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Get latest Bio Fertilizer related Tenders, online published by Chhattisgarh Biofuel Development Authority, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank from Chhattisgarh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Bio Fertilizer tenders in Chhattisgarh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Bio Fertilizer related Tenders from Chhattisgarh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Bio Fertilizer Tenders in Chhattisgarh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Bio Fertilizer tenders published from Chhattisgarh. Also get daily email alerts for Bio Fertilizer related tender notices published by Government of Chhattisgarh.
46584176 bids are invited for potassium mobilizing bio fertilizer (kmb) (q3) total quantity : 900
41121308 tender for hdpe bottles bio fertilizer plant abanpur
39063136 tender for supply of chemicals for bio fertilizer plant abanpur
38749455 supply of chemicals for liquid bio fertilizer plant /2023 24 (4rthtender)
38732099 tender for supply of chemicals for bio fertilizer plant
37480633 expression of interest for making of bio fertilizer.
37072162 e tender (e bidding) for supply of equipments for liquid biofertillizer plant
35636873 tender for supply of liquid bio fertilizer plant equipment abanpur.
35636867 tender for supply of chemicals bio fertilizer plant abanpur.
35593212 supply of liquid bio fertilizer plant equipments year 2022 23 (3rd)
35386518 rco 04 bio fertilizer organic fertilizer (v a mycorhiza etc)year 2023 24
35267754 supply of rco 04 bio fertilizer organic fertilizer (v a mycorhiza etc)year 2023 24
35227889 tender for supply of liquid bio fertilizer plant equipment abanpur
35227867 tender for supply of chemical bio fertilizer plant abanpur
35180918 tender 69 liquid bio fertilizer plant equipments year 2022 23 (2nd)
34459026 tender for supply of liquid bio fertilizer plant equipment abnpur
34458958 tender for supply of chemicals bio fertilizer plant abnpur
28959504 rco 04 bio fertilizer organic fertilizer ( v a mico rhiza etc ) year 2021 22 ( re rco )
27527438 supply of rco 04 bio fertilizer and organic fertilizer (va mycorrhiza) .
27343597 provide of rco 04 bio fertilizer and organic fertilizer.
27118614 tender for rco 4 bio fertilizer and organic fertilizer[va mycorrhiza etc]
26798802 tender for rco 04 bio fertilizer & organic fertilizer (v a mico rhiza etc) year 2021 22
26723892 supply of bio fertilizer and organic fertilizer (v a micorhiza etc)
24242663 transportation of tender 75 seed, liquid bio fertilizer and other packing material.
24163071 transportation of seed, liquid, bio fertilizer and other packing materials .
23354259 tender for tender 83 label bio fertilizer plant (bfp)year 2019 20(2nd invitaion)
22574671 tender for tender 83 /label bio fertilizer plant (bfp)/2019 20
22559793 purchase of label sticker for bio fertilizer plants
22395366 supply of construction materials, forestry items and bio fertilizer.
16322055 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
11365671 machinery and tools, adhesives and sealants, other adhesives and sealants
11364660 machinery and tools, agricultural machinery, planting and seeding machinery
11145305 construction, building construction, building work, civil construction, civil work
7390844 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
7203596 machinery and tools, manufacturing machinery, machine tools
7169217 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
7116182 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply
4873914 machinery and tools, packaging materials, packaging material, adhesives and sealants, tape
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