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Get latest Haematology related Tenders, online published by Andhra Pradesh Aviation Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited, Andhra Pradesh Building And Other Construction Workers Welfare Board from Andhra Pradesh state. Participate online through e-Procurement website for Haematology tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Download Tender Documents, BOQ, Technical Bids for Haematology related Tenders from Andhra Pradesh. Get Bidding support for etenders related to Haematology Tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Get updated with latest information & right bids related to your product & Services, We also scan local newspapers, Government websites, e-Procurement portal for Haematology tenders published from Andhra Pradesh. Also get daily email alerts for Haematology related tender notices published by Government of Andhra Pradesh.
44147191 bids are invited for haematology trilevel controls, pack of 3 x 5ml total quantity : 6
39006595 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
36023629 tender for procurement of medical stores consumables
23539889 Corrigendum : tender for price agreement for supply of drug and consumables
22814904 (ph no.:40531) calibrator (1) low, (2) high, (3) normal for haematology cell counter
22447350 (ph no.:40531) calibrator (1) low, (2) high, (3) normal for haematology cell counter
22291314 (ph no.:40531) calibrator (1) low, (2) high, (3) normal for haematology cell counter
22095387 (ph no.:40531) calibrator (1) low, (2) high, (3) normal for haematology cell counter
19807123 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
19807017 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine
19079326 drugs and pharmaceutical, drugs and medicine, medicine, antibiotics
18762931 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, medical equipment
18036515 laboratory equipment and supplies, laboratory equipments, laboratory equipment
17063318 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, surgical disposable
16499460 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, surgical disposable
16171674 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, surgical disposable
11470485 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, medical equipment
10439238 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, medical equipment
9355569 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8310877 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
8214489 vehicles and accessories, railway machinery, railway ancillaries
6070309 distribution and conditioning, pipe supply, seamless pipe
6069060 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, medical equipment
6069058 medical related equipment and supplies, medical equipments, medical equipment
2822247 supply of consumables etc for use with haematology analysers model hema 2062 plus.
2772421 supply of consumables etc for use with haematology analysers model hema 2062 plus.
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