+91-777 804 8217
+91-98790 21744 | hr@tenderdetail.com
Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47982642 bids are invited for multifunction machine mfm (v2) (q2) total quantity : 2
47982219 auction sale of point machines : actual lot no: 03112502 0007; plno 98414653 (15) [hsn code :85011020 ;gst@18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s s&t scrap of universal point machines , make: global scot / elgi/cg - 29 nos. full or broken. with or without attachm
47982218 auction sale of brass cage bearings : actual lot no 031125020060 .: pl no.98230840 (13) [hsn code: 84821011;gst @ 18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s released axle box 3phase msu bearings,axle box cylindrical roller bearings total-140 nos(different sizes), mak
47982217 auction sale of copper metal : actual lot no: 031125020044; pl no:98210154 (13) [hsn code: 740400; gst@18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s scrap of ohe copper contact wire 107/150 sq mm full or cut pieces. with or without attachments. total weight 2876.8kg loc
47982216 auction sale of carbon brushes : actual lot no. 031125020053, pl no.98414501 (13) [hsn code: 85452000 ;gst@18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s elec. scrap of electrical traction motor carbon brushes of taochi / hitachi. full or broken. with or without attachme
47982215 auction sale of electronic weighing machines : actual lot no. 031125020002. pl no. 98325012 (01); [hsn code: 84238900:gst@18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s electronic weighing machines total 24 nos (capacity for23nos -2ton capacity, for 1nos 1ton capacity: m
47982214 auction sale of batteries plastic body : actual lot no: 031125010098; pl no: 98414010 (15) (hsn code: 85481010; gst37@ on fcm basis) cond and us smf / vrla batteries of 12v/26ah,12v/150ah,12v/100ah,12v/42ah,12v/7ah,12v/88ah, 12v/75ah,10v/75ah, 2v/1100ah-
47982213 auction sale of s&t, battery chargers : actual lot no : 03112502 0058; pl no: 98414653 (15) [hsn code:85044030 :gst@18% on fcm basis] cond and u/s s&t scrap of gg tronics ssdac,empty vr/pr box,celo ssdac ,ips dc-dc converterts,ejb,ekt,e type locks,48 v sm
47982212 auction sale of adopters : actual lot no. 03122502 0230. pl no. 98050060 (15) (hsn code 72044900%u2014gst 18% on fcm basis) cs scrap of cond. & unserviceable wagon adopters of various types sorts & sizes full or cut with or without attachments. location:
47982211 auction sale of cs yokes :actual lot no. 03122502 0226 pl no. 98050060 (15) (hsn code 72044900-gst 18% on fcm basis) cs scrap of cond. & unserviceable cs yokes of sorts and sizes full or cut with or without attachments. location road no.1 (image attached)
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