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Get latest Cefuroxime related Tenders, online published by Central University Of Haryana, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited from Haryana state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Cefuroxime tenders in Haryana. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Cefuroxime related Tenders from Haryana. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Cefuroxime Tenders in Haryana. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Cefuroxime tenders published from Haryana. Also get daily email alerts for Cefuroxime related tender notices published by Government of Haryana.
47564799 tender for supply of medicine,consumable items, dental items & lab items
44271815 bids are invited for cdl items med store total quantity : 2473675
44154159 tender for rate contract for medicine, consumables, minor equipments and xray films
42810859 Corrigendum : tender for annual rate contract for supply of drugs and consumable items etc.
41549752 Corrigendum : tender for drugs medicines and lab items supply
40751474 tender for supply of medicine, consumables & lab items
38375365 tender for medicines, consumable & eye, dental material, lab reagent and articles.
38153343 tender for supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
35812208 Corrigendum : annual rate contract for supply of medicines, injectables, fluid etc
35752538 tender for supply of medicines and consumables items
34710747 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of generic medicine surgical items and x ray films
28487707 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
28409948 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
28112329 Corrigendum : rate contract for general medicine, surgical items, lab items and x ray films
27887356 Corrigendum : supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
27820325 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
27341226 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
27160813 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
27043660 purchase of drugs and consumable items for mh ambala
27025792 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
26761019 purchase of drugs and consumable items purchase of drugs and consumable items for mh ambala
25747723 supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for ch (wc) chandimandir
24999085 annual rate contract for supply of chemicals lab kits glassware and plastic ware
24218365 5987/304/ms/echs/01/2020 21 procurement of medicine
23989106 Corrigendum : procurement of pediatric ward items for consumables
21781606 regarding supply of medicine, lab, x ray, dental items etc.
21720405 supply of medicine under price agreement for echs polyclinic faridabad
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