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Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47649316 tender for supply of deseri taal for the scheme distribution of deseri taal among moran community namghar and satras
47649016 corrigendum : tender for rotary table double door airless shot blasting machine
47648899 carrying out tank sor jobs for construction of new retail outlet in all districts of assam under guwahati retail region
47648696 Corrigendum : tender for misc repair/ repainting and polishing to certain trade pattern furniture, charpoy ms tubing, charpoy gi pipe plywood top and table under ge missamari
47648623 Corrigendum : tender for periodical services to certain buidlings at x, l area and mes installation at af stn digaru.
47648477 tender for consultancy services for identification of feasible locations and types of pontoons(with hdpe materials) required at important ferry ghat points within assam.
47648245 tender for providing floor tiles on the technical section of ed(p)-hydro office and finance wing at ground floor of neepco bhawan, guwahati
47647991 Corrigendum : tender for repair, maint and replacement of unsv. blowers, condensing units, water seperator and connected accessories of wsa area and repair, maint and replacement of watch tower lights, security lights, solar lights etc. and allied assests at afs d
47647989 Corrigendum : tender for repair, maintenance and servicing of servo voltage stabilizers, capacitor banks, contactor, mfms and repair, replacement of unsv. wiring, flp fittings, switch conduits, panels and other allied works at tech area at af stn digaru.
47647926 Corrigendum : bids are invited for customized amc/cmc for pre-owned products - fire extinguisher cylinders; bharat fire and company; comprehensive maintenance contract (cmc); yes; no total quantity :
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