poles
39795191 tender for supply of billets / blooms to size 125mm x 125mm.
37737520 auction sale of lot consisting of billet mill scales as available in the lot area.
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