+91-777 804 8217
+91-98790 21744 | hr@tenderdetail.com
Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47863727 auction sale of 03132502009498110159 (01) (hsn code: 72044900 - gst 18% on fcm basis), scrap of ond. & u/s. 8 wheeler wagons , bcn m1 , ,available on rails. 1) wr bcn m1 30089060039, 2 ) sr bcn m1 30069061636 , 3) sr bcn m1 30069062206, 4 ) er bcn m1 3002
47863725 auction sale of rolling stock items ? 3.800 mt-delivery on actual weighment basis. lot no. 5312 25 01 76 gtl gy rs aps. available with sse c and w gy. scrap, condemned, released, unserviceable rollinf stock items as follows-brake beams complete ? 50 nos-3
47863724 auction sale of erc- bikkavolu dump -plno:98050047- hsncode-72042920-cond and unserviceable ms scrap consisting of ercs. total qty-67.200 mts [80,000nos). full or cut, with or without attachments of grease, cl-iii bg. available at bikkavolu dump - km no:6
47863723 auction sale of 52kg rails- samalkot yard pl no-98011315- hsn code 72042920. cond & u/s scrap of 52 kg rails cl-iii, bg. total qty- 142 nos/783.960 rm/40.680 mt. available at km no 627/7-9 & 627/11-13. under control of sse/pway/slo. delivery on sectional
47863722 auction sale of 60kg rails - between tuni and hamsavaram : pl no: 98011327- hsn code: 72042920. cond & u/s scrap of 60 kg rails, cl-iii, bg. total qty-389 nos/4880.73rm/294.503 mt. available at between tuni and glu, km no: 676/3-7, 676/12-14, 677/18-20, 6
47863721 auction sale of s&t lead acid batteries - 98414010(15) cond.& u/s scrap of s&t lead acid batteries of different sorts and sizes in full or broken condition with or without attachment. consisting of 2v-40ah,80ah,120ah,200ah,300ah etc..available in the bin.
47863683 e-tendering for proposed civil works for front entrance area (main road to entrance plaza) of visitors complex (paver area, hard scape, cascade, planter box etc.)
47863601 tender for annual rate contract for mrs fabrication and installation for commercial and industrial connection works in vizag ga
47862400 providing bt surface to the road from peddandluru to sunnapurallapalli at peddandluru gp of jammalamadugu mandal of ysr district, kadapa, est. cost of rs.100.00 lakhs
47862399 removal and re-fixing of insulation and cladding sheet for boiler outer casing critical piping and headers of unit 1 and 2 boilers during annual overhaul period and the throughout the year 2025-26
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