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Get latest Surgical Blade related Tenders, online published by Andhra Pradesh Aviation Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh Building And Other Construction Workers Welfare Board from Andhra Pradesh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Surgical Blade tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Surgical Blade related Tenders from Andhra Pradesh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Surgical Blade Tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Surgical Blade tenders published from Andhra Pradesh. Also get daily email alerts for Surgical Blade related tender notices published by Government of Andhra Pradesh.
47164786 public health veterinary wing supply of surgical items
44524303 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of surgical items to np op pd ra rt so ur
42936033 Corrigendum : tender for procurement and supply of surgical
42149716 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of surgical items 5 for svims hospital ttd tirupati
39584563 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
39331614 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
39092085 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
39006512 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38998450 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38996978 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38995819 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38928989 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38818045 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38606736 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38533918 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38511368 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38445480 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38445478 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38445465 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38444960 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38444569 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38285302 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38285295 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38264909 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38018228 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38018136 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38017630 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38017337 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
38017088 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
37827423 Corrigendum : tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
37587758 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
37104639 tender for (bza/surgical) b.p. blades size 23 (box of 100)
36830496 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
36585524 tender for (bza/surgical) b.p. blades size 21 (box of 100)
36565041 tender for (bza/surgical) b.p. blades size 20 (box of 100)
36531251 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
35583637 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
27934422 Corrigendum : bids are invited for blades surgical detachable total quantity : 500
27934413 Corrigendum : bids are invited for blades surgical detachable total quantity : 500
27932533 Corrigendum : bids are invited for blades surgical detachable total quantity : 500
25885381 inviting tenders for supply of various medicines at sainik school kalikiri
23539889 Corrigendum : tender for price agreement for supply of drug and consumables
22489280 supply of medicines and other lab medical consumables on annual rate contract basis
19807185 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
19079332 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
17654470 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
13793648 chemical oil and gas, chemical industry, chemical supply, biochemicals
5873705 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, surgical disposable
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