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Get latest Measuring Instrument related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Himachal Pradesh, Government Of Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Development Society from Himachal Pradesh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Measuring Instrument tenders in Himachal Pradesh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Measuring Instrument related Tenders from Himachal Pradesh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Measuring Instrument Tenders in Himachal Pradesh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Measuring Instrument tenders published from Himachal Pradesh. Also get daily email alerts for Measuring Instrument related tender notices published by Government of Himachal Pradesh.
29376342 bids are invited for cro , optical measuring instruments total quantity : 16
25754234 supply of measuring instruments for power house of chamera power station i.
25730686 Corrigendum : supply of measuring instruments for power house of chamera power station i
19847474 tender for calibration of measuring instruments and energy meters at cps 1
17455595 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
17445875 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
16115192 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
15993131 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
15581330 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
15552641 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
14398654 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
13555047 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
12665211 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
11661106 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
11360119 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
10638850 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
10061071 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
10018527 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
9912648 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
9910446 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
9910445 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
9420024 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
9419617 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
8653066 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
7811124 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
7805879 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
7798403 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6481523 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6250096 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6238503 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6237133 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6224749 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
3046314 purchase of lab equipments testing instruments for pulp papers and board industries
2876008 purchase of lab, testing instruments and all scientific measuring drawing instruments.
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