+91-777 804 8217
+91-98790 21744 | hr@tenderdetail.com
Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47620571 bids are invited for amc / cmc of fire extinguishers - government office; dry powder fire extinguisher total quantity :
47620537 tender for deployment of manpower for maritime skill development centre (msdc) on outsource basis during 2025-26
47620525 tender for maintenance kit for double brake
47620308 Corrigendum : bids are invited for custom bid for services - 200140918 rate contract for usfd tests for rail and welding joints of bgtps mgr track for 2 years operation and maintenance power house / power plant total quantity :
47620201 tender for sealed maintenance free battery vrla type 120 ah.
47620176 tender for area development at community pandal area, trainee hostel inside, backside of gym hall and brahmaputra gh front area, hospital building insideand other various areas at ntpc bgtpp township.
47620075 tender for purchase of 100 mw power on short term basis for the period 01-05-2025 to 30-09-2025
47619913 bids are invited for annual maintenance services for water purification and conditioning system (version 2) - as specified under atc; 3 to 5; package-5 : water purifier and conditioning system maintenance involving basic servicing, filters, membranes,
47619734 bids are invited for repair and overhauling service - spares parts of honda pg set; spares parts of honda pg set; yes; buyer premises total quantity :
47619719 bids are invited for security manpower service (version 2.0) - office/commercial/institutions/ residential; unarmed security guard , manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - unskilled; not required; others total quantity :
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