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Get latest Thin Client related Tenders, online published by Chhattisgarh Biofuel Development Authority, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank from Chhattisgarh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Thin Client tenders in Chhattisgarh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Thin Client related Tenders from Chhattisgarh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Thin Client Tenders in Chhattisgarh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Thin Client tenders published from Chhattisgarh. Also get daily email alerts for Thin Client related tender notices published by Government of Chhattisgarh.
46684074 tender for supply, installation and commissioning of gui based thin clients set.
45848201 auction olfa for sale of idle assets & surveyed off assets
44312241 bids are invited for thin client computers (v2) (q2) total quantity : 3
43799090 bids are invited for thin client computers (v2) (q2) total quantity : 3
43795397 bids are invited for thin client computers (v2) (q2) total quantity : 3
40819871 tender for cms kiosk, usb key board and mouse breath analyzer bio metric module
34139366 tender for supply of microprocessor based railway fare display unit with rs 232 serial
31429765 Corrigendum : bids are invited for thin client computers (q3) total quantity : 100
31002318 bids are invited for thin client computers (q3) total quantity : 100
30867535 bids are invited for thin client computers for railways (q3) total quantity : 268
29013194 Corrigendum : bids are invited for thin client computers total quantity : 3
26987661 bids are invited for thin client computers total quantity : 1
17321691 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
17044671 electrical industry, switches and relay, switch supply
16764034 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
15993136 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
15589579 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
13411899 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
12947049 it and telecommunications, computers, amc of computer
11666108 electronic components and supplies, electronic components, electronic items
8998735 it and telecommunications, computers, personal computers
8949961 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8776063 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8645604 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8286753 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8153090 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
6266506 it and telecommunications, networking equipment, networking equipments
5245276 it and telecommunications, computers, thin client computers
4996596 it and telecommunications, computers, thin client computers
3772462 supply of i) printer 136 col dmp ii) pc windows 7 os i3 processor
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