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Get latest Electrical Appliance related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Haryana, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited from Haryana state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Electrical Appliance tenders in Haryana. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Electrical Appliance related Tenders from Haryana. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Electrical Appliance Tenders in Haryana. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Electrical Appliance tenders published from Haryana. Also get daily email alerts for Electrical Appliance related tender notices published by Government of Haryana.
46306754 tender for providing electrical appliances in pwd rest house jhajjar in jhajjar district
36773192 Corrigendum : tender for renovation of electrical appliances in circuit house at rohtak
33600123 upgradation of bc choupal construction of toilets, pathway, electrical appliances etc.
24962701 annual maintenance contract of electrical appliances air conditioning system for one year
22999133 supply and electrical appliance for led lights in mc tauru
19225965 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
16203020 electrical industry, electrical work, amc of electric
15997263 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15822810 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
15600645 power generation and transmission, diversified power plant, power plant store spare
14937123 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance, electrification work
14926080 construction, drainage work, drainage, road construction, road work
12810490 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
9706939 electrical industry, electrical work, amc of electric
9574744 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
9546948 electrical industry, electrical work, amc of electric
9514897 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical products
9514860 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical products
9465565 electrical industry, electrical work, amc of electric
6871550 electrical industry, switches and relay, switch supply
6756222 electrical industry, switches and relay, switch supply
6630284 electrical industry, electrical product, electrical products
4584640 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
3042307 repair/replacement of summer cooling appliances & misc electrical mechanical works
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