Get latest Budesonide related Tenders, online published by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute Of Good Governance & Policy Analysis, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Science and Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital from Bihar state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Budesonide tenders in Bihar. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Budesonide related Tenders from Bihar. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Budesonide Tenders in Bihar. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Budesonide tenders published from Bihar. Also get daily email alerts for Budesonide related tender notices published by Government of Bihar.
46217745 tender for budesonide nebulising respules 0.5 mg/2 ml in phial
46216875 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
46119046 tender for budesonide nebulising respules 0.5 mg/2 ml in phial
46119000 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
45877029 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
45848157 tender for budesonide nebulising respules 0.5 mg/2 ml in phial
45046689 tender for {cssh} procurement of drugs (total 20 items)
44689287 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
44082272 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
43941443 tender for budesonide 0.5 mg nebulising respules ,2ml amp
43845291 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
43501048 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
43280285 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 06 items)
43144539 tender for (ph no.:21012) budesonide 100 mcg inhaler
43080582 tender for {cssh} supply of different types of drugs misc gr 2 (total 11 items)
42916629 bids are invited for medicine total quantity : 479357
41243473 Corrigendum : tender for rate contract for supply of medicine at aiims patna
41061080 tender for budesonide respules 0.5 m [(ph no.:21057) budesonide respules 0.5 mg/ 2 ml]
40486949 tender for budesonide 100 mcg inhale [(ph no.:21012) budesonide 100 mcg inhaler]
39026003 tender for (cssh) supply of formetrol fumarate 6 mcg + budesonide 200 mcg rotocaps
36099955 tender for supply of drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of bihar
35531958 tender for supply of medical stores under price agreement
35255938 tender for ambroxol, bethamethasone, budesonide respules & tetanus toxid
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