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Get latest Concrete Flooring related Tenders, online published by Alcock Ashdown [ Gujarat] Limited, Bar Council Of Gujarat, Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank from Gujarat state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Concrete Flooring tenders in Gujarat. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Concrete Flooring related Tenders from Gujarat. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Concrete Flooring Tenders in Gujarat. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Concrete Flooring tenders published from Gujarat. Also get daily email alerts for Concrete Flooring related tender notices published by Government of Gujarat.
47339857 providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn x)
46990769 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn ix)
46296502 providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn vii)
46019382 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn vi)
45709729 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn v) .
45362728 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn iv)
45033295 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn iii)
44655237 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn ii).
44325776 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps (extn i)
43881235 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps
37847663 tender for providing slag concrete flooring tu bay coil & sheet area
37777679 annual rate for various items of materials supply and labour for road and building works.
36968508 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps(extn vii )
36648889 providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps(
36272090 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps(extn v )
35606769 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps(extn iii )
35438498 construction of diff work under d.m.f. in ta.abadasa (fifth attempt)
35028465 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps(extn i)
34613620 tender for providing and fixing rcc benches with concrete flooring at utran gbps.
28064304 boriavi nagar palika area annual item rate for boriavi nagar palika vistar
27425822 tender for construction of cement concrete flooring
23609068 providing of concrete flooring underneath pipeline inside oil jetty area at old kandla
23098592 construction of shop/ entrance gate, cement concrete flooring work.
17910686 construction, civil construction, civil work, fencing work, wire fencing
14638891 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
14205006 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, civil construction, civil work, flooring work
14153379 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
14132647 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
14008347 construction, fencing work, wire fencing, civil construction, flooring work, civil work
12701239 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
12697100 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
12692999 construction, civil construction, flooring work, road construction, pavement
12483902 construction, civil construction, flooring work, road construction, pavement
12172921 machinery and tools, building material, bricks supply, construction material
11838187 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
11213544 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
10629801 construction, excavation, excavation work, civil construction, foundation work
10487015 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
10435477 construction, civil construction, flooring work, building construction, shed construction
9780535 chemical oil and gas, paints and primers, paint supply
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