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Get latest Testing Job related Tenders, online published by Alcock Ashdown [ Gujarat] Limited, Bar Council Of Gujarat, Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank from Gujarat state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Testing Job tenders in Gujarat. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Testing Job related Tenders from Gujarat. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Testing Job Tenders in Gujarat. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Testing Job tenders published from Gujarat. Also get daily email alerts for Testing Job related tender notices published by Government of Gujarat.
34000932 jc22elt265 arc for electrical testing jobs at gujarat refinery installations.
33905921 tender for kandla product and fire water pipeline pressure testing job
25039823 annual rate contract for electrical testing jobs at gujarat refinery installations .
19115421 construction, fabrication and casting, fabrication work, pipe line project, pipe laying
19107942 construction, fabrication and casting, fabrication work, pipe line project, pipe laying
17546139 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
16629409 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
16024875 construction, building material, construction material
13839452 machinery and tools, containers and storages, tanks and cylinders
13406048 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
12627632 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
10698454 machinery and tools, building material, construction material
9243641 machinery and tools, building material, construction material
8835143 electrical industry, circuit protection device, circuit breakers
8445264 services, mechanical engineering services, industrial ultrasonic testing
8440502 services, mechanical engineering services, industrial ultrasonic testing
7951893 it and telecommunications, it enabled services, document scanning and digitization
6985342 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
6984894 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
6755008 scientific instrument, universal testing machines, testing machine
6663458 distribution and conditioning, pumps, submersible pump
6635650 laboratory equipment and supplies, laboratory equipments, laboratory equipment
5999500 services, hospitality related services, housekeeping services
5996160 services, hospitality related services, housekeeping services
5978436 machinery and tools, containers and storages, tanks and cylinders
5843087 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
5839629 electrical industry, electrical work, electrical maintenance
5252520 electrical industry, electrical work, electrification work
4803383 electrical industry, electrical work, electromechanical work
4548870 construction, civil construction, civil work, plumbing and sanitary work
3056014 providing, evection, commissioning etc. job with complete testing job
2889766 maintenance hot job and testing of 38 vv 01a,b,c as per smpv at gujarat refinery
2888028 maintenance, hot job and testing of 38 – vv 01a/b/c as per smpv at gujarat refinery.
1706947 annual rate contract for chemical & mechanical lab testing job
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