+91-777 804 8217
+91-98790 21744 | hr@tenderdetail.com
Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47995700 bids are invited for procurement of electrical spares or items dc clamp meter make thyemisto model th m88 , portable electrical winch lifting capacity upto 1000kg with tripod , led headlight torch , torch light rechargable portable torch light with c
47995695 bids are invited for procurement of spares for stp and vts vacuum pump v 26 , toilet evac 910 tervi , 3 way pneumatic valve 1 , actuator 3 by 2 1 by 8 220 ac , 2 way pneumatic valve 1 , magnetic valve 3 by 4 inch , coil , reducer valve , solenoid val
47995680 bids are invited for procurement of general tools and components or spares stainless steel digital vernier caliper 150mm , stainless steel digital vernier caliper 200mm , stainless steel manual vernier caliper , vernier depth caliper 300mm , carbide
47995674 bids are invited for custom bid for services - disposal of non oil soaked insulation,custom bid for services - disposal
47995314 tender for outsourcing of maintenance and provisioning of landline and broadband at vijayawada ap
47995203 tender for repair/maintenance/renewals to distribution pipelines at naval dockyard, ins satvahana, ins virbahu and attending emergency breakdown to water supply distribution network and other allied work under ge (u-ii) visakhapatnam
47995202 tender for repair/ maintenance of water distribution line, valve chamber, lt panels / starter and attending emergency breakdown to distribution line at dolphin hills and other aor under ge (u-ii) visakhapatnam
47995196 tender for repair and cleaning of oht / ug sumps, testing of water samples, repair to lt panels connected e/m accessories and attending emergency breakdowns to water supply distribution lines under ge (utility-ii) visakhapatnam
47994936 auction sale of immovable properties.
47994864 bids are invited for manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - highly- skilled; graduate; non-it technical , manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - skilled; graduate; admin , manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - unskilled; not r
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