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Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47642341 bids are invited for supply of stores, detailed specification, description etc. as per attached annexure , power cage total quantity : 6202
47642340 bids are invited for supply of stores, detailed specification, description etc. as per attached annexure , potable water purification system with inbuilt water cooler total quantity : 1
47642331 bids are invited for supply of stores, detailed specification, description etc. as per attached annexure , high vacuum suction machine (v2) total quantity : 10
47642301 bids are invited for supply of stores, detailed specification, description etc. as per attached annexure. , zero client total quantity : 2
47642188 bids are invited for supply of item as per annexure welding equipment with full accessories. as annexure a:- (1) 01 no. rail profile grinding machine with 220 v 50 hz ac supply to grind the weld. rdso specification no. tm-sm-323. make :- noor -honda
47642176 bids are invited for oil filter 7 kva oil filter 7 kva , fuel filter primary 7 kva , fuel filter secondary 7 kva , air filter 7 kva , oil filter 11 kva , fuel filter primary , fuel filter secondary 11 kva , air filter 11 kva , starting rope assy , fu
47642171 bids are invited for supply of item as per annexure welding set equipment with full accessories. as annexure a:- (1) 01 no. rail profile grinding machine with 220 v 50 hz ac supply to grind the weld. rdso specification no. tm-sm- 323. make :- noor en
47642163 bids are invited for assy injector assy assy injector assy , fuel pre filter water assy , air filter element , assy fuel filter , assy oil filter , cadaverous injector total quantity : 8
47642151 bids are invited for fuel pre filter water assy fuel pre filter water assy , assy fuel filter , kit pad assy , kit wheel cyl , assy oil filter , air pre filter total quantity : 8
47642137 bids are invited for willfit spares distributor assy , vane pump assy , governer shaft , cross disc , assy outer handle rh , door lock assy rh , ball bearing , cabin light assy , bearing , cone washer locking hub , mounting rubber , nut sleeve gear d
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