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Get latest Betamethasone related Tenders, online published by Central Institute For Research On Goats, Entertainment Society Of Goa, Goa Antibiotics And Pharmaceuticals Limited from Goa state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Betamethasone tenders in Goa. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Betamethasone related Tenders from Goa. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Betamethasone Tenders in Goa. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Betamethasone tenders published from Goa. Also get daily email alerts for Betamethasone related tender notices published by Government of Goa.
34976121 tender for ms/729/dglp/re 06/qtr demand oct dec/mh panaji
27908297 rate enquiry for medicines under dglp for items not covered under rate contract
27706499 supply of medicines, surgical and chemical for the period of three years from 2020 to 2023
26836842 price agreement of medical stores for drugs and medical device
24830390 tender for medicines for purchase under price agreement .
24830387 tender for rate enquiry for 199 medicines under dglp
24441927 ms/725/medicines/echs/re/20 21 rate enquiry of medicines under echs
20409334 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
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20236433 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
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18085309 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
18085291 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, nutritious foods, medicine, antibiotics
18085252 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, antibiotics
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18085233 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, antibiotics
13852601 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
12072463 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, nutritious foods, antibiotics
12072441 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
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